How to Restore Selected Files
This topic explains how to use Backup to restore selected files.
Start Backup in Advanced Mode.
For detailed instructions, see the following procedures:
On the Restore and Manage Media tab, in the Restore files to list, select the location to where you want the files restored. By default, the location specified is Original location.
Click Start Restore.
In the Restore To box, specify the Exchange server that you want the databases restored to.
The Restoring Database Store dialog box
In the Temporary location for log and patch files box, specify a directory to store log files during the restore process.
To perform the restore, you must have sufficient space in the directory to store the files. The disk space requirement is about 10 MB more than the size of the transaction log files that are being restored.
The directory that you specify in the Temporary location for log and patch files box must not contain the original database or log files or the restore might fail.
It is recommended that you create an empty temporary folder for this procedure. Because transaction logs are written per storage group, and not per database, using a temporary folder ensures that transaction log replay is isolated and will not interfere with undamaged databases that are still running in a storage group during recovery.
Select the Last Restore Set check box only if this is the last backup set that you have to restore before you remount your databases.
If you are restoring a backup that is part of a series of normal, differential, or incremental backups, leave this check box cleared until you restore the final incremental or differential backup in the series. The restore process does not initiate hard recovery to play back the log files to the database that is being restored until this box is selected.
If you do not select this check box when you restore the last backup set, you can use Eseutil to manually replay the transaction logs. For a step-by-step explanation of this process, see, "Replay the Transaction Log Files Using Eseutil /CC (Optional)" in Recovering an Exchange Database. For more information about hard recovery and transaction log replay, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 232938, "The 'Last Backup Set' Check Box and Hard Recovery in Exchange."
Only select the Mount Database After Restore check box if this is the last backup set that you plan to restore, and you are sure that you are ready to mount the databases. It is recommended that you do not select this check box.
Click OK when you are ready to start the restore process.
If Backup prompts you for the location of the backup file to use in the restore, select the correct backup name, and then click OK.
For more information about restoring Exchange Server 2003, see Restoring Exchange Server 2003.