How to Reinstall Exchange 2003 over a Damaged Installation
This procedure explains how to reinstall Exchange Server 2003 over a previous installation.
Insert the Exchange Installation CD, and then run the Setup program (Setup.exe) from <drive>:\setup\I386.
On the Welcome page, click Next.
On the Component Selection page, under Action, select the Reinstall option for the parent component "Microsoft Exchange," and then click Next. Components that are not installed are not available.
If the reinstall option does not appear, you can try to run the Setup program in disaster recovery mode with the /disasterrecovery switch. For more information, "Run Exchange Setup in Disaster Recovery Mode" in Member Server Recovery Procedures.
Reinstalling Exchange
On the Installation Summary page, click Next to start the reinstall process.
The Installation Summary page
Exchange stops all Exchange services and performs all the required steps to reinstall Exchange over the damaged installation, including recopying all files.
The Component Progress page
As the Setup program tries to copy installation files to your computer, the Confirm File Replace dialog box might appear, prompting you to specify whether you want to overwrite certain files on your server that are newer than the files being copied from the Exchange Setup CD. Because you are trying to repair files that are either damaged or the wrong version, you must click Yes to overwrite these files.
For Exchange 2000 servers, it is recommended that you do not overwrite these files. Instead, apply all required updates immediately after you run the Setup program in disaster recovery mode. Required updates are all updates that were applied to the server before the failure occurred.
The Confirm File Replace dialog box
After the wizard completes, the Setup program notifies you if there are errors and whether your installation of Exchange is successful.
Click Finish to exit Setup.
Install any Exchange service packs and hotfixes that were installed to the server before the repair process. If you ran setup with the /disasterrecovery switch, make sure to use the /disasterrecovery switch when you install service packs. For more information, see "Install Exchange Service Packs in Disaster Recovery Mode" in Member Server Recovery Procedures.
For more information about restoring Exchange Server 2003, see Restoring Exchange Server 2003.