How to Create a Mailbox for a New User
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.
Applies to: Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3
This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Console and the Exchange Management Shell to create a new user account in the Active Directory directory service and create a mailbox for that user. After you create the user and mailbox on a specified Mailbox server, the user can send and receive e-mail messages.
To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated the following:
Exchange Recipient Administrator role
Account Operator role for the applicable Active Directory containers
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.
If you want to create a new mailbox in a domain that is different than the one in which your Exchange servers reside, you must first prepare that domain for Exchange 2007. To learn more about preparing a domain for Exchange 2007, see How to Prepare Active Directory and Domains.
Start the Exchange Management Console.
In the console tree, click the Recipient Configuration node.
In the action pane, click New Mailbox. The New Mailbox wizard appears.
On the Introduction page, click User Mailbox, and then click Next.
On the User Type page, click New User, and then click Next.
On the User Information page, complete the following fields:
Organizational unit By default, the New Mailbox wizard displays the Users container in Active Directory. To change the default organizational unit (OU), click Browse, and then select the OU you want.
First name Type the first name of the user. This field is optional.
Initials Type the initials of the user. This field is optional.
Last name Type the last name of the user. This field is optional.
Name By default, this field is populated with the user's first name, initials, and last name. You can modify the name in this field.
User logon name (User Principal Name) Type the name that the user will use to log on to the mailbox. The user logon name consists of a user name and a suffix. Typically, the suffix is the domain name in which the user account resides.
User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) Type the user name for the user that is compatible with the legacy versions of Microsoft Windows (prior to the release of Windows 2000 Server). This field is automatically populated based on the User logon name (User Principal Name) field. This field is required.
Password Type the password that the user must use to log on to his or her mailbox.
Confirm password Retype the password that you entered in the Password field.
User must change password at next logon Select this check box if you want the user to reset the password.
Click Next.
On the Mailbox Settings page, complete the following fields:
Alias By default, this field is populated based on the User logon name (User Principal Name) of the user. You can modify the alias in this field. If the user logon name contains any characters that are not valid for the alias field, they will be replaced by underscore characters (_). The alias cannot exceed 64 characters and must be unique in the forest.
Mailbox database Click Browse to open the Select Mailbox Database dialog box. This dialog box lists all the mailbox databases in your Exchange organization. By default, the mailbox databases are sorted by name. You can also click the title of the corresponding column to sort the databases by storage group name or server name. Select the mailbox database you want to use, and then click OK.
Managed folder mailbox policy To specify a messaging records management (MRM) policy, select this check box, and then click Browse to select the MRM mailbox policy to be associated with this mailbox. For example, use this option if you want this mailbox to adhere to an MRM policy such as the retention period for the mailbox data. To learn more about managed folder mailbox policies, see Understanding Messaging Records Management. This is an optional field.
Managed custom folders are a premium feature of MRM. Mailboxes with policies that include managed custom folders require an Exchange Server Enterprise client access license (CAL).
Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy To specify an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy, select this check box, and then click Browse to select the Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy to be associated with this mailbox. To learn more about Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policies, see Understanding Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policies. This is an optional field.
Click Next.
On the New Mailbox page, review the Configuration Summary. To make any configuration changes, click Back. To create the new mailbox, click New.
On the Completion page, the Summary states whether the mailbox was successfully created. The summary also displays the Exchange Management Shell command that was used to create the mailbox.
Click Finish.
Run the following command:
New-Mailbox -Alias chris -Database "Storage Group 1\Mailbox Database 1" -Name ChrisAshton -OrganizationalUnit Users -FirstName Chris -LastName Ashton -DisplayName "Chris Ashton" -UserPrincipalName
The Exchange Management Shell will prompt you to enter a password for the user.
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the New-Mailbox reference topic.
Start the Exchange Management Console.
In the console tree, click the Recipient Configuration node.
In the action pane, click New Mailbox. The New Mailbox wizard appears.
On the Introduction page, click User Mailbox, and then click Next.
On the User Type page, click New User, and then click Next.
On the User Information page, complete the following fields:
Organizational unit By default, the New Mailbox wizard displays the Users container in Active Directory. To change the default organizational unit (OU), click Browse, and then select the OU you want.
First name Type the first name of the user. This field is optional.
Initials Type the initials of the user. This field is optional.
Last name Type the last name of the user. This field is optional.
Name By default, this field is populated with the user's first name, initials, and last name. You can modify the name in this field.
User logon name (User Principal Name) Type the name that the user will use to log on to the mailbox. The user logon name consists of a user name and a suffix. Typically, the suffix is the domain name in which the user account resides.
User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) Type the user name for the user that is compatible with the legacy versions of Microsoft Windows (prior to the release of Windows 2000 Server). This field is automatically populated based on the User logon name (User Principal Name) field. This field is required.
Password Type the password that the user must use to log on to his or her mailbox.
Confirm password Retype the password that you entered in the Password field.
User must change password at next logon Select this check box if you want the user to reset the password.
Click Next.
On the Mailbox Settings page, complete the following fields:
Alias By default, this field is populated based on the User logon name (User Principal Name) of the user. You can modify the alias in this field. If the user logon name contains any characters that are not valid for the alias field, they will be replaced by underscore characters (_). The alias cannot exceed 64 characters and must be unique in the forest.
Server To change the default server, select the server you want from this list.
Storage group To change the default storage group, select the storage group you want from this list.
Mailbox database To change the default mailbox database, select the mailbox database you want from this list.
Managed folder mailbox policy To specify a messaging records management (MRM) policy, select this check box, and then click Browse to select the MRM mailbox policy to be associated with this mailbox. For example, use this option if you want this mailbox to adhere to an MRM policy such as the retention period for the mailbox data. To learn more about managed folder mailbox policies, see Understanding Messaging Records Management. This is an optional field.
Managed custom folders are a premium feature of MRM. Mailboxes with policies that include managed custom folders require an Exchange Server Enterprise client access license (CAL).
Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy To specify an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy, select this check box, and then click Browse to select the Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy to be associated with this mailbox. To learn more about Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policies, see Understanding Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policies. This is an optional field.
Click Next.
On the New Mailbox page, review the Configuration Summary. To make any configuration changes, click Back. To create the new mailbox, click New.
On the Completion page, the Summary states whether the mailbox was successfully created. The summary also displays the Exchange Management Shell command that was used to create the mailbox.
Click Finish.
Run the following command:
New-Mailbox -Alias chris -Database "Storage Group 1\Mailbox Database 1" -Name ChrisAshton -OrganizationalUnit Users -FirstName Chris -LastName Ashton -DisplayName "Chris Ashton" -UserPrincipalName
The Exchange Management Shell will prompt you to enter a password for the user.
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the New-Mailbox (RTM) reference topic.
After the mailbox is created, we recommend that you perform the following tasks in accordance with the needs of your organization:
Configure anti-spam features. For detailed steps about how to configure anti-spam features, see How to Configure Anti-Spam Features on a Mailbox.
Configure message size limits. For detailed steps about how to configure message size limits for a mailbox, see How to Configure Message Size Limits for a Mailbox or a Mail-Enabled Public Folder.
Configure storage quotas. For detailed steps about how to configure storage quotas for a mailbox, see How to Configure Storage Quotas for a Mailbox.
Configure maximum number of recipients per message restriction. For detailed steps about how to configure this restriction for a mailbox, see How to Restrict the Number of Recipients per Message.
Enable or disable mailbox features such as MAPI, Microsoft Outlook Web Access, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, and Unified Messaging (UM). For more information, see the following topics:
For detailed steps about how to enable or disable MAPI, see How to Enable or Disable MAPI for a Mailbox User.
For detailed steps about how to enable or disable Outlook Web Access, see How to Enable or Disable Outlook Web Access for a Mailbox User.
For detailed steps about how to enable or disable Exchange ActiveSync, see How to Enable or Disable Exchange ActiveSync for a Mailbox User.
For detailed steps about configuring ActiveSync options for a mailbox user, see How to Configure Synchronization Options for Users.
For detailed steps about how to enable Unified Messaging, see How to Enable a User for Unified Messaging.
For detailed steps about how to enable or disable POP3, see How to Enable or Disable POP3 for a Mailbox User.
For detailed steps about how to enable or disable IMAP4, see How to Enable or Disable IMAP4 for a Mailbox User.
To learn more about mailboxes, see Understanding Recipients.
For more information about managing mailboxes, see Managing User Mailboxes and Managing Resource Mailboxes.
For more information about the Exchange Management Shell, see Using the Exchange Management Shell.
For more information about user names in Active Directory, see Active Directory naming.