Eseutil /G Integrity Mode
Eseutil /G integrity mode, is a reliable way to verify whether or not an Exchange Server database contains specific inconsistencies. Using this tool to test database integrity is a safe approach because the check is performed in a read-only mode. It is important to detect specific type of anomalies or inconsistencies in order to take proper steps to fix the database. You should recover the database to Clean Shutdown state before running an integrity check.
For more information about doing an integrity check using Eseutil, see How to Run Eseutil /G in Integrity Mode.
In Exchange Server version 5.5, when the Exchange Database Engine (ESE) encounters a read verification failure (Error -1018 (JET_errReadVerifyFailure)) during an Eseutil integrity check, the engine will not perform retry operations. If ESE tries to read the page after the initial failure, then the length of time to run the Eseutil function dramatically increases. In Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 2 (SP2), the ESE will try to successfully read the page up to a maximum of 16 times.
For more information, see the following topics in the Exchange Server Database Utility Guide: