How to Configure a Mobile Device to Use Exchange ActiveSync
The following procedure explains how to configure a mobile device such as the Pocket PC Phone Edition to use Exchange ActiveSync®. We recommend you perform this procedure on each mobile device in your organization. As an alternative, you can instruct your users how to configure their own devices.
On the mobile device, from the Today screen, tap Start, and then tap ActiveSync.
Tap Tools, tap Options, and then tap the Server tab.
Select the check box next to each type of information that you want to synchronize with the server.
To configure synchronization options for each type of information, select the type of information, and then tap Settings.
In the Server Name field, enter the address or name of the server to connect to when synchronizing Exchange data.
Tap Advanced.
On the Connection tab, enter the user name, password, and domain name.
On the Rules tab, select the rule that best applies to you, for how you want synchronization to work whenever information about your device and your Exchange server have both been changed.
Tap OK to accept the changes you made to ActiveSync.
Repeat this procedure for each of your users' Pocket PC Phone Edition devices. As an alternative, instruct your users about how to configure their devices for use with Exchange ActiveSync.
To resolve Exchange ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile Access errors, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 817379: Exchange ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile Access errors occur when SSL or forms-based authentication is required for Exchange Server 2003.
To troubleshoot Exchange ActiveSync issues, see Microsoft support Web cast, Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 ActiveSync issues (TechNet Support Web Cast).
To get information on Exchange ActiveSync 4.0 error codes, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 915152: Information about Microsoft ActiveSync 4.0 error codes, error messages, and how to troubleshoot the error codes.