How to Install Exchange Server 2003
After planning and preparing your Exchange organization, you are ready to run Exchange 2003 Setup. This topic explains how to run Exchange Setup to install Exchange Server 2003.
To install the first Exchange 2003 server in the forest, you must use an account that has Exchange Full Administrator permissions at the organization level and is a local administrator on the computer. Specifically, you can use the account you designated while running ForestPrep or an account from the group that you designated.
When you deploy Exchange 2003 servers into multiple domains for the first time, verify that the installation information for the first server you install replicates to all domains before you install the next server. If installation information from the first server has not replicated to all domains, there will be replication collision issues, and that server will lose permissions for the organizational object in Active Directory.
Log on to the server on which you want to install Exchange. Insert the Exchange Server 2003 CD into your CD-ROM drive.
On the Start menu, click Run and then type E:\setup\i386\setup, where E is your CD-ROM drive.
On the Welcome to the Microsoft Exchange Installation Wizard page, click Next.
On the License Agreement page, read the agreement. If you agree to the terms, click I agree, and then click Next.
On the Product Identification page, type your 25-digit product key, and then click Next.
On the Component Selection page, in the Action column, use the drop-down arrows to specify the appropriate action for each component, and then click Next.
The Component Selection page
On the Installation Type page, click Create a new Exchange Organization, and then click Next.
The Installation Type page
On the Organization Name page, in the Organization Name box, type your new Exchange organization name, and then click Next.
The name must contain at least 1 character, but be fewer than 64 characters. You can use the following characters in your new Exchange 2003 organization name:
A through Z
a through z
0 through 9
Hyphen or dash
The Organization Name page
On the License Agreement page, read the agreement. If you agree to the terms, click I agree that I have read and will be bound by the license agreements for this product, and then click Next.
On the Component Selection page, in the Action column, use the drop-down arrows to specify the appropriate action for each component, and then click Next.
On the Installation Summary page, confirm that your Exchange installation choices are correct, and then click Next.
The Installation Summary page
On the Completing the Microsoft Exchange Wizard page, click Finish.