Edit an email address policy
Applies to: Exchange Server 2013
Email address policies generate the primary and secondary email addresses for your recipients (which include users, contacts, and groups) so they can receive and send email.
For additional management tasks related to email address policies, see Email address policy procedures.
Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes.
You can't use the Exchange admin center (EAC) to edit an email address policy if the policy was created by using the Shell.
If the email address policy was created using a recipient filter, you must use the Shell to edit the email address policy. For more information, see Create an email address policy by using recipient filters.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the "Email address policies" entry in the Email addresses and address books topic.
For information about keyboard shortcuts that may apply to the procedures in this topic, see Keyboard shortcuts in the Exchange admin center.
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Navigate to Mail flow > Email address policies.
In the list view, select the email address policy you want to change, and then click Edit
In Email Address Policy, click Apply to and modify the settings.
A user can have multiple proxy email addresses for the same email account (for example, ayla@exchange.mail.contoso.com or ayla@contoso.com). These email addresses can then be applied by priority. For example, consider this scenario: you have two email address policies, and you assign them priorities of 1 and 2. If you create another policy, it will automatically be assigned a priority of 3. However, let's say you have two policies, and you specify that one of them is priority 1, but the other policy was assigned a default priority of 2 when it was created. In this case, the next policy you create will, by default, become the priority 2 policy. The previous priority 2 policy will be assigned a priority of 3.
Navigate to Mail flow > Email address policies.
Select the email address policy for which you want to change the priority, and then click Increase priority
or Decrease priority
This example edits the email address policy South East Offices that currently includes recipients in Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana to also include recipients in Texas.
Set-EmailAddressPolicy -Identity "South East Offices" -ConditionalStateorProvince "Georgia","Alabama","Louisiana","Texas"
Although the email address policy is already applied to recipients in Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana, you must include them in the parameter because the parameter overwrites values; it doesn't append values to existing ones.
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-EmailAddressPolicy.