How to Move the Property Store and the Property Store Logs for Full-Text Indexing in a Clustered Environment
To improve performance of your full-text indexing server, move the property store database files to your RAID array. You need to move the property store and the property store logs only one time for each server, because all indexes on a server use the same property store. To move the property store and property store log files in a clustered environment, perform the following procedure.
This procedure is one of six steps that you should perform when you are optimizing full-text indexing. For more details about the entire process, see How to Optimize Full-Text Indexing.
If the MSSearch resource is removed from the Exchange Virtual Server during this procedure, you can re-create it by following the steps documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 830189, Exchange Server 2003 computer cannot bring the Microsoft Search resource online.
Leave the Microsoft Search service running in Control Panel. Use Cluster Administrator to take the MSSearch resource (the cluster resource for the Microsoft Search service) offline.
Use the Pstoreutl tool to move the database to the new drive.
The Exchange Server 2003 data directories are located on the shared disk that you specified when you created the Exchange Virtual Server.
Use Cluster Administrator to bring the MSSearch resource online.