Set Resource Booking Policies
[This is pre-release documentation and subject to change in future releases. This topic's current status is: Writing Not Started.]
Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 Beta* *Topic Last Modified: 2008-12-01
This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Shell to set resource booking policies.
You cannot use the Exchange Management Console to set resource booking policies.
A resource booking policy specifies:
- Who can schedule a resource.
- When the resource can be scheduled.
- What meeting information will be visible on the resource's calendar.
- The response message that meeting organizers will receive.
To perform this procedure, you must be assigned, either directly or using a universal security group, one of the following management roles:
- Organization Management
- Organization Management - Tenant
- Recipient Management
- Recipient Management - Tenant
For more information, see Permissions Information for Cmdlet Help and Procedural Topics.
To use the Exchange Management Shell to set resource booking policies
To set a resource booking policy, run the following command:
To control who can schedule a resource, use the following parameters with the Set-CalendarProcessing command:
- AllBookInPolicy
- AllRequestInPolicy
- AllRequestOutOfPolicy
- BookInPolicy
- RequestInPolicy
- RequestOutOfPolicy
- ForwardRequestsToDelegates
- TentativePendingApproval
- ResourceDelegates
To control when a resource can be scheduled, use the following parameters with the Set-CalendarProcessing command:
- AllowConflicts
- BookingWindowInDays
- EnforceSchedulingHorizon
- MaximumDurationInMinutes
- AllowRecurringMeetings
- ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkingHours
- ConflictPercentageAllowed
- MaximumConflictInstances
To control what meeting information will be visible on the resource's calendar, use the following parameters with the Set-CalendarProcessing command:
- DeleteAttachments
- DeleteComments
- RemovePrivateProperty
- DeleteSubject
- DisableReminders
- AddOrganizerToSubject
- DeleteNonCalendarItems
- OrganizerInfo
To customize the response message that meeting organizers will receive, use the following parameters in the Set-CalendarProcessing command:
- AddAdditionalResponse
- AdditionalResponse
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the Set-CalendarProcessingg reference topic.
For more information about setting custom attributes on resource mailboxes, see Set-ResourceConfig.
For more information about managing resource scheduling, see Managing Resource Scheduling.
For more information about how to use Microsoft Outlook Web Access to configure resource mailbox properties, see "Resource Settings" in Outlook Web Access Help.