Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3
Use the Set-ReceiveConnector cmdlet to modify an existing Receive connector on a computer that has the Hub Transport server role or the Edge Transport server role installed.
Set-ReceiveConnector -Identity <ReceiveConnectorIdParameter> [-AuthMechanism <None | Tls | Integrated | BasicAuth | BasicAuthRequireTLS | ExchangeServer | ExternalAuthoritative>] [-Banner <String>] [-BinaryMimeEnabled <$true | $false>] [-Bindings <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ChunkingEnabled <$true | $false>] [-Comment <String>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-ConnectionInactivityTimeout <EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-ConnectionTimeout <EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-DefaultDomain <AcceptedDomainIdParameter>] [-DeliveryStatusNotificationEnabled <$true | $false>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-DomainSecureEnabled <$true | $false>] [-EightBitMimeEnabled <$true | $false>] [-EnableAuthGSSAPI <$true | $false>] [-Enabled <$true | $false>] [-EnhancedStatusCodesEnabled <$true | $false>] [-Fqdn <Fqdn>] [-LongAddressesEnabled <$true | $false>] [-MaxHeaderSize <ByteQuantifiedSize>] [-MaxHopCount <Int32>] [-MaxInboundConnection <Unlimited>] [-MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource <Int32>] [-MaxInboundConnectionPerSource <Unlimited>] [-MaxLocalHopCount <Int32>] [-MaxLogonFailures <Int32>] [-MaxMessageSize <ByteQuantifiedSize>] [-MaxProtocolErrors <Unlimited>] [-MaxRecipientsPerMessage <Int32>] [-MessageRateLimit <Unlimited>] [-Name <String>] [-OrarEnabled <$true | $false>] [-PermissionGroups <None | AnonymousUsers | ExchangeUsers | ExchangeServers | ExchangeLegacyServers | Partners | Custom>] [-PipeliningEnabled <$true | $false>] [-ProtocolLoggingLevel <None | Verbose>] [-RemoteIPRanges <MultiValuedProperty>] [-RequireEHLODomain <$true | $false>] [-RequireTLS <$true | $false>] [-SizeEnabled <Disabled | Enabled | EnabledWithoutValue>] [-TarpitInterval <EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]
Set-ReceiveConnector [-AuthMechanism <None | Tls | Integrated | BasicAuth | BasicAuthRequireTLS | ExchangeServer | ExternalAuthoritative>] [-Banner <String>] [-BinaryMimeEnabled <$true | $false>] [-Bindings <MultiValuedProperty>] [-ChunkingEnabled <$true | $false>] [-Comment <String>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-ConnectionInactivityTimeout <EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-ConnectionTimeout <EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-DefaultDomain <AcceptedDomainIdParameter>] [-DeliveryStatusNotificationEnabled <$true | $false>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-DomainSecureEnabled <$true | $false>] [-EightBitMimeEnabled <$true | $false>] [-EnableAuthGSSAPI <$true | $false>] [-Enabled <$true | $false>] [-EnhancedStatusCodesEnabled <$true | $false>] [-Fqdn <Fqdn>] [-Instance <ReceiveConnector>] [-LongAddressesEnabled <$true | $false>] [-MaxHeaderSize <ByteQuantifiedSize>] [-MaxHopCount <Int32>] [-MaxInboundConnection <Unlimited>] [-MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource <Int32>] [-MaxInboundConnectionPerSource <Unlimited>] [-MaxLocalHopCount <Int32>] [-MaxLogonFailures <Int32>] [-MaxMessageSize <ByteQuantifiedSize>] [-MaxProtocolErrors <Unlimited>] [-MaxRecipientsPerMessage <Int32>] [-MessageRateLimit <Unlimited>] [-Name <String>] [-OrarEnabled <$true | $false>] [-PermissionGroups <None | AnonymousUsers | ExchangeUsers | ExchangeServers | ExchangeLegacyServers | Partners | Custom>] [-PipeliningEnabled <$true | $false>] [-ProtocolLoggingLevel <None | Verbose>] [-RemoteIPRanges <MultiValuedProperty>] [-RequireEHLODomain <$true | $false>] [-RequireTLS <$true | $false>] [-SizeEnabled <Disabled | Enabled | EnabledWithoutValue>] [-TarpitInterval <EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]
The Set-ReceiveConnector cmdlet modifies an existing Receive connector. The Identity parameter is required when you run the Set-ReceiveConnector cmdlet.
After this task is completed, the Receive connector is modified.
To run the Set-ReceiveConnector cmdlet, the account you use must be delegated the following:
- Exchange Server Administrator role and local Administrators group for the target server
To run the Set-ReceiveConnector cmdlet on a computer that has the Edge Transport server role installed, you must log on by using an account that is a member of the local Administrators group on that computer.
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
Identity |
Required |
Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ReceiveConnectorIdParameter |
This parameter specifies the GUID or connector name that represents the Receive connector. The Identity label can be omitted. |
AuthMechanism |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.ReceiveConnector+AuthMechanisms |
This parameter specifies the advertised and accepted authentication mechanisms. The authentication options are |
Banner |
Optional |
System.String |
This parameter overrides the default Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 220 banner. When the value of the Banner parameter is blank, the default SMTP banner is the following:
When you specify a value for the Banner parameter, you must use the following syntax:
220 is the default "Service ready" SMTP response code as defined in RFC 2821. |
BinaryMimeEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Valid values for this parameter are |
Bindings |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.MultiValuedProperty |
This parameter specifies the local IP address and TCP port numbers that are used by the Receive connector to listen for inbound messages. Valid syntax for this parameter is <IP Address>:<TCP Port>, such as Note You must specify a local IP address that is valid for the Hub Transport server or Edge Transport server on which the Receive connector is located. If you specify an invalid local IP address, the Microsoft Exchange Transport service may fail to start when the service is restarted. To specify all IP addresses that are configured on all network adapters, you can use the IP address The values that you specify by using the Bindings parameter must satisfy one of the following requirements for uniqueness:
ChunkingEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Valid values for this parameter are |
Comment |
Optional |
System.String |
You must enclose the Comment parameter in double quotation marks, as follows, for example: |
Confirm |
Optional |
System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter |
The Confirm parameter causes the command to pause processing and requires you to acknowledge what the command will do before processing continues. You don't have to specify a value with the Confirm parameter. |
ConnectionInactivityTimeout |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter specifies the maximum amount of idle time before a connection to a Receive connector is closed. The default value for a Receive connector that is configured on a Hub Transport server is 5 minutes. The default value for a Receive connector that is configured on an Edge Transport server is 1 minute. To specify a value, enter the value as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss, where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. The value specified by the ConnectionTimeout parameter must be greater than the value specified by the ConnectionInactivityTimeout parameter. The valid input range for either parameter is |
ConnectionTimeOut |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
This parameter specifies the maximum time that a connection can remain open, even if the connection is actively transmitting data. The default value for a Receive connector that is configured on a Hub Transport server is 10 minutes The default value for a Receive connector that is configured on an Edge Transport server is 5 minutes. To specify a value, enter the value as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss, where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. The value specified by the ConnectionTimeout parameter must be greater than the value specified by the ConnectionInactivityTimeout parameter. The valid input range for either parameter is |
DefaultDomain |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.AcceptedDomainIdParameter |
This parameter specifies the domain name to append to values that are submitted to |
DeliveryStatusNotificationEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Valid values for this parameter are |
DomainController |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Fqdn |
To specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that writes this configuration change to the Active Directory directory service, include the DomainController parameter on the command. The DomainController parameter is not supported on computers that run the Edge Transport server role. The Edge Transport server role reads and writes only to the local ADAM instance. |
DomainSecureEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
This parameter is the first part of the process to enable mutual TLS authentication for the domains that are serviced by this Receive connector. Mutual TLS authentication functions correctly only if the following conditions are true:
The default value for DomainSecureEnabled is
The default value for DomainSecureEnabled is |
EightBitMimeEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Valid values for this parameter are |
EnableAuthGSSAPI |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
This parameter controls the advertisement of the Generic Security Services application programming interface (GSSAPI) authentication method when integrated Windows authentication is enabled on this connector. If the AuthMechanism parameter contains If you have Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) messaging servers that authenticate with this Receive connector, you should set the value of the EnableAuthGSSAPI parameter to The valid input range for this parameter is |
Enabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Valid values for this parameter are |
EnhancedStatusCodesEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Valid values for this parameter are |
Fqdn |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Fqdn |
This parameter specifies the FQDN that is used as the destination server for connected messaging servers that use the Receive connector to send incoming messages. The value of this parameter is displayed to connected messaging servers whenever a destination server name is required, as in the following examples:
The default value of the Fqdn parameter is the FQDN of the Hub Transport server or Edge Transport server that contains the Receive connector. Note Don’t modify the FQDN value on the default Receive connector named “Default <Server Name>” that is automatically created on Hub Transport servers. If you have multiple Hub Transport servers in your Exchange organization and you change the FQDN value on the “Default <Server Name>” Receive connector, internal mail flow between Hub Transport servers will fail. |
Instance |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.ReceiveConnector |
This parameter enables you to pass an entire object to the command to be processed. It is mainly used in scripts where an entire object must be passed to the command. |
LongAddressesEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
This parameter enables the Receive connector to accept long X.400 e-mail addresses. The X.400 e-mail addresses are encapsulated in SMTP e-mail addresses by using the Internet Mail Connector Encapsulated Address (IMCEA) encapsulation method. When the value of this parameter is When the value of this parameter is
Therefore, X.400 e-mail addresses can be up to 1860 characters long after IMCEA encapsulation. The valid input range for this parameter is |
MaxHeaderSize |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize |
This parameter specifies in bytes the maximum size of the SMTP message header that the Receive connector accepts before it closes the connection. The default value is
Unqualified values are treated as bytes. The valid input range for this parameter is |
MaxHopCount |
Optional |
System.Int32 |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of hops that a message can take before the message is rejected by the Receive connector. The maximum number of hops is determined by the number of |
MaxInboundConnection |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited |
The MaxInboundConnection parameter specifies the maximum number of inbound connections that this Receive connector serves at the same time. The default value is |
MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource |
Optional |
System.Int32 |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of connections that a Receive connector serves at the same time from a single IP address. The value is expressed as the percentage of available remaining connections on a Receive connector. Enter the value as an integer without the percent (%) character. The default value is 2 percent. The valid input range for this parameter is |
MaxInboundConnectionPerSource |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of inbound connections that this Receive connector serves at the same time from a single IP address. The default value is |
MaxLocalHopCount |
Optional |
System.Int32 |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of local hops that a message can take before the message is rejected by the Receive connector. The maximum number of local hops is determined by the number of Note When you upgrade a Hub Transport server or Edge Transport server to Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1), the value of the MaxLocalHopCount parameter is |
MaxLogonFailures |
Optional |
System.Int32 |
This parameter specifies the number of logon failures that the Receive connector retries before closing the connection. The default value is |
MaxMessageSize |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize |
This parameter specifies the maximum size of a message. The default value is
Unqualified integers are treated as bytes. The valid input range for this parameter is 65536 to 2147483647 bytes. |
MaxProtocolErrors |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of SMTP protocol errors that the Receive connector accepts before closing the connection. The default value is |
MaxRecipientsPerMessage |
Optional |
System.Int32 |
The MaxRecipientsPerMessage parameter specifies the maximum number of recipients per message that the Receive connector accepts before closing the connection. The default value is |
MessageRateLimit |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited |
This parameter specifies the maximum number of messages that can be sent by a single client IP address per minute. The default value for a Receive connector that is configured on a Hub Transport server is |
Name |
Optional |
System.String |
This parameter specifies the administrator-supplied name of the connector. Enter the Name parameter as a string as follows, for example: |
OrarEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
This parameter enables the Originator Requested Alternate Recipient (ORAR). When the value of this parameter is The valid input range for this parameter is |
PermissionGroups |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.PermissionGroups |
This parameter defines the groups or roles that can submit messages to the Receive connector and the permissions that are assigned to those groups. A permission group is a predefined set of permissions that is granted to well-known security principals. The valid values for this parameter are as follows: |
PipeliningEnabled |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Valid values for this parameter are |
ProtocolLoggingLevel |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ProtocolLoggingLevel |
This parameter enables or disables protocol logging for the specified Receive connector. A value of |
RemoteIPRanges |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.MultiValuedProperty |
This parameter specifies the remote IP addresses from which this connector accepts messages. Valid syntax for this parameter is <Starting IP Address>-<Ending IP Address>, such as Multiple Receive connectors on the same server can have overlapping remote IP address ranges as long as one IP address range is completely overlapped by another IP address. When remote IP address ranges overlap, the remote IP address range with the most specific match to the IP address of the connecting server is used. |
RequireEHLODomain |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Valid values for this parameter are |
RequireTLS |
Optional |
System.Boolean |
Valid values for this parameter are |
SizeEnabled |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.SizeMode |
Valid values for this parameter are |
TarpitInterval |
Optional |
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan |
The TarpitInterval parameter specifies the period of time to delay an SMTP response to a remote server that Exchange determines may be abusing the connection. Authenticated connections are never delayed in this manner. The default value is 5 seconds. To specify a value, enter the value as a time span: hh:mm:ss, where h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. The valid input range for this parameter is |
WhatIf |
Optional |
System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter |
The WhatIf parameter instructs the command to simulate the actions that it would take on the object. By using the WhatIf parameter, you can view what changes would occur without having to apply any of those changes. You don't have to specify a value with the WhatIf parameter. |
Error | Description |
The following example of the
Set-ReceiveConnector command sets the Banner parameter to "220 Banner Text here"
and the ConnectionTimeOut parameter to 00:15:00
Set-ReceiveConnector -Identity "Internet Receive Connector" -Banner "220 Banner Text here" -ConnectionTimeout 00:15:00