How to Create a Managed Folder
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.
Applies to: Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3
This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Console and the Exchange Management Shell to create managed custom folders and managed default folders in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated the following:
- Exchange Organization Administrators
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.
Also, before you perform this procedure, be aware of the following:
You do not have to create managed default folders*.* Managed default folders are created for you when Exchange 2007 is installed. You can, however, create additional instances of managed default folders for use in messaging records management (MRM). For example, you could apply managed content settings that deleted all messages over 90 days old to the managed default folder named Inbox. Next, you could create another managed default folder, also of the Inbox FolderType, with the name Extended Retention Inbox and create managed content settings that did not delete messages in that folder until they were one year old. Then, you could create managed folder mailbox policies that added one of the two different Inbox folders—either Inbox or Extended Retention Inbox—to users' mailboxes depending on their message retention needs.
Users always see standard default folder names in their mailboxes. In the preceding example, users would see the Inbox folder, regardless of whether the mailbox policy specified an Inbox or Extended Retention Inbox for the mailbox name. This is because the Name parameter, the unique identifier that is assigned by the administrator and used to label a managed folder, is never seen by the user. The user sees the FolderName parameter as the label that appears on the managed folder in the user's mailbox. The FolderName parameter of managed default folders cannot be changed, so the user always sees the standard name.
Only one managed default folder of a specific default folder type (for example, the Inbox folder) can be added to a user's mailbox. This is because you can assign only one mailbox policy to each mailbox, and you cannot assign more than one managed default folder of a specific default folder type in each mailbox policy.
Managed custom folders are a premium feature of MRM. Each mailbox that has managed custom folders requires an Exchange Server Enterprise client access license (CAL). Managed default folders require only an Exchange Server Standard CAL. To learn more about the licensing requirements for MRM, see "Client Access Licenses and MRM" in Understanding Messaging Records Management.
You can view a list of all of the managed default folders on the Managed Default Folders tab in the Exchange Management Console, or by typing the command
Get-ManagedFolder | Format-List Name
in the Exchange Management Shell.
Start the Exchange Management Console.
In the console tree, expand Organization Configuration, and then click Mailbox.
In the action pane, click New Managed Custom Folder. The New Managed Custom Folder wizard appears.
In the Name box, type the name of the new managed custom folder. This is the name used by the administrator to identify the folder. It is not seen by the user.
In the Display the following name when the folder is viewed in Office Outlook box, type a name for the new managed custom folder. This is the name of the folder seen by the user of the mailbox.
(Optional) In the Storage limit (KB) for this folder and its subfolders box, enter the maximum size for the folder (in kilobytes).
(Optional) In the Display the following comment when the folder is viewed in Outlook box, type a comment that you want to appear when the folder is viewed in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Outlook Web Access.
(Optional) To prevent users from minimizing the comment in Outlook 2007, select the Do not allow users to minimize this comment in Outlook check box.
Click New. The new managed custom folder is created.
Click Finish. The new managed custom folder appears on the Managed Custom Folders tab in the work pane of the Exchange Management Console.
Start the Exchange Management Shell.
Type the following command:
New-ManagedFolder -Name MyCustomFolder -FolderName "Folder Name That User Sees"
Start the Exchange Management Console.
In the console tree, expand Organization Configuration, and then click Mailbox.
In the action pane, click New Managed Default Folder. The New Managed Default Folder wizard appears.
In the Name box, type the name of the new managed default folder. This is the name used by the administrator to identify the folder. It is not seen by the user.
In the Default Folder Type drop-down box, select the type of default folder that you want to create (for example, Inbox).
(Optional) In the Display the following comment when the folder is viewed in Outlook box, type a comment that you want to appear when the folder is viewed in Outlook 2007 and Outlook Web Access.
(Optional) To prevent users from minimizing the comment in Outlook 2007, select the Do not allow users to minimize this comment in Outlook check box.
Click New. The new managed default folder is created.
Click Finish. The new managed default folder appears on the Managed Default Folders tab in the work pane of the Exchange Management Console.
Start the Exchange Management Shell.
Type the following command:
New-ManagedFolder -Name AnotherInbox -DefaultFolderType Inbox
For more information about managing and deploying messaging records management, see the following topics:
For more information about how to use ManagedFolder cmdlets in the Exchange Management Shell, see the following command reference topics: