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SpellingSuggestions Collection Object

Word Developer Reference

A collection of SpellingSuggestion objects that represent all the suggestions for a specified word or for the first word in the specified range.


Use the GetSpellingSuggestions method to return the SpellingSuggestions collection. The SpellingSuggestions method, when applied to the Application object, must specify the word to be checked. When the GetSpellingSuggestions method is applied to a range, the first word in the range is checked. The following example checks to see whether there are any spelling suggestions for any of the words in the active document. If there are, the suggestions are displayed in message boxes.

Visual Basic for Applications
  For Each wd In ActiveDocument.Words
    Set sugg = wd.GetSpellingSuggestions
    If sugg.Count <> 0 Then
        For Each ss In sugg
            MsgBox ss.Name
        Next ss
    End If
Next wd

You cannot add suggestions to or remove suggestions from the collection of spelling suggestions. Spelling suggestions are derived from main and custom dictionary files.

See Also