Rename an Outlook Web App Web Site

Applies to: Exchange Server 2010

You can use Internet Information Services (IIS) and the Shell to rename a Microsoft Office Outlook Web App Web site.

Looking for other management tasks related to Outlook Web App virtual directories? Check out Managing Outlook Web App Virtual Directories.

Use the Shell and IIS to rename an Outlook Web App Web site

You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Outlook Web App virtual directories" and "IIS Manager" entries in the Client Access Permissions topic.


Don't rename the Web site that's used by Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.

  1. Remove the Outlook Web App virtual directories that are associated with the Web site that you want to rename. For more information, see Remove an Outlook Web App Virtual Directory.
  2. Open IIS Manager, locate the Web Sites/<Web site to be renamed> directory. Right-click <Web site to be renamed>, and then click Rename.
  3. Enter the new name and press ENTER.
  4. Create new Outlook Web App virtual directories to replace the virtual directories that were deleted in step 1. For more information, see Create an Outlook Web App Virtual Directory.
  5. Open a command prompt, and then type iisreset /noforce to stop and start IIS.

For more information about syntax and parameters, see Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory and New-OwaVirtualDirectory.