Managing Content Connector User Authentication

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Creating Content Connector MSCMS 2001 User Groups Creating Content Connector MSCMS 2001 User Groups
Content Connector Guests Content Connector Guests
Content Connector Privileged Users Content Connector Privileged Users

Creating Content Connector MSCMS 2001 User Groups


You can set up various users to access different parts of your site. In the Method Systems sample site, the following users have been set up:

  • Guests: These users have no Content Management Server 2001 users rights. They include:

    • non-registered guest users

    • registered guest users.

  • Privileged users: These users have Content Management Server 2001 rights. They include:

    • Partners (OEM, Education, and Government users)

    • Content creators (authors and editors)

    • Administrators.

Content Connector Guests

Guests do not have any Content Management Server 2001 rights. They can only browse the pages you make accessible to any site visitor.

Setting up guest user access

For guests to see your site, you must give them access using the Server Configuration Application and Site Builder. See the section "Enabling guest user access options" in Chapter 5, "Using the Server Configuration Application" of the MSCMS 2001 Setup Guide, and Chapter 3, "Setting up Publishing: Assigning Publishing Rights" in this guide.

Non-registered guest users

Every non-registered guest user is given a basic automatic guest user profile, but for them to participate in personalization they must register.

You can choose to set up your site so new users must register immediately.

Registered guest users

Registered users are users who have created a Commerce Server 2000 profile. In the Method Systems site these users can create a profile by clicking the login portion of a site and registering.

  1. From the header, click Login. The registration page opens.

  2. New users must click the link, New user? Click here to register yourself.

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  3. From the registration page, the user provides a user name and password and then clicks Submit. The My Method page opens.

  4. The new registered user can participate in site personalization by filling out a user profile.

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Creating guest users in the Business Desk

The Business Manager can also create these users in the Business Desk using the Users module.

  1. From Users, click the Users module.

  2. Click New User from the toolbar. The New User window opens.

  3. Fill out the appropriate fields and click Save and Back.

Content Connector Privileged Users

Privileged users have a Content Management Server 2001 identity. On the Method Systems site, registered users are:

  • Partners (OEM, Education, and Government users)

  • Content contributors (authors, editors).

  • Administrators.

In the Method Systems solution site, partner users have privileged access to some news channels and placeholders within product pages. There are three kinds of partners in the solution site (OEM, Government, and Education). When a partner user logs on they are shown content that is specifically for them. This could include content that no other user sees.

Setting up privileged users in Content Management Server 2001

The following procedures describe how to set up partners, authors, editors, and administrators in Content Management Server 2001.

  1. Create an active directory or Windows 2000 domain user.

  2. Open Site Builder. (You must log on as the Administrator.)

  3. From the navigation bar, click User Roles.

  4. In the User Roles pane select Subscribers. Add the partner user to the appropriate MSCMS 2001 subscriber group (in the Method Systems site you would add this user to CS2000 OEM Partners, CS2000 Education Partners, or CS2000 Government Partners. See table below.)

Follow steps one to three for authors, editors, and administrators. See Chapter 3, "Setting up Publishing: Assigning Publishing Rights" for more information on adding users to a rights group.

User roles

Rights group


CS2000 OEM Partners
CS2000 Education Partners
CS2000 Government Partners


CS2000 Authors


CS2000 Editors


CS2000 Administrator

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Logging on to a Content Connector site as a privileged user

When you log onto the Method Systems site as a partner or author, you are logged on to both Content Management Server 2001 and Commerce Server 2000.

  1. Open your browser and type in the URL for Method Systems https://<your server>/MethodSystems. 

  2. From the header, click Login. The registration page opens.

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  3. In the Partner and Author section, fill out your user name and password (and domain, if the selection list is displayed) using your Windows 2000 or Active Directory user name and password. You are now logged on to Commerce Server Manager 2001 and Commerce Server 2000. To avoid accidently conflicting with other users, the characters MSCMS_ are automatically attached to your generated profile name. No users with MSCMS_ can log on using the Registered Guest login.

    A password is auto-generated as "********" (eight asterisks) for the generated Commerce Server profile, but users will never need to type that.

Setting the partner type in the Business Desk

When a partner user logs on to the site for the first time, a Commerce Server profile is automatically created, but the business manager must set their partner type.

Note Before you can set the partner type for a privileged user, they must have logged on the site at least once. You can do this for them immediately after creating the user in Active Directory or Windows NT and setting them up in Content Management Server 2001.

Setting up privileged users in the Business Desk
  1. From the Business Desk find a user profile.

  2. Select Open User from the toolbar. The Update User window opens.

  3. From the Account Info section, select the Partner Type from the drop-down list. Set the Partner Type as appropriate to your user. Set partners according to who they are and what you want them to see, for example, in the Method Systems site, they would be set as Education, OEM, or Government users. For content contributors and administrators, they would be set as Managers so they can see personalized content intended for all partner types.

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Setting the partner and author login domain in the solution site

You have the option of making a domain selection drop-down list box appear or not on the partner login portion of your site. This is set by a Boolean flag in the Content Management Server 2001 Data Resource in Commerce Server Manager.

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To set the default domain to be automatically used: 

  1. Open the Commerce Server Manager. Expand Commerce Server Manager>Commerce Sites>MethodSystems>Site Resources>Content Data.

  2. Right-click Content Data. Click Properties. The Content Data Properties dialog box opens.

  3. Select Display Login Domains on Site. Notice the Selected Property Value is set at 1. This means a drop-down list of all available MSCMS 2001 login domains appears on the login part of the site.

  4. Change the value to 0. This means the user will not be able to select a domain when logging on the site. The domain will default to whatever is listed in the Default Login Domain property in the Content Data Properties window. At install this is set to the first authorized domain in the MSCMS 2001 list, but any authorized domain can be used.

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  5. Once you make this change, you must make the root level application reload. This may require an iisreset.