Toolbox > Queue Viewer > Messages Tab (RTM)
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.
Applies to: Exchange Server 2007
Use the Messages page in the Queue Viewer to view and perform actions on messages that are present in queues. The list of messages can be very large, depending on current mail flow. The list of messages changes when messages enter and leave the server.
To filter the display of messages, click Create Filter. Any of the available message properties can be defined as filter criteria. To add an additional message filter expression, click Add Expression. To remove a specific message filter expression, click next to the expression. To apply all the defined message filter expressions, click Apply Filter. To remove all the message filter expressions, click Remove Filter.
To add or remove the message properties that are displayed, in the action pane, directly under Queue Viewer, click View, and then click Add/Remove Columns.
To view detailed information about a message, select a message, and then in the action pane, click Properties.
You may perform the following actions on messages:
To temporarily prevent delivery of a message, select the message and then click Suspend.Note
This action is not available for messages that are in the poison message queue, because poison messages are in a permanently suspended state.
- Resume
To resume a suspended message, select the message and then click Resume. This action only appears if the select message is suspended.
Remove (with NDR)
To remove a message from a queue and submit a non-delivery report (NDR) to the sender, select the message and then click Remove messages (with NDR).Note
NDR messages are not sent for NDR messages that are removed by using the Remove (with NDR) action.
- Remove (without Sending NDR)
To remove a message from a queue without sending an NDR, select the message and then click Remove (without sending NDR).
The message properties that you can use to create filter expressions or display in the columns of the Messages page are described in the following list:
- Date Received
This field shows the date-time when the message was received by the server that holds the queue in which the message is located.
- Expiration Time
This field shows the date-time when the message will expire and will be removed from the queue if the message cannot be delivered.
- From Address
This field shows the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address of the sender of the message. This value is taken fromMAIL FROM
: in the message envelope.
- Identity
This field shows the integer that represents a particular message. The message identity is assigned by the queue database when the message is received for processing. You can include an optional server and queue identity to identify a unique instance of the message.
- Internet Message ID
This field shows the value of theMessageID
: header field. The value is expressed as a GUID followed by the SMTP address of the sending server, as in this example:
- Last Error
This field shows the last error that was recorded for a message.
- Message Source Name
This field shows the name of the component that submitted this message to the queue.
- Queue ID
This field shows the identity of the queue that holds the message. The queue identity is expressed in the form Server\destination, where destination is a remote domain, mailbox server, persistent queue name, or the queue database identifier. The queue database identifier is represented as an integer and can be determined by viewing the message properties.
- Retry Count
This field shows the number of times that delivery of a message to a destination was tried.
This field shows the spam confidence level (SCL) rating of the message. Valid SCL entries are integers 0 through 9. An empty SCL entry indicates that the message hasn't been processed by the Content Filter agent.
- Size (KB)
This field shows the size of the message rounded up to the nearest kilobyte (KB).
- Source IP
This field shows the IP address of the external server that submitted the message to the Exchange organization.
This field shows the current message status. A message can have one of the following status values:Active If the message is in a delivery queue, the message is being delivered to its destination. If the message is in the Submission queue, the message is being processed by the Categorizer.
Suspended The message was suspended by the administrator.
Pending Remove The message was deleted by the administrator but was already in delivery. The message will be deleted if the delivery ends in an error that causes the message to re-enter the queue. Otherwise, delivery will continue.
Pending Suspend The message was suspended by the administrator but was already in delivery. The message will be suspended if the delivery ends in an error that causes the message to re-enter the queue. Otherwise, delivery will continue.
Ready The message is waiting in the queue and is ready to be processed.
Retry The last connection attempt failed for the queue in which this message is located. The message is waiting for the next queue retry.
- Subject
This field shows the subject of a message and is expressed as a text string. The value is taken from theSubject:
header field.
For more information about how to use the Queue Viewer, see the following topics: