Manifest File Elements

Manifest File Elements

This topic shows the default manifest file created for an English language application, and describes each element in the file.

Default values for most manifest elements are pre-populated with file names and options that the developer specifies when running the Speech Web Application Wizard. These include application name, frontpage, and resource src.

Additionally, the file is pre-populated with an entry (resourceset type) for each type of speech engine that might be used by the application: TelephonyRecognizer or MultiModalRecognizer for recognition engines, and Voice for prompt, or speech output engines.

The default entries may vary based on the values supplied at the time the Wizard is run. For instance, the application may support a non-English language.

For more information, see the following topics in the documentation for Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 (SASDK):

  • Using the Project Wizard to Add Grammar Files to a New Project

  • Using the Project Wizard to Add a Prompt Project

  • Supporting non-English Resources

The following sections describe each element.

Default Manifest File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <application name="SpeechWebApplication1" frontpage="Default.aspx">
     <resourceset type="TelephonyRecognizer">
       <resource src = "Grammars/Library.grxml"/>
       <resource src = "Grammars/SpeechWebApplication1.grxml"/>
       <!-- Add other grammar resources here -->
    <resourceset type="Voice">
       <resource src = "Prompts/SpeechWebApplication1Prompts.prompts"/>
       <!-- Add other prompt resources here-->
  <!-- The following section provides example manifest entries to use when
   specifying resources for multi-language applications.
    U.S. English
    <resourceset type="TelephonyRecognizer">
      <resource src="Add your U.S. English grammar resource here"/>
    <resourceset type="Voice">
      <resource src ="Add your U.S. English prompt resource here"/>
    U.S. Spanish
    <resourceset type="es-US_TelephonyRecognizer">
       <resource src="Add your U.S. Spanish grammar resource here"/>
    <resourceset type="es-US_Voice">
       <resource src="Add your U.S. Spanish prompt resource here"/>
    Canadian French
    <resourceset type="fr-CA_TelephonyRecognizer">
       <resource src="Add your Canadian French grammar resource here"/>
    <resourceset type="fr-CA_Voice">
       <resource src="Add your Canadian French prompt resource here"/>

Manifest Element Descriptions

application name

The value for application name is significant only when creating a custom engine configuration to support the application. If no such configuration exists, SES loads all resources for this application into the Default engine configurations matching the corresponding resourceset type.

For more information, see About Engine Configurations.

application frontpage

Specifies the first page for the application. Default.aspx is generated by the Speech Web Application Project Wizard, mentioned previously, and is generally used as a starting point when building the application.

resourceset type

Specifies the type of speech engine to use when loading a particular resource.

The values for resourceset type correspond to the Resource Set to Preload setting in the Speech Engine Configurations tab of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in. When the application is deployed, these entries must match each other or the application may not run as expected.

For more information, see Creating a New Engine Configuration.

Valid values include:

  • TelephonyRecognizer; fr-CA_TelephonyRecognizer; or es-US_TelephonyRecognizer

    Use this engine type when loading grammar resources for telephony (voice-only) applications.

    The non-English language engine values are valid only if the corresponding Language Pack has been installed. See Installing or Removing a Language Pack.

  • MultimodalRecognizer

    Use this engine type when loading grammar resources for multimodal applications. Add a new resourceset type entry for this purpose:

    <resourceset type="MultimodalRecognizer">

  • Voice; fr-CA_Voice; or es-US_Voice

    Use this engine type when loading prompt databases for either telephony or multimodal applications.

    The non-English language engine values are valid only if the corresponding Language Pack has been installed. See Installing or Removing a Language Pack.

  • DTMF

    Use this engine type when loading DTMF grammar files. Add a new resourceset type entry for this purpose:

    <resourceset type="DTMF">

resource src

Specifies the URL of the resource to preload and cache. Default entries are created for the grammar and prompt file names generated by the Speech Web Application Project Wizard. Additional resource files to be preloaded and cached may be listed here.

Note  Resource types must match engine types, or SES will be unable to load them. For example, if a prompt database is specified under TelephonyRecognizer, it will not be loaded. Similarly, if a Spanish grammar is listed as the resource src under the resourceset type entry for the French recognition engine (fr-CA_TelephonyRecognizer), SES will generate an error during load time.

See Also

Specifying the Location of the Manifest File | About Start Pages | Administering Speech Application Deployment Service