Deployment Class

Deployment Class

The Deployment class contains a list of the manageable Telephony Application Services (TAS), Speech Application Deployment Service (SADS), and Speech Engine Services (SES) instances in the deployment.

Set deploymentclass = GetObject("winmgmts:root/MSS:Deployment")

Service Class

The Deployment class uses the Service class to store and retrieve the types of services on any given computer. References to instances of the Service class are stored in the Services property of the Deployment class. For that reason, it is not useful to connect to the Service class outside the context of the Deployment class.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Script Example

The following code sample lists the services in the default deployment.

strDeploymentName = "Default"
' Connect to MSS namespace on the specified computer.
Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objNamespace = objLocator.ConnectServer("localhost", "root/MSS")
' Get the WMI deployment object.
Set objDeployment = objNamespace.Get("Deployment.Name='" & strDeploymentName & "'")
' Display the service names.
WScript.Echo "Servers:" & vbCrLf
If IsArray(objDeployment.Services) Then
    For Each service In objDeployment.Services
        Set objCurrService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & service)
        WScript.Echo objCurrService.Name
End If



Name property

Gets and sets the unique name that identifies a deployment.

Services property

Gets and sets the list of all manageable instances of SES, TAS or SADS in the deployment.