TAS Class

TAS Class

The TAS class contains properties to view and modify Telephony Application Services (TAS) configuration settings. It also exposes the current state of the service.

Set objTelephonyServer = GetObject("winmgmts:root\MSS:TAS=@")


Methods on the TAS class are asynchronous. A computer can host only one instance of TAS.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Script Example

The two statements below retrieve the unique instance of the TAS class on the localhost, and display the value of the StartPageIn property on the screen.

Set ts = GetObject("winmgmts:root\MSS:TAS=@")
WScript.Echo ts.StartPageIn




InvalidateCache method

Issues an asynchronous request to TAS to invalidate all cache entries.




EnableAppSmex property

Gets and sets a value that determines whether custom SMEX (Simple Messaging EXtension) objects that a SALT application specifies can be created.

EngineAttributes property

Gets and sets a string that TAS uses to select the recognition engine that SES uses.

InactiveTimeout property

Gets and sets the amount of time allowed for the application to run after the call disconnects. This property also gets and sets the time allowed for the Start page to execute before encountering a SMEX (Simple Messaging EXtension) object.

Lang property

Gets and sets the default SALT interpreter language identifier, if the language identifier is not already specified on the page.

LoadMemoryLimit property

Gets and sets the portion of the computer's memory allocated to TAS.

NotificationMessageQueue property

Gets and sets the path name of the queue where outbound notification requests are generated. This property is used when configuring TAS to manage outbound calling applications.

NumInterpOverride property

Gets and sets the number of SALT interpreters that TAS creates to service incoming calls.

NumOutInterpOverride property

Gets and sets the number of SALT interpreters that TAS creates to service outgoing calls.

ProcessMemoryLimit property

Gets and sets the memory allocated to TAS.

RecordingDirectory property

Gets and sets the folder where application-defined recorded audio files are temporarily stored.

RecycleCallLimit property

Gets and sets the maximum number of calls that the application domain answers before it is recycled.

ScheduleRecycle property

Gets and sets a scheduled time to recycle the TAS worker process.

ScriptTimeout property

Gets and sets the time that the SALT interpreter allows for an event handler to execute.

ShutdownTimeout property

Gets and sets the amount of time allowed for the server to finish all ongoing sessions when the service is paused, or when the server performs an application domain recycle.

SpeechBargein property

Gets and sets a string that specifies whether speech detection for barge-in occurs on the telephony card, or in the speech recognition engine.

SpeechServer property

Gets and sets the URL of SES to be used by TAS.

StartPageIn property

Gets and sets the Start page used for inbound SALT interpreters.

StartPageInRefreshTime property

Gets and sets the amount of time (in minutes) to wait before refreshing the Start page used for inbound SALT interpreters. A value of zero specifies no periodic refreshing.
Changing the value of StartPageIn also refreshes the page, as does an Application Domain or Process recycle.

State property

Gets and sets a string that specifies the current state of the service.