Application Center Log Schema


This is a tabular representation of the event log and performance logs schemes for Application Center. This information is given to facilitate archiving and report generation by third-party tools, or by Microsoft Access, SQL Server 2000, or Office 2000. The database can be found at %InstallationPartition%\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$MSAC\data\ACLog.mdf.

ACLog Database

The ACLog database contains several tables used by Application Center to store data and to retrieve stored data for display in the user interface.

Table Name



Used to store cluster server identifying information (for example, GUID)


Used to store unique event instance information such as: the server ID and GUID, Event class ID, event generation time, and event data.


Used to store common event information such as: event severity, the event log, category or sub-category, the name displayed, short message, and event description.


Used to display the event Troubleshooting Information associated with a given event.


Used to store counter information such as: the counter name, counter status (active or inactive), the scale used, type of server or cluster data aggregation, and units of measurement.


Used to store counter information that is collected every 10 seconds for active counters. The information stored includes the server and counter ID, the time the data was collected, and the actual data.


Used to store PerfHistory data that's been rolled up into one-minute intervals


Used to store PerfHistory data that's been rolled up into 15-minute intervals


Used to store PerfHistory data that's been rolled up into two-hour intervals


Used to store PerfHistory data that's been rolled up into one-day intervals

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