ISA Server Enterprise Edition Administrator Roles

Privileges on specific levels of ISA Server Management are defined through administrator roles. You can allow users to be administrators on an enterprise level, while other users will be administrators of specific arrays. Some administrators can make changes to policy, while others can only view the policy or monitor ISA Server. ISA Server 2006 Enterprise Edition roles are explained in the following table.

Role Description

ISA Server Enterprise Administrator

Users and groups assigned this role have full control over the enterprise and all array configurations. The Enterprise Administrator can also assign roles to other users and groups.

ISA Server Enterprise Auditor

Users and groups assigned this role can view the enterprise configuration and all array configurations.

ISA Server Administrator

Users and groups assigned this role can perform any ISA Server task, including rule configuration, applying of network templates, and monitoring.

ISA Server Array Auditor

Users and groups assigned this role can perform all monitoring tasks, including log configuration, alert definition configuration, and all monitoring functions available to the ISA Server Basic Monitoring role.

ISA Server Array Monitoring Auditor

Users and groups assigned this role can monitor the ISA Server computer and network activity, but cannot configure specific monitoring functionality.

For more information about ISA Server administrator roles, see the product documentation.