How to Mark a Tape as Free
Applies To: System Center Data Protection Manager 2007
A free tape is a tape that is available to be written to by operations such as backup or copy. To reuse an expired tape from another DPM server, you must add it to the tape library or stand-alone tape drive and then mark it as free. Expired tapes that are being managed by that DPM server can be reused automatically without being marked as free by the administrator.
Blank tapes are automatically marked as free.
In DPM Administrator Console, click Management on the navigation bar, and then click the Libraries tab.
In the display pane, expand the tape library or stand-alone tape drive and select the tape to be marked as free.
In the Actions pane, click Mark tape as free.
Use the following syntax to mark a tape as free:
Set-Tape [-Tape] <Media[]> -Free [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
Use the following syntax to mark a tape as not free:
Set-Tape [-Tape] <Media[]> -NotFree [-PassThru] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference> ] [-ErrorVariable <String> ] [-OutVariable <String> ] [-OutBuffer <Int32> ]
For more information, type "Get-Help Set-Tape -detailed" in DPM Management Shell.
For technical information, type "Get-Help Set-Tape -full" in DPM Management Shell.