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ADO NET Source Editor (Connection Manager Page)

Use the Connection Manager page of the ADO NET Source Editor dialog box to select the ADO.NET connection manager for the source. This page also lets you select a table or view from the database.

To learn more about the ADO NET source, see ADO NET Source.

To open the Connection Manager page

  1. In SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), open the Integration Services package that has the ADO NET source.

  2. On the Data Flow tab, double-click the ADO NET source.

  3. In the ADO NET Source Editor, click Connection Manager.

Static Options

  • ADO.NET connection manager
    Select an existing connection manager from the list, or create a new connection by clicking New.

  • New
    Create a new connection manager by using the Configure ADO.NET Connection Manager dialog box.

  • Data access mode
    Specify the method for selecting data from the source.



    Table or view

    Retrieve data from a table or view in the ADO.NET data source.

    SQL command

    Retrieve data from the ADO.NET data source by using a SQL query.

  • Preview
    Preview results by using the Data View dialog box. Preview can display up to 200 rows.


    When you preview data, columns with a CLR user-defined type do not contain data. Instead the values <value too big to display> or System.Byte[] display. The former displays when the data source is accessed by using the ADO.NET provider, the latter when using the SQL Server Native Client provider.

Data Access Mode Dynamic Options

Data access mode = Table or view

  • Name of the table or the view
    Select the name of the table or view from a list of those available in the data source.

Data access mode = SQL command

  • SQL command text
    Enter the text of a SQL query, build the query by clicking Build Query, or locate the file that contains the query text by clicking Browse.

  • Build query
    Use the Query Builder dialog box to construct the SQL query visually.

  • Browse
    Use the Open dialog box to locate the file that contains the text of the SQL query.

See Also


ADO NET Source Editor (Columns Page)

ADO NET Source Editor (Error Output Page)


ADO.NET Connection Manager