Step 3: Determine Resource Requirements
Published: November 12, 2007 | Updated: February 25, 2008
After determining the list of applications that the virtual environment will support, the resources required to support those applications needs to be determined. In step 3, the technical requirements for each application that will be virtualized will be collected; this information will be used in subsequent steps to design the host infrastructure. In the case of existing production applications, determining the resource requirements can be an objective process. However, when a new application is being considered, more subjective approaches may be all that are available. Subjective information sources can come from experience with similar technologies or literature. Objective information sources can include:
IT should plan to support the peak load of each application VM to ensure that the host system can handle the full load of all of the applications it hosts. For existing applications, systems administrators should collect performance information from production environments. This step assumes that an application represents the entire physical server that hosts the application. When collecting performance information then, the counters being collected are for the entire server. It is further assumed that the entire physical server is to be virtualized, not just the application itself. This approach maps applications to guests on a 1:1 basis. The opportunity exists to go further and combine one or more applications from different servers into a single guest. However, this topic is beyond the scope of this guide. The tasks in this step involve examining the various hardware resource requirements for each application and operating system that the virtual environment will support. These details are used to determine the size of the virtualization infrastructure environment. The table developed in step 2 will help track the information generated, as shown in Table 4. Table 4. Tracking Resource Requirements
Note To provide safeguards against underestimating resource requirements, add a “buffer” amount when determining specific host requirements. You can do this by adding additional capacity for each application or by using a percentage or constant adjustment for all applications. Task 1: CPUOver-committing CPU resources can adversely affect all the workloads on the same host server, causing significant performance issues for a larger number of users. Because CPU resource use patterns can vary significantly, no single metric or unit can quantify total resource requirements. One approach, however, is to collect CPU requirement specifications for particular applications and workloads. Table 5 provides the Windows® Performance Monitor statistic to collect over time. Table 5. Performance Monitor Statistics
Note Similar performance counters are available for other operating systems. CPU calls are transmitted directly from VMs to the underlying host computer’s physical CPU. Therefore, a good guideline is to specify the same CPU architecture and speed that would be used for the same applications running on a physical computer. Document the CPU that the application is running on, and express the CPU demand as a percentage. Task 2: MemoryApplications that are allotted too little memory will experience frequent disk page faults, resulting in decreased performance and additional disk resource use. In contrast, allocating too much physical memory leaves physical hardware resources unused, leading to lower overall host server utilization. Collect memory use information when the system is running at peak load to ensure that the appropriate amount of memory is allotted. Table 6 provides the Windows Performance Monitor statistics that should be collected. Table 6. Performance Monitor Statistics for Required Memory
For each machine being virtualized add approximately 24 megabytes of memory to account for overhead needed by the virtualization host. Task 3: DiskThis task involves measuring disk storage and performance requirements. Disk CapacityEvery VM requires disk space to support multiple file and data types. Common types of storage requirements include:
Predicting disk space use is similar for physical and virtual workloads. For existing systems, take the total disk space in use and add a factor for future growth Record in the spreadsheet the total amount of disk storage capacity required for each application. Disk PerformanceTo determine the actual disk performance, measure and record the physical I/O that occurs over a period of time, then calculate the Input Outputs per second (IOps)—that is, the total number of I/O operations that occur per second, and plot this over the time period to determine requirements at peak usage. The IOps calculations for a RAID 0+1 configuration is (Reads Required + (Writes Required *2)) / Max Drive IOps. The IOps calculations for RAID 5 configuration is (Reads Required + (Writes Required *4)) / Max Drive IOps. Given a specific configuration such as a RAID 5 array of five drives (with each drive capable of approximately 135 IOps), the IOps capacity of an existing configuration can also be calculated. By using Windows Performance Monitor, what the current system is actually using in terms of IOps can be measured. However, that number does not indicate whether the system has a bottleneck in the disk subsystem. To see whether the system is disk-bound, look at the queue length of the physical disk. The queue length should be zero on a well-performing system. Disk Performance CountersTable 7 provides the Windows Performance Monitor statistics that should be collected. Table 7. Performance Monitor Statistics for Disk Performance
Note Similar performance counters are available for other operating systems. Total the Physical Disk counters from the table above to calculate the IO usage for each system. Record the values in the table. Task 4: NetworkMost workloads require access to production networks to ensure communication with other applications and services and to communicate with users. Network requirements include elements such as throughput—that is, the total amount of traffic that passes a given point on a network connection per unit of time. Other network requirements include the presence of multiple network connections. Workloads might require access to several different networks that must remain secure. Examples include connections for:
Add the number of required network connections to the spreadsheet that was created earlier. Network Performance CountersTable 8 provides the Windows Performance Monitor statistics that should be collected over time and graphed to record peak usage. Table 8. Performance Monitor Statistics for Network Performance
Note Similar performance counters are available for other operating systems. Add the values for each application, and then add the information to the spreadsheet that was created earlier. Task 5: BackupConsidering backup requirements for applications helps inform storage, network, and other requirements in subsequent steps in this guide. Some types of workloads might not require backups. For example, a Web server that presents static data might simply be rebuilt in case of a failure. Most workloads, however, contain important configuration settings, operating system settings, and user data that must be protected in the case of a VM failure.
Task 6: AvailabilityThe requirement for high availability in applications has significant implications for host storage, network, and availability infrastructure. However, the most important question is: Does the application require high availability through fault tolerance? For each application that requires high availability, determine the necessary method. Options include:
Task 7: Coexistence and Physical IsolationFrom a technical standpoint, it is possible to support a wide variety of different workloads on the same physical computer. However, business or technical characteristics may prevent more than one system from running on the same server. One example is the need for VMs to exist in different physical locations. When supporting hubs and satellite offices, specific sites may require certain VMs. Security and regulatory compliance requirements can also drive the need to keep certain workloads separate. If specific applications, databases, and services must remain segregated, note them (along with the reasons, such as security, regulatory compliance, or business policies) in the table above. This data will be used to determine the acceptable placement of guest VMs in the infrastructure. Validating with the BusinessThe primary considerations in step 3 are the technical resource requirements for each application. Although IT departments are often able to measure factors such as CPU, memory, disk, and network use, other details will require business input. Specifically, work with business decision makers to ensure agreement on the specific details of the following considerations:
Decision SummaryAfter completing this step, the total resource requirements for all the applications that the organization’s virtual infrastructure will host have been identified. To obtain rough estimates of the total requirements, add each row of each resource requirement. Doing so provides an estimate of the total amount of memory and other resources required in future steps. |