Strategy maps through Microsoft Office Visio

Dashboard Designer allows you to use strategy maps generated by Microsoft Office Visio to graphically visualize a measured strategy as a flow chart or a diagram. Along with a scorecard, a strategy map makes it easy to see and understand relationships and dependencies between key performance indicators (KPIs), goals, and objectives.

System requirements

Monitoring Server supports two methods for rendering the Visio file, and each method has different requirements on the Monitoring Server computer and client computers.

The first method involves rendering the Visio file as an image. This method requires Visio to be running on the Monitoring Server computer, and the application pool identity account the Web server is running has to have rights to launch Visio 2007. In addition, the application pool account must have write access to create the file. You need to configure the Monitoring Server account so that it is running as a domain user, and you need to register that user with the Microsoft Office system. On the computer that hosts the PerformancePoint Monitoring Server database, you can use the PerformancePoint Monitoring Server Configuration Manager to make these settings.

For Office SharePoint Portal Server, it is more complicated. The first step is to change the actual identity. Note that this changes the identity for all of the SharePoint sites in the application pool, not just for Monitoring Server. You can change the identity by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. In addition, you must add the identity account to the appropriate roles in Microsoft SQL Server and to the IIS_WPG group on the Monitoring Server computer.

Once the identity is set up, all you should need to do is load Visio at least once as that same domain user on the Monitoring Server computer. This step should add the appropriate rights and registry entries.

The second method for rendering the Visio file is to show the Visio file in a dashboard. This method has no server requirements, but the client computers must have Visio 2007 or Visio Viewer 2007 installed. Visio Viewer is installed by default when installing Office 2007, or you can download it from the Microsoft Download Center.

Download this book

This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:

See the full list of available books at Downloadable content for PerformancePoint Monitoring Server.