Submitting false positives and false negatives to Cloudmark


Applies to: Microsoft Antigen

You can submit false positives and false negatives to Cloudmark for analysis. Information regarding target spam catch-rates, false positive and false negative rates, and other advantages of using the Cloudmark anti-spam solution can be found on the Cloudmark anti-spam Web site.

To submit false positive or false negative spam e-mails to Cloudmark, send the e-mail as an RFC 2822 attachment (.eml).  Do not send misclassified messages by using the Forward command; this strips them of essential header information and results in an invalid submission.

False positives (legitimate e-mail marked as spam by Cloudmark) should be sent to:

False negatives (spam not detected by Cloudmark) should be sent to:

To attach an e-mail message as an RFC 2822 attachment

  1. In Microsoft Outlook, create a new e-mail message.

  2. Address it to the appropriate address.

  3. Click the Attach Item button, select the e-mails that were falsely classified, and then click OK.