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Appendix C: Manually Configuring the URLs Used by the Software Update Service

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 will reach end of support on January 9, 2018. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.

After installing the Software Update Service, if you need to change the URLs used by the Software Update Service, you can modify the URLs in the following ways.

Update the SharePoint Update Site URL

To update the URL used by the SharePoint Update site, you can rerun the activation script and update the InternalUPdatesStoreURL and the ExternalUpdatesStoreURL parameters to change the SharePoint site URLs:

  • For a Standard Edition Server

    cscript ConfigUpdatesServer.vbs /Action:Activate /InternalUpdatesStoreURL:https://<Internal SharePointFQDN>/sites/ucupdateserver /ExternalUpdatesStoreURL:https://<externalSharePointFQDN>/sites/ucupdateserver
    /user:RTCComponentService /Password:<password>
    /ExternalWebfqdn:<External FQDN of Web farm>
  • For an Enterprise pool

    cscript ConfigUpdatesServer.vbs /Action:Activate /InternalUpdatesStoreURL:https://<internalSharePointFQDN>/sites/ucupdateserver /ExternalUpdatesStoreURL:https://<externalSharePointFQDN>/sites/ucupdateserver /user:RTCComponentService /Password:<password>
    /ExternalWebfqdn:<External FQDN of Web farm> 
    /guest:<RTCGuestAcccess User Account> /guestpassword:******


    • InternalUpdatesStoreURL is the internal URL used to access the SharePoint Update site from inside the intranet.

    • ExternalUpdatesStoreURL is the external URL link to the SharePoint Update site from inside the intranet. Use the following format: https://<ExternalFQDN>/sites/ucupdateserver.

    • ExternalWebfqdn is the FQDN that devices use to connect to the Software Update Service from outside the intranet. Use the following format: https://<external server FQDN>/RequestHandler/ucdevice.upx.

    • User identifies the service account under which Office Communications Server 2007 Web Components is run. The default service account is RTCComponentService.

    • Password is the password for the service account.

    • guest is the guest user account used in Office Communications Server (the default account is RTCGuestAccessUser) or it can be any domain user.

    • guestpassword is the password for the guest user account.

Update the External Download URLs for the Software Update Service

After you have deployed the Software Update Service, you cannot change the internal update URL on the Software Update Service. The way you change the external URL varies depending on whether you are updating the URL on a Standard Edition server or an Enterprise pool.

Update the External Update URL of the Software Update Service on a Standard Edition Server

If you want to change the external update URL of the Software Update Service on a Standard Edition server, you can rerun the activation script (documented in a previous section) and update the ExternalWebfqdn parameter.

Update the External Update URL of the Software Update Service on an Enterprise Pool

On an Enterprise pool, you can only update the external download URL and can only change the download URLs using WMI.

Use the following procedure to update the URLs external download URL, the internal download URL, or the external download used by the SharePoint Update site.

To configure the external Web farm FQDN to the Software Update Service

  1. Log on to an Enterprise Edition server hosting the Update Server. Use an account that is a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group or has equivalent privileges.

  2. Click Start, click Run, type cmd in the Open box, and then click OK.

  3. At the command prompt, type wbemtest.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. In the Namespace box, type root\cimv2, and then click Connect.

  6. Click Query.

  7. Select one of the following:

    • On a Standard Edition server, type the following: Select * from MSFT_SipUpdatesServerSetting where BackEnd="(local)\\rtc"

    • On an Enterprise pool, type the following: Select * from MSFT_SipUpdatesServerSetting where BackEnd=SQL database instance

  8. Click Apply.

  9. Double-click the result returned.

  10. In Object Edit, double-click the ExternalUpdatesDownloadURL property.

  11. In the Value box, type the external URL used to connect with the Software Update Service using the format https://<external server FQDN>/RequestHandler/ucdevice.upx.


  12. Click Save Property.

  13. Click Save Object.

  14. Click Close.

  15. Click Close again, and then click Exit to close wbemtest.