How to Tune Failover and Mount Settings for Cluster Continuous Replication
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.
Applies to: Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3
This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Shell to view and set the failover and mount attributes for a cluster continuous replication (CCR) environment. This topic also explains how to use the Exchange Management Console in Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 to tune the automatic database mount attribute.
Open the Exchange Management Console.
Expand Server Configuration, and then select Mailbox.
In the result pane, right-click the clustered mailbox server (CMS) and select Properties.
Select the Clustered Mailbox Server tab.
Use the Auto database mount dial drop-down box to configure the desired failover availability settings.
This drop-down box only sets the value for AutoDatabaseMountDial. Use the Exchange Management Shell procedure later in this topic to set the ForcedDatabaseMountAfter parameter.
Click OK to save the change.
Open the Exchange Management Shell.
Run the following command to obtain the current automatic database mount settings:
Get-MailboxServer <CMSName> | format-list
Run the following command to obtain the current transport dumpster settings:
Get-TransportConfig | format-list
Open the Exchange Management Shell.
Run the following commands to set each automatic database mount attribute:
Set-MailboxServer <CMSName> -AutoDatabaseMountDial:<Value>
<Value> must be set to Lossless, GoodAvailability, or BestAvailability.
Set-MailboxServer <CMSName> -ForcedDatabaseMountAfter:<Value>
<Value> must be set to a specified number or "unlimited."
When the value for ForcedDatabaseMountAfter is reached, the database will be mounted regardless of whether the storage group copy is 1 log behind, 10 logs behind, or 1,000 logs behind, which could result in significant data loss. For this reason, this parameter should not be used if service level agreements (SLAs) guarantee a maximum on the amount of data loss that can be incurred.