How to Back Up and Restore SCRM 2006 Data

You should back up the System Center Reporting Manager (SCRM) 2006 SystemCenterStaging, SystemCenterPresentation, and SystemCenterConfiguration databases periodically at a schedule appropriate for your organization. To read comprehensive backup and restore documentation for SQL Server Reporting Services, see the "Backup and Restore Operations for a Reporting Services Installation" in SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

You can use the following simple recovery procedures for SCRM database failures or SCRM data source failures.

To restore the System Center data warehouse

  1. Restore the SCRM databases from a recent backup.

  2. If any data synchronization took place with a data source after the SCRM backup and before the failure, perform a full data synchronization with those data sources.

To restore an SMS or MOM data source

  1. Restore the SMS or MOM server as described in SMS or MOM documentation.

  2. Restore the SMS or MOM database as described in SMS or MOM documentation.

  3. Perform a full synchronization with the newly restored data source from the SCRM Administrator console.