How DPM Manages Daylight Saving Time

Published : September 27, 2005

DPM automatically identifies the time zone of a protected file server during installation of the file agent. Providing that both the DPM server and the protected file server reside in time zones that observe the same rules for Daylight Saving Time, DPM also automatically adjusts to accommodate the start and end of Daylight Saving Time. However, if the DPM server and the protected file server reside in locations that observe different rules for Daylight Saving Time — for example, if the DPM server resides in a location that observes Daylight Saving Time and the file server resides in a location that does not — the start of Daylight Saving Time disrupts the time zone offsets between DPM and the file server.

To resolve this problem, you can force the DPM server to reset the time zone offset by changing the names of the file server’s protection groups, and then changing the names back again. This operation regenerates jobs for the protection groups, which resets the time zone offset.