
File collection from mobile devices will stop working after you apply SP3

After you install Microsoft SMS 2003 Service Pack 3 on an SMS 2003 Management Point computer that also has the SMS 2003 Device Management Feature Pack installed, you cannot use the software inventory method to collect file information from a mobile device. When you click Collected Files in Resource Explorer for mobile device client, file information is not displayed. This problem occurs because SMS 2003 SP3 contains a security feature that prevents the SMS Management Point from collecting files from the mobile device.

WORKAROUND:   Apply the hotfix for the Device Management Feature Pack, available from the SMS 2003 SP3 download web site or the Microsoft Help and Support Web site. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 934206.


This hotfix is intended to correct only the problem as described. Apply it only to systems that are experiencing this specific problem. This hotfix may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next release of Device Management Feature Pack that contains this hotfix.

Advanced Client Inventory Data Might Be Rejected When Percent Characters are Present

If there is a percent (%) character in the architecture, group, class, or attribute name contained in an IDMIF or NOIDMIF file, Advanced Clients convert the percent character to null. When the inventory data is sent to the site server, it might be rejected, because the received data does not match the IDMIF or NOIDMIF.

WORKAROUND:   To prevent the possible loss of inventory data, do not use percent characters in IDMIF or NOIDMIF files.

Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupply WMI class is no longer available on Vista

Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupply WMI class is no longer available on Vista, so SMS hardware inventory cannot collect information of this class on Vista. In sms_def.mof default settings, all properties of this class are disabled for reporting, so you will not get any errors. If you enable them manually, you may get some errors in inventoryclientl.log on Vista client.

WORKAROUND:   None. UPS.exe was retired for Vista. This was done as part of the legacy reduction effort for Vista, so Win32_UninterruptiblePowerSupply WMI class is no longer available on Vista

InventoryAgent.log may report errors for SMS_Processor class on SP2 client which reports to SP3 site

InventoryAgent.log may report errors for the SMS_Processor class on an SP2 client which reports to an SP3 site. You may see errors like those shown below:

Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AddressWidth, BrandID, CPUHash, CPUkey, CurrentClockSpeed, DataWidth, DeviceID, Family, IsMobile, IsMulticore, Manufacturer, MaxClockSpeed, Name, NormSpeed, Pcache, ProcessorId, ProcessorType, Revision, SocketDesignation, Status, SystemName, Version FROM SMS_Processor; Timeout = 600 secs.

Unknown error encountered processing an instance of class SMS_Processor: 80041017

Collection: (80041017) Execute: Query failed

This problem has occurred because SMS 2003 SP3 has extended the SMS_Processor class, and sms_def.mof has been modified to collect the new properties. As SP2 client cannot collect the new properties, but can get the new policy if it reports to an SP3 site, it will report errors for the SMS_Processor class. It cannot collect data for the SMS_Processor class, but it can still collect other hardware inventory data.

WORKAROUND:   Upgrade the SP2 client to SP3 client.

Resource explorer shows x86 programs in the "Add Remove Programs (64)" category

SMS SP3 includes some changes to correctly inventory programs in the Add or Remove Programs control panel on all 64-bit operating systems. The change keys off of a new attribute which is correctly parsed by 64-bit operating systems, but is ignored on older 32-bit operating systems. As a result, 32-bit operating systems produce duplicate information, causing all listed programs for Add or Remove programs to show up in both "Add Remove Programs" and "Add Remove Programs (64)". The SQL view used by SMS has been modified so that SMS web reports and any third party tools which use the SQL view will correctly eliminate the duplication. Only tools which directly query SQL tables, such as resource explorer, will see the duplication.

WORKAROUND:   None.  This is a limitation of the older 32-bit Operating System.

Software inventory may take a long time to complete on the client

The time required to perform a software inventory is related to the number of files on the computer being inventoried. Because Windows Vista has more built-in files than Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, the time required to complete the software inventory will be greater on machines running Windows Vista. A complete software inventory may take several hours.

WORKAROUND:   To help reduce the time necessary to complete a software inventory, idle CPU cycles can be salvaged by adding a registry value on the client computer.

Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Inventory, add a registry value of type = DWORD, titled SoftwareInventoryThrottling and set it to 0. You can use SMS software distribution to deploy a program to change the registry on client machines.

Software inventory will run much faster now but may take higher CPU utilization during the software inventory cycle. However, the software inventory agent will only use idle CPU cycles, and will yield the CPU to other processes.

You get the warning "Warning: cannot get SMS_Class_ID of SMS_Win32ProviderEx" in dataldr.log when you change sms_def.mof

When you change the sms_def.mof file, Inventory Data Loader will re-compile sms_def.mof. There is a new entry "SMS_Win32ProviderEx" in SP3's sms_def.mof that causes Dataldr to generate a warning. This warning can be safely ignored.

WORKAROUND:   Ignore this warning.