Moving the OnePoint Database from a Server Running SQL Server to Another


Before you edit the registry, create an emergency startup disk and back up any critical data. Incorrectly editing the registry can have serious, unexpected consequences that might require you to restore the registry, or possibly reinstall Windows. For more information about the registry, see the Windows documentation or the registry reference in the resource kit for your version of Windows, available at

Moving the OnePoint database without reinstalling the Management Server(s) and reestablishing MOM console permissions is not a standard maintenance procedure. However, you might need to move it for various reasons, including the following:

  • Relocation of the MOM database to a clustered SQL Server.

  • Volume size restrictions.

  • Performance improvements, such as separating the database from the logs.

  • Relocation of the database to a fault-tolerant volume.

You should move the OnePoint database for one of these reasons only. Moving the OnePoint database can result in the loss of agent data if the data queue files have insufficient space to hold the data coming from the agents while this maintenance is being performed.


The following steps are for moving the MOM database from a server running SQL Server to another server running SQL Server. If your destination SQL Server computer currently has other MOM components installed, you must first uninstall these components. They can be reinstalled after the original OnePoint database has been relocated onto the destination server. . If the MOM database is currently being monitored from another Management Group, dont forget to install a MOM agent to monitor the new machine.

To move the MOM database from one server running SQL Server to another server

  1. Uninstall all other MOM Server components (and any MOM Agent of the same management group) that reside on the destination computer.

  2. Install SQL Server on the destination computer. MOM 2005 requires SQL Server SP3a or later.

  3. Install the MOM database component by running the MOM2005 Setup.exe.

  4. Stop the MOM service on all MOM Management Servers. If MOM to MOM Product Connector (MMPC) is installed, stop the momcomm service.

  5. Back up the current OnePoint database to a file.

  6. On the destination computer, open SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

  7. On the Restore menu, click From Device and then select the backup file you created in step 5.

  8. Grant "db_owner" privileges to the DAS account. The DAS account was specified when you installed the original MOM database component. To grant these privileges, do the following:

    1. In the SQL Server Enterprise Manager navigation pane, expand the SQL instance associated with this database.

    2. Expand Security, and click Logins.

    3. Right-click the DAS account displayed, and open the properties page.

    4. From the Properties page, select the Database Access tab.

    5. Select the OnePoint checkbox.

    6. In the Database Roles for OnePoint pane, select the "db_owner" check box. Click OK.

  9. On the first MOM Management Server start Regedt32.exe, and change the following registry values from the current SQL Server Instance to the new SQL Server Instance (format: Computer\SQLinstance):

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software\DASServer\DataSource Value

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mission Critical Software\Onepoint\Configurations\< configuration group name >\Operations\Database Value

  10. Restart the MOM service. If MOM to MOM Product Connector (MMPC) is installed, restart the momcomm service.

  11. If your system includes MOM Reporting, then change the MOM Reporting DTS configuration by specifying the new server on the DTS Package Generator /srcserver parameter as in the following example:

    1. Click Start, then select Settings, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Scheduled Tasks.

    2. Right-click the SystemCenterDTSPackage task and select Properties.

    3. In the "Run" text-box change the /srcserver: parameter to the destination computer as in the example below:

      MOM.Datawarehousing.DTSPackageGenerator.exe /silent /srcserver:MOMDBServer\Instance1 /srcdb:OnePoint /dwserver:MOMDWServer\INSTANCE1 /dwdb:SystemCenterReporting /product:"Microsoft Operations Manager"
  12. Click OK and reconfirm the password.

  13. Make the same registry changes that you made in step 9 on each of the remaining MOM Management Servers in this management group.

  14. When the management group is running without error, you can uninstall the MOM Database component through Add/Remove Programs on the old MOM Database computer.