Viewing Collected Files

If file collection is configured in software inventory, the Resource Explorer Software folder contains a Collected Files folder that displays information about the collected files. The information collected for each file includes:

  • File name

  • File path

  • File size

  • Modified date

  • Collection date

You can view the contents of a collected file by right-clicking the file name and selecting View File from the All Tasks menu. You can save the file to your local disk by right-clicking the file name and selecting Save from the All Tasks menu.

By default, Resource Explorer displays collected files using Notepad. You can have Resource Explorer display the collected files using another program by adding the string value "Viewer" to the following registry key and setting it to the name of the program you want to be used to view collected files:


You must include the path to the program if the program is not available in folders listed in the Resource Explorer user's path environment variable.

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