Site Deployment Planning

After designing your hierarchy and testing the design, you should plan and carefully document how you will deploy SMS. Some of your deployment decisions depend on the SMS features that you plan to use and how you plan to use them. Chapter 7, "The Pre-Planning Phase," contains guidelines on analyzing and documenting your environment and your requirements. You must take this information into account when you create a deployment and configuration plan.

This chapter does not include information about configuring SMS features. SMS feature configuration is described in the
Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003 Operations Guide.


  • Use your test lab to verify and modify the plan. Then, finalize the plan during the pilot project. Do not merely insert the SMS 2003 product CD and run Setup.exe without planning your deployment. This is extremely risky and is not recommended. Installing SMS in your production environment without planning can cause unexpected network activity resulting in reduced productivity.

SMS site deployment should be done using a phased approach. In creating your plan for deployment, there are a number of things to consider, and many decisions to make. Be sure to consider the following items in your deployment plan:

  • Hardware and licensing

  • Active Directory

  • SMS site server deployment

  • SMS site database server

  • SMS Administrator console and related tools

  • Setup options

  • Domain and security requirements

  • NetBIOS requirements

  • Site naming

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