How to Create an SMS Advertisement

Published : April 11, 2005

The following example demonstrates how to create an advertisement object (SMS_Advertisement). This script creates an advertisement based on the following pieces of information:

  • An existing package name

  • An existing program name

  • A target collection name

  • The name of the advertisement to create

After the script is run, you might need to refresh the Advertisements node if the new advertisement does not appear immediately.

For more information about creating advertisements, see the SMS 2003 SDK.

On This Page

Compiling the Code
See Also


On Error Resume Next
Dim objSWbemServices
Dim objSWbemLocator
Dim PackageName
Dim ProgramName
Dim CollectionName
Dim AdName
Dim PackageFound
Dim ProgramFound
Dim CollectionFound
Dim CollectionID
Dim AdvertisementFound
Dim Advertisement
Dim Advertisements
Dim Package
Dim Packages
Dim objCollections
Dim colCollections
Dim newAdvertisement
PackageName    = "Dog"
ProgramName    = "Spot"
CollectionName = "All Users"
AdName         = "Spots Advertisement"
'Connect to provider namespace for local computer.
Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objSWbemServices= objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer(".", "root\sms")
Set ProviderLoc = objSWbemServices.InstancesOf("SMS_ProviderLocation")
For Each Location In ProviderLoc
        If Location.ProviderForLocalSite = True Then
            Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer _
                 (Location.Machine, "root\sms\site_" + Location.SiteCode)
           End If
Set Packages = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_Package Where Name='" & PackageName & "'")
For Each Package In Packages
      objSWbemServices.Get("SMS_Program.PackageID='" & PackageID &"',ProgramName='" & ProgramName & "'")
    If Err=0 Then
    End If
Set colCollections = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_Collection")
For Each objCollection In colCollections
    If objCollection.Name=CollectionName Then
   End If
Set Advertisements = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * From SMS_Advertisement")
For Each Advertisement In Advertisements
    If Advertisement.AdvertisementName=AdName Then
        WScript.Echo "Duplicate Advertisement name, but that is allowed"              
    End If
If Not (PackageFound AND ProgramFound AND CollectionFound) Then
    WScript.Echo "Either the package, program, or collection names were not found"
    WScript.Echo "so the ad cannot be created"
    WScript.Echo "Creating advertisement: " & AdName
    'Create a value for the time when the ad should 
    'be available to users.
    formattedmonth= month(now)
    If len(formattedmonth)=1 Then formattedmonth = "0" & formattedmonth
    formattedday= day(now)
    If len(formattedday)=1 Then formattedday = "0" & formattedday
    datetime = year(now) & formattedmonth & formattedday & left(formatdatetime(now, 4),2) & right(formatdatetime(now, 4),2) & "00.000000+***"       'create a value for the time when the ad should expire.
'Default to + 1/2 year, but it's not enabled.
    formattedmonth= month(DateAdd( "d",182, now))
    If len(formattedmonth)=1 Then formattedmonth = "0" & formattedmonth
    formattedday= day(DateAdd( "d",182, now))
    If len(formattedday)=1 Then formattedday = "0" & formattedday
    expdatetime = year(DateAdd( "d",182, now)) & formattedmonth & formattedday & left(formatdatetime(DateAdd( "d",182, now), 4),2) & right(formatdatetime(DateAdd( "d",182, now), 4),2) & "00.000000+***"
Set newAdvertisement = objSWbemServices.Get("SMS_Advertisement").SpawnInstance_()
    newAdvertisement.AdvertisementName = AdName
    newAdvertisement.comment = "created by NewAd.vbs"       
    newAdvertisement.CollectionID = CollectionID
    newAdvertisement.PackageID = PackageID
    newAdvertisement.ProgramName = ProgramName
    newAdvertisement.ExpirationTime= expdatetime
End If

Compiling the Code

  • Requires Windows 2000 Server SP2 or later.

  • Requires an SMS 2003 Site Server.

See Also


How to Add Assignments to an SMS Advertisement

How to Create, Modify, and Delete SMS Objects

How to Create SMS Package and Program Objects

How to Modify an SMS Advertisement