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Configure the data in a cube

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Topic Last Modified: 2016-11-14


All saved changes done on the Cube Configuration page are not available to users until the OLAP cube database has been updated. Also, any selected custom fields will only appear after their data has been published.

Before you perform this procedure, confirm that:

  • You have read the article named Specify build and configuration settings for the cube database.

  • You plan to add custom fields to the cube that are actually needed. If you are not sure and add many unnecessary custom fields to the cube data, this will adversely affect performance.

  • You have read the customization rules prior to specifying custom fields as dimensions or measures.

Specify cube dimensions and measures

Specifying dimensions and measures for cubes involves the use of Project Server custom fields. There are some restrictions when using custom fields as dimensions and measures.

Customization rules

You must observe customization rules when adding a custom field as a dimension or measure to a Office Project Server 2007 OLAP cube. These rules include:

  • You cannot add custom fields as measures for the time-phased cubes.

  • You cannot add custom fields with formulas.

  • Dimensions support custom fields with lookup tables

  • Dimensions support Flag custom fields (which cannot have a lookup table).

  • Task custom fields with a lookup table cannot roll up to summary tasks and cannot be used as measures.

  • Measures support only Cost, Duration, and Number custom fields.

  • Only custom fields without lookup tables can be measures for Task entities. Custom fields either with or without lookup tables can be measures for Resource or Project entities.

  • If Task custom fields have a Sum rollup for task summary rows, they can be measures.

  • Fields that have an Assignment roll-down and attributes set to None can be dimensions or measures.

  • Multivalue fields cannot be included in a cube because of a limitation in Analysis Services 2000.

  • The cube building service (CBS) does sum values of lookup tables for the summary tasks. However, Project Professional shows #Error for summary task rows if the lookup table does not include a value.


    For more detailed information about rules for adding custom fields as dimensions and measures, see the MSDN article, Local and Enterprise Custom Fields (

To specify cube dimensions

Use the following procedure to select the custom fields you want to add to the cube as dimensions. This action adds the data for the selected custom fields to the cube as dimensions when the cube is built. Having the dimensions allows you to analyze the data in comparison with other custom fields that are added to the cube.


Dimensions are added only to the specific cube that you have selected. This helps you manage performance of the cube building process and cube browsing complexity.

Specify cube dimensions

  1. Log on to Project Web Access as an administrator.

  2. Click Server Settings.

  3. In the Cube section, click Configuration.

  4. On the Cube Configuration page, in the Cube Dimensions section, go to the Cube list and select the cube for which you want to specify dimensions.

    The Available fields list will be filled with custom fields for the cube you have selected.


    Only custom fields that use lookup tables will appear in this list.

  5. Select the custom fields you want to add as dimensions, and then click Add to move them to the Selected dimensions list.

To specify cube measures

Use the following procedure to specify the custom fields you want to add a cube as measures. This action adds the data for the selected custom fields to the cube as a measure when the cube is built. Having the measures allows you to analyze the data in comparison with other custom fields that are added to the cube.


Measures are added only to the specific cube that you have selected. This helps you manage performance of the cube building process and cube browsing complexity.

Specify cube measures

  1. Log on to Project Web Access as an administrator.

  2. Click Server Settings.

  3. In the Cube section, click Configuration.

  4. On the Cube Configuration page, in the Cube Measures section, go to the Cube list and select the cube for which you want to specify measures.

    The Available fields list will be filled with custom fields for the cube you have selected.

  5. Select the custom fields you want to add as measures, and then click Add to move them to the Selected measures list.

To specify calculated measures

Use the following procedure to run a Multiple Dimension Expression (MDX) script against a cube as a calculated measure. This action allows you to manipulate information within the cube's fields.


Only non-timephased cubes can contain calculated measures.

Add a calculated measure

  1. In the Calculated Measures section, from the Cube list, select the OLAP cube for which you want to create the calculated MDX script.

  2. To select an MDX expression, click Insert.

  3. Under Member Name, type a name for the expression.

  4. Under MDX Expression, type the MDX script that defines the member.

    This action creates a command statement in the following format:


    CURRENTCUBE [Measures].[Measure_Name] AS 'MDX_Expression'

    Measure_Name will equal the Member Name you specified.

    MDX_Expression will equal the MDX script defined for the Member Name.

  5. Click Save to apply the MDX script to the OLAP cube.

    The OLAP cube will contain this information the next time you build the cube.

Download this book

This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:

See the full list of available books at Downloadable content for Project Server 2007.

See Also


Specify build and configuration settings for the cube database
Managing the Cube Building Service in Project Server 2007
Configure Office Project Server 2007 to use the Cube Building Service