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Create Partition Wizard (Map Partition Page)

Use the Map Partitions page to map your partitions to filegroups and specify range values for your partitions. You can select either left or right boundary values based on the range type you want for your partitions.

You must always enter one extra filegroup in addition to the number of filegroups specified for the boundary values when you are creating partitions.

  • Left boundary
    Select to include the range values you specify in the Boundary column of the grid for each filegroup selected

    The Boundary column label in the grid will dynamically display <= Boundary when you select Leftboundary.

  • Right boundary
    Select to include range values up to the specified value in the Boundary column for each filegroup selected. The specified value will be the starting value for the range values of the filegroup on the next row.

    The Boundary column label in the grid will dynamically display < Boundary when you select Rightboundary.

  • Map partitions grid
    Filegroup: Select the filegroups you want to partition your data into. Click the arrow to view available filegroups for partitioning. Select the filegroups you want for the partitions.

    Boundary: Displays the boundary value for each filegroup specified in the Filegroups column.

    Rowcount, Required Space, Available space: The read-only values in these columns are determined when you click Estimate Storage to estimate storage for each filegroup/partition.

  • Set Boundaries…
    Open the Set Boundary Values dialog box to select the boundary values and date ranges you want for your partitions.

    This option is only available when you have selected a partitioning column that contains one of the following data types: date, datetime, smalldatetime, datetime2, or datetimeoffset.

  • Set Storage
    Estimate rowcount, required space and available space for storage for each filegroup specified for the partitions. These values are displayed in the grid as read-only values.