Create zones for Web applications (Windows SharePoint Services)

Applies To: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0


Topic Last Modified: 2009-03-10

If your solution architecture includes Web applications with more than one zone, use the guidance in this article to create additional zones.

Create a new zone

You can create a new zone by extending an existing Web application. Follow the "Extend an existing Web application" procedure in Create or extend Web applications (Windows SharePoint Services) to create a new zone. The new zone is created when you select a zone in step 8 of the procedure and extend the Web application.

Refer to your planning architecture documents and worksheets to determine which zones you need to create and what authentication method should be associated with each zone.

You can change the authentication provider for a zone on the Authentication Providers page. For more information, see Plan authentication methods (Windows SharePoint Services).

View existing zones

On the Alternate Access Mappings page, you can view the zones that have been created for your farm.

  1. On the Central Administration home page, click Operations.

  2. On the Operations page, in the Global Configuration section, click Alternate access mappings.

On the Alternate Access Mappings page, each Web application is displayed with its associated zone.

For information about how to perform this procedure using the Stsadm command-line tool, see Enumalternatedomains: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services).

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See the full list of available books at Downloadable books for Windows SharePoint Services.

See Also


Create or extend Web applications (Windows SharePoint Services)
Configure alternate access mapping (Windows SharePoint Services)
Plan authentication methods (Windows SharePoint Services)