Command-Line Operations (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0)

This topic lists and explains the operations you can perform with Stsadm.exe for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. For detailed information about the required and optional parameters, including short forms of the parameters, see Command-Line Parameters (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0). For more information about using the command-line tool, see Introducing the Administration Tools for Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 in the Windows SharePoint Services Administrator's Guide.


To use Stsadm.exe, you must be a member of the local Administrators group for the server computer.

You can also get a list of the command-line operations by typing stsadm.exe -help on the command line. Syntax help for specific operations is available by typing stsadm.exe -help operation name.

Operations in this topic

  • addalternatedomain

  • addpath

  • addtemplate

  • adduser

  • addwppack

  • addzoneurl

  • backup

  • binddrservice

  • createadminvs

  • createsite

  • createsiteinnewdb

  • createweb

  • deleteadminvs

  • deletealternatedomain

  • deleteconfigdb

  • deletepath

  • deletesite

  • deletetemplate

  • deleteuser

  • deleteweb

  • deletewppack

  • deletezoneurl

  • disablessc

  • disablestsisapis

  • email

  • enablessc

  • enablestsisapis

  • enumalternatedomains

  • enumroles

  • enumsites

  • enumsubwebs

  • enumtemplates

  • enumusers

  • enumwppacks

  • enumzoneurls

  • extendvs

  • extendvsinwebfarm

  • getadminport

  • getproperty

  • migrateuser

  • recalculatestorageused

  • removedrservice

  • renameweb

  • restore

  • setadminport

  • setconfigdb

  • setproperty

  • siteowner

  • unextendvs

  • uninstall

  • upgrade

  • userrole



New in Windows SharePoint Services Service Pack 2 (SP2).

Configures the incoming URL and maps it to a URL zone. For each HTTP request, Windows SharePoint Services looks up the incoming URL and detmines which zone will be used to format the outgoing response. Note that you can perform a separate zone mapping for each virtual server.

Required parameters Optional parameters





Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o addalternatedomain -url https://existing.sharepointvserver.URLdomain 
  -urlzone default -incomingurl https://incoming.url.domain

The following table describes the properties associated with this command line operation.

Property Description


URL of the virtual server as it is displayed on the Virtual Server List page in the SharePoint Central Administration site. If the virtual server is bound to a specific IP address or to a specific host header in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), you can also use that IP address or host header as the value for this property.

The value of this property is displayed in the Virtual Server List in SharePoint Central Administration.


Specifies which one of the five zones with which the outgoing URL is associated. The possible values for this property are: default, internet, intranet, extranet, or custom.


URL for any requests that come from the reverse proxy server or client to the Web server. You can map multiple incoming URLs to the same URL zone.


Adds a defined path (inclusion or exclusion) to a virtual server. For more information, see Managing Paths (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0).

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o addpath -url <url> 
  -type <exclusion/explicitinclusion/wildcardinclusion>


Adds a site template to the template gallery.


If you want the changes to the template list to take effect immediately, run the iisreset command after you run the addtemplate operation.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o addtemplate -filename <template filename> 
  -title <template title> [-description <template description>]


Adds a user account to the specified site and assigns it to the specified site group. Use the siteadmin parameter to register the user as the site administrator.

Required parameters Optional parameters







Sample syntax:

stsadm -o adduser -url <url> -userlogin <DOMAIN\username>
  -useremail <> -role <site group name>
  -username <user's display name> [-siteadmin]


Adds a Web Part package to your server Web Part gallery. Use the globalinstall parameter to install the Web Parts in the global assembly cache (GAC) rather than in the Bin directories of each virtual server. Assemblies installed in the GAC are available to all applications on the server. The url parameter optionally specifies the URL of the virtual server on which to install the Web Parts. To install the Web Parts on every virtual server on a server, omit the url parameter. Use the force parameter to overwrite an existing Web Part package with a new version, or to repair a Web Part package by reinstalling it. Use the lcid parameter to specify a language for the Web Part package.

Use filename to specify the path to the cabinet file containing the Web Parts and associated resources. If the Web Part package has already been installed on another server in a server farm configuration, you can install the Web Part package from the configuration database by using the name parameter.

Required parameters Optional parameters

either -filename or -name





Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o addwppack -filename <Web Part Package filename> 
  [-url <url>] [-globalinstall] [-force] [-lcid <language>]



New in Windows SharePoint Services SP2.

Maps the outgoing URL to the url configured with the addalternatedomain operation.

Required parameters Optional parameters





Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o addzoneurl -url <https://existing.sharepointvserver.URLdomain> 
  -urlzone default -zonemappedurl <https://outgoing.url.domain>


There can be only one outgoing URL per URL zone. This example uses the default URL zone.

The following table describes the properties associated with this command line operation.

Parameter Description


URL of the virtual server as it is displayed on the Virtual Server List page in the SharePoint Central Administration site. If the virtual server is bound to a specific IP address or to a specific host header in IIS, you can also use that IP address or host header as the value for this property.

The value of this property is displayed in the Virtual Server List in SharePoint Central Administration.


Specifies which one of the five zones with which the outgoing URL is associated. The possible values for this property are: default, internet, intranet, extranet, or custom.

You can associate only one URL with an outgoing URL.


URL used in Web pages or e-mail messages going from the Web server to the reverse proxy server or the client. This URL is the one that can be reached by the end user. This step ensures that the end user sees the correct URL when the URL is returned from the server to the client.


Creates a backup of the site at the specified URL. Use the overwrite parameter to replace an existing backup file.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o backup -url <url> -filename <filename> [-overwrite]


Registers a data retrieval service for the list of data retrieval services that pertain to a specific setting on the Data Retrieval Services Settings page. Specify the service name and then the setting. Settings include enabled, responsesize, timeout, and update.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o binddrservice -servicename <service name> -setting enabled/responsesize/timeout/update


Creates the administration virtual server for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. Use the admapid... parameters to create a new application pool for IIS, or to specify the application pool to use for the administration virtual server.


This operation is intended for use by other products, and not by administrators of Windows SharePoint Services.

Required parameters Optional parameters








Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o createadminvs [-admapcreatenew] 
  [-admapidname <app pool id>] 
  [-admapiptype configurableid/NetworkService/LocalService/LocalSystem]
  [-admapidlogin <app pool user account>] [-admapidpwd <app pool password>] [ -exclusivelyusentlm yes/no]


Creates a site at the specified URL with the specified user as owner and administrator. If you do not specify the template to use, the owner can choose the template when he or she first browses to the site.

Required parameters Optional parameters










Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o createsite -url <url> 
  -ownerlogin <DOMAIN\username> -owneremail <> 
  [-ownername <display name>] [-lcid <language>] 
  [-sitetemplate <site template>] [-title <title>]
  [-description <description>] [-quota <quota template>]


You must specify the -lcid option when using a non-English template.


Creates a site at the specified URL and creates a new content database with the username and password you specify. If you do not specify the template to use, the owner can choose the template when he or she first browses to the site.

Required parameters Optional parameters
















Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o createsiteinnewdb -url <url> 
  -ownerlogin <DOMAIN\username> -owneremail <> 
  [-ownername <owner's name>]
  [-databaseuser <databaseusername>] [-databasepassword <databasepassword>] 
  [-databaseserver <databaseserver>] [-databasename <databasename>] 
  [-lcid <language>] [-sitetemplate <site template>] 
  [-title <title>] [-description <description>]  
  [-secondarylogin <DOMAIN\username>] [-secondaryemail <>]
  [-secondaryname <secondary owner's name>]


You must specify the -lcid option when using a non-English template.


Creates a subsite at the specified URL. If you do not specify the template to use, the owner can choose the template when he or she first browses to the site. Use the unique parameter to specify unique permissions for the subsite.

Required parameters Optional parameters








Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o createweb -url <url> [-lcid <language>] 
  [-sitetemplate <site template>] [-title <title>] 
  [-description <description>] [-unique] [-convert]


You must specify the -lcid option when using a non-English template.


Deletes the administration virtual server for Windows SharePoint Services.


This operation is intended for use by other products, and not by administrators of Windows SharePoint Services. If you delete the administrative virtual server for Windows SharePoint Services, you can no longer manage Windows SharePoint Services. This operation cannot be undone.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o deleteadminvs



New in Windows SharePoint Services SP2.

Deletes alternate domains created with the addalternatedomain operation.


If you previously used the Addalternatedomain command-line operation to map an incoming URL and you want to change that URL, you must first use this operation to delete the existing incoming URL and then use the Addalternatedomain command-line operation to map a new one.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o deletealternatedomain -url <https://existing.sharepointvserver.URLdomain> 
  -incomingurl  <https://incoming.url.domain>

The following table describes the properties associated with this command line operation.

Parameter Description


URL of the virtual server as it is displayed on the Virtual Server List page in the SharePoint Central Administration site. If the virtual server is bound to a specific IP address or to a specific host header in IIS, then you can also use that IP address or host header as the value for this property.


URL for any requests that come from the reverse proxy server or client to the Web server. You can map multiple incoming URLs to the same URL zone.


Deletes the configuration database for Windows SharePoint Services.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o deleteconfigdb


Removes an included or excluded path from the list of paths managed by Windows SharePoint Services.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o deletepath -url <url>


Deletes the specified site. To delete users from Active Directory directory services, specify true for the deleteadaccounts parameter.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o deletesite -url <url> -deleteadaccounts true/false


Deletes the specified site template.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o deletetemplate -title <template title> [-lcid <language>]


Deletes the specified user.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm -o deleteuser -url <url> -userlogin <DOMAIN\username>


Deletes the specified subsite.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o deleteweb -url <url>


Removes the Web Parts in a Web Part package from a virtual server. When you delete the last instance of a Web Parts package on a server or server farm, Stsadm.exe also deletes the Web Part package from the configuration database.

The parameter name specifies the name of the Web Part package. The parameter url optionally specifies the URL of the virtual server on which to delete the Web Parts. If url is omitted, Stsadm.exe deletes the Web Parts from the Bin folder of every virtual server on the server or from the global assembly cache.

Use the lcid parameter to remove a particular language version of a Web Part package.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm -o deletewppack -name <name of Web Part package> [-url <url>] [-lcid <language>]



New in Windows SharePoint Services SP2.

Deletes previously created zone urls created with the addzoneurl operation.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o deletezoneurl -url <https://existing.sharepointvserver.URLdomain>
  -urlzone <extranet>

The following table describes the properties associated with this command line operation.

Parameter Description


URL of the virtual server as it is displayed on the Virtual Server List page in the SharePoint Central Administration site. If the virtual server is bound to a specific IP address or to a specific host header in IIS, then you can also use that IP address or host header as the value for this property.


Specifies which one of the five zones with which the outgoing URL will be associated. The possible values for this property are: default, internet, intranet, extranet, or custom.


Disables Self-Service Site Creation for the specified virtual server.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o disablessc -url <url>



This operation has been replaced by the following operations in Windows SharePoint Services SP2 and later. See addalternatedomain and addzoneurl. Disables the Windows SharePoint Services ISAPI extensions. This operation is used by the Setup program for Windows SharePoint Services.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o disablestsisapis


Sets the e-mail configuration settings for your server, or for a specific virtual server (when you use the url parameter).

Required parameters Optional parameters






Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o email -outsmtpserver <SMTP server> 
  -fromaddress <> -replytoaddress <> 
  -codepage <codepage> [-url <url>]


Enables Self-Service Site Creation for the specified virtual server.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o enablessc -url <url> [-requiresecondarycontact]



This operation has been replaced by the following operations in Windows SharePoint Services SP2 and later. See addalternatedomain and addzoneurl. Enables the Windows SharePoint Services ISAPI extensions. This operation is used by the Setup program for Windows SharePoint Services.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o enablestsisapis



New in Windows SharePoint Services SP2.

Lists the incomingURLs and which URL zones and outgoing URLs they are mapped to.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe –o enumalternatedomains –url https://sharepoint:1234

The following table describes the property associated with this command line operation.

Parameter Description


URL of the virtual server as it is displayed on the Virtual Server List page in the SharePoint Central Administration site. If the virtual server is bound to a specific IP address or to a specific host header in IIS, then you can also use that IP address or host header as the value for this property.


Lists the site groups that are available for use in a particular site or subsite.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o enumroles -url <URL>


Lists all of the sites that have been created under a particular virtual server. The url parameter must be the URL of a virtual server.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o enumsites -url <URL>


Lists the subsites that have been created under a particular site.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o enumsubwebs -url <URL>


Lists the site templates that are available.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o enumtemplates [-lcid <language>]


Lists the users of a particular site or subsite.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o enumusers -url <url>


Lists the Web Part Packages currently in your server Web Part gallery.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm -o enumwppacks [-name <name of Web Part Package>]
   [-url URL] 



New in Windows SharePoint Services SP2.

Lists the outgoing URLs and which URL zones they are mapped to.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o enumzoneurls -url <https://existing.sharepointvserver.URLdomain>

The following table describes the property associated with this command line operation.

Parameter Description


URL of the virtual server as it is displayed on the Virtual Server List page in the SharePoint Central Administration site. If the virtual server is bound to a specific IP address or to a specific host header in IIS, you can also use that IP address or host header as the value for this property.


Extends a virtual server with Windows SharePoint Services and creates a new content database.


Extending a virtual server creates a site but does not require the createsite parameter. Use the donotcreatesite parameter if you do not want to create a site when you extend the virtual server.

Required parameters Optional parameters




-databaseuser (du)


-databaseserver (ds)


-databasename (dn)

-databasepassword (dp)









Sample syntax:

stsadm -o extendvs -url <url> -ownerlogin <DOMAIN\username> 
  -owneremail <> -exclusivlyusentlm yes/no [-ownername <display name>] 
  [-du <database user>] [-ds <database server>] [-dn <database name>] 
  [-dp <database user password>][-lcid <lcid>] [-sitetemplate <site template>]
  [-donotcreatesite] [-apcreatenew] [-apidname <app pool name>]
  [-apidtype configurableid/NetworkService/LocalService/LocalSystem] 
  [-apidlogin <DOMAIN\username>]
  [-apidpwd <app pool password>]


Extend a virtual server with Windows SharePoint Services for use in a server farm. This operation does not create a new content database, but allows you to connect to an existing virtual server (vsname) and use the same content database.

Required parameters Optional parameters









Sample syntax:

stsadm -o extendvsinwebfarm -url <url> -vsname <virtual server name> -exclusivlyusentlm yes/no
  [-apcreatenew] [-apidname <app pool name>]
  [-apidtype configurableid/NetworkService/LocalService/LocalSystem] 
  [-apidlogin <DOMAIN\username>]
  [-apidpwd <app pool password>]


Returns the administration port for Windows SharePoint Services.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o getadminport


Returns the property value for the specified property name. For a list of valid properties, see Command-Line Properties (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0).

Required parameters Optional parameters

-propertyname (pn)


Sample syntax:

stsadm -o getproperty -pn <property name> [-url <url>]


Required Parameter Optional parameter

-oldlogin %DOMAIN\name#


-newlogin %DOMAIN\name#

Sample syntax:

stsadm -o migrateuser -oldlogin <DOMAIN\name> -newlogin <DOMAIN\name> [-ignoresidhistory]


Used to recalcuate storage used for a virtual server.

Required Parameter Optional Parameter



Sample syntax:

stsadm -o recalculatestorageused <virtual server url>


Removes a data retrieval service from the list of data retrieval services that pertain to a specific setting on the Data Retrieval Services Settings pages. Specify the service name, and then the setting. Settings include enabled, responsesize, timeout, and update.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o removedrservice -servicename <service name> -setting enabled/responsesize/timeout/update


Renames the specified subsite.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o renameweb -url <url> -newname <new subsite name>


Restores a Web site from a backup file. Use the overwrite parameter to replace any existing Web site at the new location.

Required parameters Optional parameters




Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o restore -url <url> -filename <filename> [-overwrite]


Sets the port number for the administration virtual server for Windows SharePoint Services. Use the ssl parameter to specify a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection to the port. Use the admap... parameters to specify the IIS application pool to use or to create a new IIS application pool for the administration virtual server.

Required parameters Optional parameters








Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o setadminport -port <port> [-ssl]
  [-admapcreatenew] [-admapidname <app pool id>] 
  [-admapiptype configurableid/NetworkService/LocalService /LocalSystem]
  [-admapidlogin <app pool user account>] [-admapidpwd <app pool password>]


Creates the configuration database or specifies the connection to an existing configuration database. Setting the configuration database is required before a virtual server can be extended.

Required parameters Optional parameters

-databaseserver (ds)


-databaseuser (du)

-databasepassword (dp)

-databasename (dn)





Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o setconfigdb [-connect] -ds <database server> 
  [-du <database user>] [-dp <database user password>] [-dn <database name>]
  [-hh] [-adcreation] [-addomain <AD domain>] [-adou <AD OU>]


Sets the specified property with the specified value. Use the url property to specify a virtual server or site collection to apply the property to, or omit the url parameter to apply the property at the server or server farm level. For a list of valid properties, see Command-Line Properties (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0).

Required parameters Optional parameters

-propertyname (pn)


-propertyvalue (pv)

Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn <property name>
  -pv <property value> [-url <url>]


Sets the owner or secondary owner of a site collection. Either the ownerlogin or secondownerlogin parameter must be used.

Required parameters Optional parameters



either -ownerlogin or -secondownerlogin

Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o siteowner -url <url>   [-ownerlogin <DOMAIN\username> | -secondownerlogin <DOMAIN\username>] 


Removes Windows SharePoint Services from a particular virtual server. Use the deletecontent parameter to delete the content databases for the virtual server.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o unextendvs -url <url> [-deletecontent]


Uninstalls Windows SharePoint Services from the default virtual server at port 80. Any other virtual servers that were extended with Windows SharePoint Services will not be unextended. Uninstall removes the Windows SharePoint Services ISAPI extensions and any virtual directories or other files from the virtual server. It does not delete the content databases unless you include the deletecontent parameter. This operation is used by the Setup program for Windows SharePoint Services.

Required parameters Optional parameters



Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o uninstall [-deletecontent]


Upgrades the server or the specified virtual server with Windows SharePoint Services. This operation is used by the Setup program for Windows SharePoint Services.

Required parameters Optional parameters





Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o upgrade [-url <url>] [-forceupgrade ] [ -quiet ]


Specifies the site group membership for a user. Use the add and delete parameters to specify whether to add the user to a site group or remove the user from a site group.

Required parameters Optional parameters






Sample syntax:

stsadm.exe -o userrole -url <url> -userlogin <DOMAIN\username> 
  -role <site group name> [-add] [-delete]