Installation requirements

Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004 Enterprise Edition must be installed on a computer running Microsoft Windows™ Server 2003. We recommend a minimum processor speed of 550 megahertz (MHz) and at least 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM. ISA Server services and cache require a hard drive that uses the NTFS file system.

Your ISA Server computers will require network adapters for communication with the various networks to which they are connected. For example, if the ISA Server array will be connected to the External network (the Internet) and the Internal network, each computer in the array will require two network adapters. In a multi-server array, an additional network adapter is required on each array member for intra-array communication in Network Load Balancing (NLB) deployments. In other scenarios, using an additional network adapter provides enhanced security.

Security best practices

To ensure that your ISA Server deployment is secure, follow the guidelines in the product help topics: Security best practices and Security best practices for enterprise management.

[Topic Last Modified: 09/26/2007]