
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X


action discovery, 185

Action property, 279, 288–289


database roles, 432–433

defining, 184

drillthrough, 185, 187–189

implementing, 187–189

regular types, 184–185

report, 285–286

SSIS packages, 432, 434

Actions tab (Cube Designer), 145

Active X Script Task (SSIS), 84

ActiveX scripting, 65, 84

Administrators role (SSAS), 452


Aggregate transformation, 93

AggregateFunction property, 145, 174

Aggregation Design Wizard, 222–225, 228–230

Aggregation Manager, 222


Aggregation Design Wizard support, 223–225,


applying to data regions, 302

backing up, 466

defined, 221

designing partition, 228–232

migrating cubes and, 56

monitoring usage, 231–232

overview, 221–222

processing SSAS objects, 387

setting options, 224–225

storage models, 209–210

Usage-Based Optimization Wizard support, 225–227,


AggregationUsage property, 223–224

AllowAdHocOpenRowsetQueries property, 510

AllowConfigurationChanges property, 348

allowed set, 457

AllowedBrowsingFolders property, 467

AllowedProvidersInOpenRowset property, 510

AllowSessionMiningModels property, 509


AMO (Analysis Management Objects), 359, 369

ampersand (&), 193, 313

Analysis Management Objects (AMO), 359, 369

Analysis Services. See SSAS (SQL Server Analysis


Analysis Services Processing Task (SSIS), 84, 374

Anonymous access, 35

ART (Auto-Regression Test), 246

Associated Measure Group property, 180

association model (DM), 254, 256–257

Association Rules algorithm (DM), 246–247, 262,

492–494, 510

AttributeHierarchyEnabled property, 146, 153

AttributeHierarchyVisible property, 146, 153


Analysis Services changes, 51

defined, 50

dimension properties, 153, 155–156, 456

in cubes, 50

mapping data mining structures, 253–254

report model, 326

securing, 454, 457

Audit transformation, 92

Authentication Mode configuration setting, 9

Autoexists behavior, 457

AutoIncrement string literal, 421

Auto-Regression Test (ART), 246

AverageOfChildren function, 173

AVG aggregate function, 302

axes, query, 194


BackColor property, 320–321

Backup Database dialog box, 466–467

BackupDir property (SSAS), 44, 467

backups, scheduling, 466–472

Basic Authentication mode, 35

BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio)

Aggregation Design Wizard, 222–225, 228–230

AMO support, 357

creating packages, 71

creating SSIS projects, 75–77

Cube Designer, 139, 144–146, 148–149, 160–161

database roles, 454, 461

deploying SSAS objects, 359–362

description, 4

Dimension Designer, 152, 158–160

Dimension Wizard, 150–155

implementing source control, 470

object support, 75

partition support, 206, 211

prediction queries, 498–499

processing SSAS objects, 373–378

query parameters, 310

Relational Report Models, 324–325

Reports Project Wizard, 269–270

SQL Server 2005 support, 4

SSIS package support, 342, 430

SSRS support, 4, 397–400, 402–403

Usage-Based Optimization Wizard, 222, 225–227,


viewing KPIs, 180

viewing package status, 109–110

Visual Studio support, 4

BIDS Solution Explorer, 454–455


changing partition, 206–207

datasets to parameters, 312

query, 206–207

table, 206

breakpoints (debugging), 122–124

Browser role (SSRS), 522

built-in function expressions, 320

BuiltinAdminsAreServerAdmins property, 452

Bulk Insert Task (SSIS), 84

Business Intelligence Development Studio. See BIDS

(Business Intelligence Development Studio)

business scorecard, 179


CacheMode property, 391

caching. See proactive caching

calculated members, 194–196, 198–199

Calculations tab (Cube Designer), 145, 195

CanGrow property, 279

CanShrink property, 279


defined, 237

in dating mining, 239, 244, 246

nested tables and, 254–255

Cell Data tab (Solution Explorer), 456

cell security, 459–460, 463–464

Character Map transformation, 92

Chart data region (SSRS), 297, 299


hiding in reports, 285

in reports, 278, 280, 282–283

lift, 488–490

profit, 488–490

CheckpointFileName property, 105

checkpoints, 66, 103–107

CheckpointUsage property, 105

Children function (MDX), 194–196

choose function, 319

circular references, 342

classification matrix, 491–492

ClearCache command (XMLA), 482

CLUSTER_COUNT parameter (DM), 262


Analysis Services, 14, 16–18

in data mining, 246, 264–265

Clustering algorithm (DM), 246, 262, 494–495, 501, 510

code element, 320–321

Collation Settings screen, 9

Color property, 276–277, 319–320

column charts, 119


hiding in reports, 284–288

unhiding in reports, 288

Command events, 475

COMPLEXITY_PENALTY parameter (DM), 262

Conditional Split transformation, 92, 116


control flow expressions and, 319–320

Evaluation operation properties, 112–113

Logical operation properties, 113

Configure Error Output window, 117

Configured Value property, 341

Connection Manager, 79–81

connection string property (SSAS), 453

connections. See package connections

ConnectionString property, 540


creating, 113–115

defined, 83, 122

Evaluation operation properties, 112–113

in control flow, 109–113

Logical condition properties, 113


defined, 83

DisableEventHandlers property, 122

event handler support, 122

overview, 85–87

SSAS objects as, 373

Content Manager (SSRS), 522, 535–536

continuous variables

data mining algorithms, 245–246

measuring values, 239

verifying randomness, 240

control flow

debugging, 122–124

error handling with event handlers, 120–122

overview, 83–88

precedence constraints in, 109–113

transaction support, 104

control flow containers. See containers

control flow expressions, 319–320

control flow objects

connecting with precedence, 110–113

defining, 83–88

TransactionOption property, 103

viewing package status, 109–110

Copy Column transformation, 92

COUNT aggregate function, 170, 302

CREATE MEMBER statement (MDX), 196

CREATE MINING MODEL statement (DMX), 500


CreateDeploymentUtility property, 348–349

CreateQueryLogTable property, 226


managing data source, 539–542

running scheduled reports, 407

SSAS support, 510

CSV rendering extension (SSRS), 271, 284

Cube Designer (BIDS)

associating dimensions with measure groups, 160–161

Count aggregate function, 170

creating cubes, 139

modifying cubes, 144–146, 148–149

testing database role security, 461

cube dimension, 50, 146

Cube Structure tab (Cube Designer)

AggregateUsage property, 223

dimension properties, 146

functionality, 145

measure groups, 169

query logging, 227

Cube Wizard (SSAS), 139–144

cubes. See also SSAS cubes

OLAP, 238, 244, 261

UDM, 261

virtual, 51

Cubes tab (Solution Explorer), 455, 460

Current Time Member property, 180

CurrentMember function (MDX), 194


Data Conversion transformation, 92

Data Definition Language (DDL), 500

data flow

control flow constraints and, 111

creating, 95–98

defined, 83

error handling, 116–122, 124–126

identifying issues with data viewers, 118–120

transaction support, 104

viewing package status, 109–110

Data Flow (SSIS), 60, 66

data flow destination adapters. See destination adapters

data flow source adapters. See source adapters

Data Flow Task (SSIS), 84

data flow transformations. See transformations

data latency, 212, 534

Data Manipulation Language (DML), 500

data mining (DM)

algorithm parameters, 262–264

algorithms and usage, 245–247

case definitions, 254–255

control flow tasks, 84

data preparation, 238–243

defined, 237

nested tables, 254–255

OLAP cubes, 238, 244, 261

prediction clause, 253–254

project lifecycle, 237–238

SSAS support, 192

techniques, 237

text mining, 246

typical business questions, 237

UDM cubes, 261

understanding processing, 391–392

Data Mining Designer, 250, 261, 498

Data Mining Extensions. See DMX (Data Mining


Data Mining Model Training destination adapter, 90

data mining models

association, 254, 256–257

creating, 263

creating queries and reports, 498–506

data sources, 244

defined, 237, 391

dimensions in, 261, 265

forecasting, 255, 258–259

securing, 508–517

sequence, 255, 257–258

SSAS permissions, 454, 511

SSAS processing support, 372, 391–393

testing accuracy, 488–497

Data Mining Query Task (SSIS), 84

Data Mining Query transformation, 94

data mining structures

defined, 391

mapping attributes, 253–254

SSAS permissions, 454, 511

SSAS processing support, 372–373, 391–393

Data Mining Viewers, 250–252, 259

Data Mining Wizard, 249

data paths, 116

Data Protection API (DPAPI), 431

Data Pump (DTS), 60, 65

Data Reader source adapter, 89–90

data regions

applying aggregates, 302

assigning datasets, 297

creating, 297, 302–305

defined, 280, 297

filtering data, 300–301

grouping data, 299

nesting, 299

sorting data, 301–302

Data Source designer, 132

data source view. See DSV (data source view)

Data Source View Wizard, 133

Data Source Wizard, 131

data sources

creating datasets from, 290–293

creating for report model, 324–325

data mining models, 244

data-driven subscriptions and, 417

defining for SSAS objects, 131–133, 136–137

defining for SSIS projects, 78–82

managing credentials, 539–542

private, 290

query parameters, 309

restricting access to, 397

shared, 290, 539–540

SSAS permissions, 454, 510–511

SSRS item-level roles, 521–522

Data Sources tab (Solution Explorer), 455

Data Transformation Services. See DTS (Data

Transformation Services)

Data Viewer configuration window, 119

data viewers

Data Mining Viewers, 250–252, 259

identifying data flow issues, 118–120

data warehouses, 169

database dimension, 146

Database Engine

authentication mode settings, 9

collation settings, 9

failover instances, 16

instance name and, 7

SQL Server 2005 component, 1–2

SSMS support, 3

Database Engine collation settings, 9

database roles

assigning, 432–435

creating, 454–455, 461–463

overview, 453

setting, 39–41

SSAS support, 510–511

testing security, 461

databases. See also msdb system database

backing up, 471–472

migrating, 74, 468

Oracle, 324, 417

Report Model Wizard support, 325–326

repository, 27

restoring, 467–468

SSAS support, 372, 454

SSMS support, 470

DataDir property (SSAS), 44

DataReader destination adapter, 90

Dataset action, 184

dataset parameters

BIDS support, 310

configuring, 310–311

creating, 316

mapping report parameters, 309


assigning to data regions, 297

binding to parameters, 312

creating from data sources, 290–296

filtering data, 300–301

grouping data, 299, 301

nesting data regions, 299

query parameters, 309–311

report parameters, 316–317

sorting data, 301–302

DataType property, 174

date formatting, 277–278

db_dtsadmin role, 434

db_dtsltduser role, 434–435

db_dtsoperator role, 434

DDL (Data Definition Language), 500

Debug configuration, 398


control flow, 122–124

data viewer support, 119

viewing package status, 110

DebugLocal configuration, 398

Decision Trees algorithm (DM), 245, 262, 499, 501, 510

defining dimension relationships process, 158

DELETE statement (DMX), 500

denied set, 457


SSAS objects, 359–366

SSIS packages, 346–354

SSRS on Internet, 36

SSRS reports, 397–406

Deployment Wizard, 359, 362–366, 369–370

DeploymentOutputPath property, 348

Derived Column transformation, 92, 94–95, 116

destination adapters

creating, 90, 97

data flow tasks and, 89

error path support, 116

detail view (Model Designer), 326

digital signatures, 435

Dimension Data tab (Solution Explorer), 456–459

Dimension Designer (BIDS), 152, 158–160, 186

Dimension Processing destination adapter, 90

Dimension Usage tab (Cube Designer), 145, 160, 170

Dimension Wizard (BIDS), 150–155


assigning to cubes, 153–154, 156–157

associating to measure groups, 158

creating, 150–152, 154–155

Cube Wizard support, 139–144

database, 146

defined, 50

in cubes, 50, 146

in data mining models, 261, 265

migrating, 56

modifying attributes, 153, 155–156

properties supported, 146

scripting definitions, 470

SSAS changes, 51

SSAS processing support, 372–373

SSAS security, 454, 456–459

top-level security, 56

translating, 186, 189–190

tuples and, 193

user hierarchies and, 158–162

Dimensions tab (Solution Explorer), 455

directed approach (data mining), 237

DisableEventHandlers property, 122

disaster recovery plans, 466–472

Discover events, 475, 477

Discover Server State events, 475

discrete variables, 238, 245

DisplayFolder property, 145, 159, 174, 180

Distinct Count aggregation function, 169, 172

Distinct Count measure, 169, 172, 177–178

Distributed Transaction Coordinator. See DTC

(Distributed Transaction Coordinator)

DM. See data mining (DM)

DML (Data Manipulation Language), 500

DMX (Data Mining Extensions)

DDL statements, 500–501

prediction queries, 498–499, 502–506

query designer, 291

SSRS support, 290

DontSaveSensitive protection level, 431, 435

DPAPI (Data Protection API), 431

drillthrough actions

defined, 185

implementing, 187–189

setting security, 460, 464–465

DROP MINING MODEL statement (DMX), 500


DSV (data source view)

creating, 133, 137

creating for report model, 324–325

creating keys and table relationships, 133–135

Cube Wizard support, 139

data mining models, 244, 247–248

fact tables, 169

selecting, 325

DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator), 103–104

DTExec tool, 432, 438, 441–443

DTExecUI tool, 438–443, 445

DTS (Data Transformation Services)

control flow tasks, 84

executing and managing, 61–62

migrating to SSIS, 62–64, 67–68

post-migration steps, 64–66

SSIS differences, 60–61

DTS Migration Wizard, 61

dtsx package extension (SSIS), 64, 334, 346, 349, 431

DTUtil utility

SSIS package deployment, 346, 349, 351–353

SSIS package security, 435

dynamic property (DTS), 64



control flow tasks, 83, 85

data mining algorithms, 247

package connections and, 78

SSRS support, 29, 412

embedded functions, 321

Enable Trace Stop Time property, 474

Enabled property, 146

EncryptAllWithPassword protection level, 431–432, 435

EncryptAllWithUserKey protection level, 431, 435


DTUtil support, 435

for backup files, 467

SSIS packages, 429, 432, 435–437

encryption keys

RSCM support, 28–29

rskeymgmt.exe support, 31

SSRS support, 36–38

EncryptionLevel property, 435

EncryptSensitiveWithPassword protection level,

431–432, 435

EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey protection level, 430–431,


entities, 326

environment variable configuration type (SSIS), 336,

338, 341–342

equal sign (=), 313

error handling. See also troubleshooting

data flow, 116–122, 124–126

for measure groups, 171

for tasks, 109–115

processing SSAS objects, 377

error logging, 43–44

Error Output property, 118

error paths

adding, 124–126

defined, 116

handling data flow errors, 116–118

SSIS support, 66

ErrorCode system variable, 122

ErrorConfiguration property, 171

ErrorDescription system variable, 122

EstimatedCount property, 224

EstimatedRows property, 171, 224

ETL process, 60, 212

Evaluation operation properties, 112–113

event handlers, 66, 120–122


Command, 475

Discover, 475, 477

Discover Server State, 475

Notification, 475

Progress, 475

Query, 475, 478

Security Audit, 475

SSRS security, 528

tracing, 474–477

Excel rendering extension (SSRS), 271, 284, 533

Excel source adapter, 89

Execute Command Task (SSIS), 84

Execute DDL Task (SSIS), 84, 366

Execute DTS 2000 Package Task, 62, 65, 84

Execute Package Task (SSIS), 85

Execute SQL Task (SSIS), 85

ExecutionStartTime variable, 92

Exists function (MDX), 458

Export Column transformation, 92

EXPORT statement (DMX), 500

exporting data, 72–75

expressions, report properties, 318–322


fact tables, 169–170, 206, 458

failover instances, 16

FailPackageOnFailure property, 105

feature packs, reviewing, 16

field expressions, 319

File System Task (SSIS), 85

File Transfer Protocol. See FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FILTER clause, 309

filtering data

data-driven subscriptions, 417

in data regions, 300–301

query parameters, 309, 311

report models, 326

Flat File source adapter, 89, 118

flight recorder (SSAS), 43, 478–480

font properties, 276

FontFamily property, 276

FontSize property, 276

FontStyle property, 276

FontWeight property, 276

footers in reports, 278, 281–282

For Loop Container (SSIS), 86

ForEach Loop Container (SSIS), 86–87

forecasting model (DM), 255, 258–259

FormatString property, 145, 174, 196

FROM clause (MDX), 194

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 78, 83, 85

FTP Task (SSIS), 85

Full control role (SSAS), 41

Fuzzy Grouping transformation, 94

Fuzzy Lookup transformation, 94


Goal property (KPI), 179

graphical objects in reports, 278, 280

GROUP BY statement, 136

grouping data, 299, 301


headers in reports, 278

Hidden property, 285

HIDDEN_NODE_RATIO parameter (DM), 262


creating, 162

defined, 50

dimension relationships and, 158–162

migrating, 56

modifying, 163

navigating, 194–195

histograms, 119


HISTORICAL_MODEL_GAP parameter (DM), 495

HOLAP (Hybrid Online Analytical Processing), 171,

210–211, 214

HTML color strings, 276

HTML rendering extension (SSRS), 271, 284, 533

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 313

HTTP format, 533

Hybrid Online Analytical Processing (HOLAP), 171,

210–211, 214

hyperlinks, 279, 288–289

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 313


ID property (SSAS), 453

IgnoreUnrelatedDimensions property, 170–171

IIF function, 319

IIS (Internet Information Server), 4, 26–28

Image rendering extension (SSRS), 271, 284

Image Wizard, 279–280

images in reports, 278–280, 285

Import and Export Wizard (SQL Server), 72–75

Import Column transformation, 92

IMPORT statement (DMX), 500

importing data, 72–75

inheritance, permissions and, 454

INSERT INTO statement (DMX), 500


advanced options, 14–19

for DTS, 61

for SQL Server 2005, 4–13

prerequisites, 5

service packs, 14–16, 19–20

instance names, 7–8, 16, 52

Integration Services. See SSIS (SQL Server Integration


interactive reports, 284–286

Internet Information Server. See IIS (Internet Information


IP addresses, 17

IsAggregatable property, 153

itemset, 246


JOIN clause, 136

Jump to Bookmark action, 286

Jump to Report action, 285

Jump to URL action, 286


Kass, Steve, 239

Key Performance Indicators. See KPIs (Key Performance


KeyColumns property, 153

KPIGoal function (MDX), 181

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

creating, 179, 181–183

Cube Designer support, 145

Discover events and, 475

MDX support, 192

post-migration consideration, 57

properties, 179–180

viewing, 180

KPIs tab (Cube Designer), 145

KPIStatus function (MDX), 181

KPITrend function (MDX), 181

KPIValue function (MDX), 181


Lachev, Teo, 411

Lag function (MDX), 195

LastChild function, 173

LastNonEmpty function, 173

least privilege, principle of, 397

Left function (VBA), 501

licensing requirements, 3

lift charts, 488–490

Linear Regression algorithm (DM), 245, 510

linked reports, 530–531, 535–5387

List data region (SSRS), 297

Log\File property, 43

Log\FlightRecorder\Enabled property, 43

Log\FlightRecorder\TraceDefinitionFile property, 43

Log\QueryLog properties, 43–44

Log\QueryLog\CreateQueryLogTable property, 43

Log\QueryLog\QueryLogConnectionString property,


Log\QueryLog\QueryQueryLogSampling property, 44

Log\QueryLog\QueryQueryLogTableName property,


LogDir property (SSAS), 44

logical AND statement, 111, 113

Logical condition properties, 112

logical OR statement, 111, 113

Logistic Regression algorithm (DM), 245, 510

Lookup transformation, 92, 116


Management/Legacy folder, 62

market basket analysis, 246

Markov chains, 246

Matrix data region (SSRS), 297–299

matrix reports

classification matrix, 491–492

creating, 269–270

hiding items, 285

MaxConcurrentPredictionQueries property, 510

MaxIdleSessionTimeout property, 476

MAXIMUM-STATES parameter (DM), 262

MDX (Multidimensional Expressions)

Analysis Services Migration Wizard and, 54

common functions, 194–195

creating calculations, 192–197

creating queries, 192–198

defining business metrics, 167

filtering queries, 309

OLAP support, 291

PrevMember function, 179

SQL Server Profiler support, 473

SSAS security, 457–459

SSRS support, 290

viewing KPIs, 181

MDX Query Builder, 269, 273, 291–293

measure groups

creating, 142, 169–172, 174–177

Cube Designer support, 145

Cube Wizard support, 142

dimension relationships, 158, 160–162

fact tables and, 206

partition support, 205–209, 215–220

properties, 171

renaming, 143

scripting definitions, 470

SSAS processing support, 372–373

MeasureExpression property, 174


calculated members and, 196

creating, 173–174, 176–177

defined, 50

in cubes, 50

measure group requirements, 170, 173

Members function (MDX), 195–197

Membership tab (Solution Explorer), 455

Merge Join transformation, 93

Merge transformation, 93

Message Queue Task (SSIS), 85


backing up, 466

copying, 367

cube storage model, 209

Cube Wizard support, 139

KPI properties, 180

Microsoft .NET Framework, 4–5, 277–278, 320

Microsoft Clustering Services. See MSCS (Microsoft

Clustering Services)

Microsoft Excel, 181, 184

Microsoft_Association_Rules property, 510

Microsoft_Clustering property, 510

Microsoft_Decision_Trees property, 510

Microsoft_Linear_Regression property, 510

Microsoft_Logistic_Regression property, 510

Microsoft_Naive_Bayes property, 510

Microsoft_Neural_Network property, 510

Microsoft_Sequence_Clustering property, 510

Microsoft_Time_Series property, 510

migration process

DTS, 61

SSAS, 50–58

SSIS, 60–66

Migration Wizard (SSAS), 52–56, 58–60, 468


MINIMUM_SUPPORT parameter (DM), 262

mining models. See data mining models

Mining Structure tab (Solution Explorer), 455

mining structures. See data mining structures

missing values in data mining, 239

Mixed Mode authentication, 9

Model Designer, 326

model tree view (Model Designer), 326

models. See data mining models

MOLAP (Multidimensional OLAP)

backup considerations, 467

defined, 372

proactive caching, 212–215, 382

storage modes, 152, 171, 210

MSCS (Microsoft Clustering Services), 16–18

msdb system database

DTUtil support, 352

manipulating packages, 62

securing packages, 432–435, 444

storing packages, 61, 346, 444

MSMQ, 85

MSOLAP_NODE_SCORE attribute, 494

Multicast transformation, 93, 116

Multidimensional Expressions (MDX), 54, 167, 192–197

Multidimensional OLAP. See MOLAP (Multidimensional


multidimensional queries, 291–293

My Reports (SSRS), 522, 530–531


Naive Bayes algorithm (DM), 245, 247, 262, 510

Name property, 145–146, 153, 159, 418

NameColumn property, 153

named calculations, 135

named queries, 135–136, 324

named sets, 196–197, 199–200

nested tables, 239, 244, 254–255

nesting data regions, 299

Neural Network algorithm (DM), 245, 262, 510

nodes, 16

Notification events, 475

NotifyTableChange command (XMLA), 384

Null delivery channel, 412

number formatting, 277–278


object definitions, backing up, 470–471

ODBC, 417

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

data mining support, 392

MDX support, 192, 291

SSAS Report Models, 324

SSAS support, 129, 192, 372–373

SSRS support, 411

OLAP cubes

data mining support, 238, 244, 261

SSRS support, 411


adding connections, 80

data source support, 132

SSAS support, 57

SSRS support, 417

OLE DB Command transformation, 94

OLE DB destination adapter, 90

OLE DB source adapter, 89

OnError event handler, 121–122

OnExecStatusChanged event handler, 121

OnInformation event handler, 121

Online Analytical Processing. See OLAP (Online

Analytical Processing)

OnPostExecute event handler, 121

OnPostValidate event handler, 121

OnPreExecute event handler, 121

OnPreValidate event handler, 121

OnProgress event handler, 121

OnQueryCancel event handler, 122

OnTaskFailed event handler, 122

OnVariableValueChanged event handler, 122

Openquery function, 510

Openrowset function, 510

Oracle databases, 324, 417

OrderBy property, 153

OrderByAttribute property, 153

outliers in data mining, 239

OverwriteDataSources property (SSRS), 271, 398


Package Configuration Wizard, 335–342

Package Configurations Organizer, 335, 341–342

package connections

connection strings, 334

data flow source adapters, 89

defining, 78–82

security and, 429

Package Deployment Utility (SSIS), 346–349

Package designer (BIDS), 71, 83, 87

Package Installation Wizard, 349–351

Package Migration Wizard, 62–65

Package Roles editor, 434

PackageName variable, 92

PackagePassword property, 432

packages. See SSIS packages

page layouts, 271

PageHeight property, 272

PageWidth property, 272

parallel processing, 58

ParallelPeriod function (MDX), 195

parameters. See dataset parameters; query parameters;

report parameters

Parent function (MDX), 194–195

Parent KPI property, 180

parent package variables, 336

Partition Processing destination adapter, 90

partition slice query, 208

Partition Wizard, 206, 208


considerations, 205–206

defined, 205

designing aggregations on, 221–232

measure group, 206–209

reasons for, 205

remote, 467

scripting definitions, 470

selecting storage modes, 205, 209–211, 215–220

SSAS processing support, 372–373

Partitions tab (Cube Designer), 145, 206, 208, 211


SSAS permissions, 510

SSIS packages, 430, 432

PDF rendering extension (SSRS), 271, 274, 284, 533

Percent Sampling transformation, 93, 239

PerfMon (Windows Performance Monitor), 480–482,


performance. See also KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

report time-out, 535

tracking for SSAS cubes, 473–482

Windows Performance Monitor, 480–482, 484

performance counters, 480

PERIODICITY_HINT parameter (DM), 263


for SSRS item-level roles, 521–522, 524–526

for SSRS system-level roles, 528–530

SSAS support, 453–454, 459–460, 510–511


implementing, 186–187, 190–191

virtual cubes and, 51

Perspectives tab (Cube Designer), 145, 187

Pivot Table Services client (SSAS), 57

Pivot transformation, 93

polling notification, scheduled, 384–386, 388–390

Precedence Constraint Editor, 112

precedence constraints. See constraints

prediction clause in data mining, 253–254

prediction queries, 498–499, 501–506, 510

Prediction Query Builder, 498–499, 501

PredictTimeSeries function (DMX), 501

PrevMember function (MDX), 179, 194

primary keys, 133–135, 206

private data sources, 290

proactive caching

MOLAP support, 210, 212–215, 382

post-migration considerations, 58

processing SSAS objects, 380–386, 388–390

ROLAP support, 210, 214, 382

understanding, 212–215, 218–220

ProactiveCaching property, 152, 171

probabilities in data mining, 245

Process database role (SSAS), 41

Process property (SSAS), 453

ProcessingMode property, 171

Production configuration, 398

profit charts, 488–490

Progress events, 475


adding SSIS packages, 76

creating in BIDS, 75–77

creating SSRS, 269–272

defining SSAS data sources, 131–133, 136–137

defining SSIS data sources, 78–82

lifecycle for data mining, 237–238

report models, 324–328


color, 276–277

Cube Designer support, 145

data mining models, 508–510

dataset, 290

date formatting, 277–278

dimension support, 146, 153, 155–156

DTExecUI support, 440–441

dynamic, 321–322

Evaluation operation, 112–113

extending report, 318–322

font, 276

KPI, 179–180

Logical condition, 112

measure group, 171

measures, 174

modifying report, 536–538

number formatting, 277–278

SSAS support, 42–44, 51, 360, 453

SSIS support, 340–341, 343–344, 347

SSRS support, 270–272, 276–278, 281, 286–289,


trace, 473–474, 478

Proprietary action, 184

ProtectionLevel security setting, 429–432

Publisher role (SSRS), 522



data mining, 498–506

DMX support, 291

DSV support, 135–136

MDX support, 192–198

multidimensional, 291–293

named, 135–136, 324

partition slice, 208

prediction, 498–499

timeouts, 397

WMI support, 85

query axes, 194

query binding, 206–207

Query events, 475, 478

query logging, 43–46, 226–227

query parameters

creating in datasets, 309–311

defined, 309

report parameter differences, 311

QueryLog properties, 226–227

QueryLogConnectingString property, 226

QueryLogSampling property, 226

QueryLogTable property, 226–227


Raise Change Event property, 334

RDL (Report Definition Language), 418, 533

read actions, 432, 434

Read Contingent permission (SSAS), 459–460

Read definition role (SSAS), 41

Read permission (SSAS), 459

Read property (SSAS), 453

Read/Write permission (SSAS), 460

ReadDefinition property (SSAS), 453

Reader role (SSIS), 434

Recordset destination adapter, 90

registry entry configuration type (SSIS), 336, 340–342

Relational Database Engine. See Database Engine

relational databases. See databases

Relational OLAP. See ROLAP (Relational OLAP)

Relational Report Models, 324

relationship types, dimensions by, 158–162

remote partitions, 467

rendering formats, 271, 417–423, 533

Report Builder (SSRS)

action support, 184

creating datasets, 290–293

creating models, 324–331

deploying reports, 397, 401

permissions and, 522

report cache, 533–534

Report Definition Language (RDL), 418, 533

Report Designer (SSRS)

deploying reports, 398, 405–406

developing report objects, 276–280

modifying report properties, 274

Report Manager (SSRS)

creating shared schedules, 408

creating SSRS item-level roles, 522–523, 526–527

creating SSRS system-level roles, 529, 531

data-driven subscriptions, 418

deploying reports, 397, 400

modifying report properties, 536–538

SSAS Report Models, 324

Report Model Project template, 269, 401

Report Model Wizard, 325–328

report models

creating, 324–331

creating on SSAS cubes, 326–327

Report Model Wizard, 325–326

types, 324

working with projects, 326

report parameters

adding, 311

binding datasets, 312

creating, 314–317

defined, 309

exposing to users, 311

hiding, 314

in URLs, 313–314

mapping query parameters, 310

query parameter differences, 311

working with defaults, 312–313

Report Project Wizard, 269–270

Report Server

managing security, 528

report cache and, 534

storing credentials, 539

validating properties, 533

viewing properties, 528

Report Server Project template, 269

Report Server Project Wizard, 269–270

Report Server Script (.rss) file, 33

Report Wizard, 269, 272

ReportID, 534

reporting actions, 185

Reporting Services. See SSRS (SQL Server Reporting


Reporting Services Configuration Manager. See RSCM

(Reporting Services Configuration Manager)

reports. See also SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services)

assigning parameters, 309–317

extending properties with expressions, 318–322

hiding columns, 284–288

hiding rows in, 284–285

interactive, 284–286

leveraging code element, 320–321

linked, 530–531, 535–538

managing execution, 533–535

matrix, 269–270, 285, 491–492

scheduled, 407–414

setting history options, 535

snapshots, 397, 411, 535

tabular, 269–270

unhiding columns, 288

ReportServerTempDB database, 410, 534

repository databases, 27

restartability (implementing for), 105–107

restoring databases, 467–468

ROLAP (Relational OLAP)

proactive caching, 214, 382

storage modes, 152, 171, 210

Role Designer tab (Solution Explorer), 455

Role ID property (SSAS), 453

roles. See also database roles

report model, 326

server, 39–40

SSAS supported, 41, 452

SSIS supported, 434

SSRS item-level, 521–527

SSRS system-level, 528–532

rolling back tasks, 107

rolling back transactions, 107–108

rolling migration, 66

Row Count transformation, 92, 118

Row Sampling transformation, 93, 239

RowNumber aggregate function, 302

rows, hiding in reports, 284–285

Rowset action, 185

rs.exe tool, 29, 33–34

RSCM (Reporting Services Configuration Manager)

command-line tools, 29–33

scale-out deployment, 33

server setup and management, 25–29

rsconfig.exe tool, 29–31

rskeymgmt.exe tool, 29, 31–33

running totals, 302–305

RunningValue aggregate function, 302


SAC (Surface Area Configuration) tool, 407

SaveCheckpoints property, 105

scatter plots, 119

SCD (Slowly Changing Dimension) transformation, 94

scheduled polling notification, 384–386, 388–390

scheduled reports, 407–414

scheduling backups, 466–472

scheduling SQL Server Agent jobs, 447

schema information, 429

scope assignments, 196

Script Component transformation, 94, 123

Script Task (SSIS), 85

Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 35

SecureConnectionLevel property, 35


cell, 459–460, 463–464

copying metadata and, 367

creating roles, 454–455

data mining models, 508–517

dimension data, 456–459

drillthrough, 460, 464–465

for SSAS architecture, 452–454

implementing for SSAS cubes, 461–465

perspectives and, 187

SSIS packages, 429–435

SSRS item-level roles, 521–527

SSRS system-level roles, 528–532

testing database roles, 461

top-level dimensions, 56

Security Audit events, 475

SELECT INFO statement (DMX), 500

SELECT statement

cautions using, 269

changing partition slice, 207

DMX support, 500, 510

DSV support, 135–136

in MDX queries, 193–194

prediction queries and, 498–500

processing SSAS objects, 372, 377

WHERE clause, 136, 309


Send Mail Task (SSIS), 85, 122

Sequence Clustering algorithm (DM), 246, 262, 494–

495, 510

Sequence Container (SSIS), 86, 104, 107

sequence model (DM), 255, 257–258

server roles, 39–40

Service Account screen, 8–9

service packs, installing, 14–16, 19–20

sessions, 476

Set Aggregation Options page, 225

shared data sources, 290, 539–540

SharePoint Server (Microsoft Office), 397

side-by-side migration, 52

Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), 85, 412

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 34

Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) transformation, 94

SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol), 85, 412

snapshots, report, 397, 411, 535

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 34

Sort transformation, 93

sorting data, 301–302

source adapters

creating, 95–96

data flow tasks and, 89

defining, 89

error path support, 116

package connections as, 78

Source property, 174

SourceName system variable, 122

SPAM filters, 247

SPLIT_METHOD parameter (DM), 262

SQL authentication, 39

SQL Server 2005

choosing installation details, 7–11

core components, 1

data-driven subscriptions, 417

DTS support, 60–62

installation files, 2

installing components, 11–13

invoking installation, 4–7

licensing requirements, 3

management and development tools, 3–4

primary editions, 2

proactive caching notification, 383

SAC tool, 407

SSIS deployment, 346–347

SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. See SSMS (SQL

Server 2005 Management Studio)

SQL Server Agent

DTUtil support, 352, 438

enabling, 445

executing SSIS packages, 445–448

running deployment scripts, 366

scheduling jobs, 447–448

scheduling SSAS backups, 468–469

scheduling SSRS reports, 407

SSMS support, 444

SQL Server Analysis Services. See SSAS (SQL Server

Analysis Services)

SQL Server configuration type (SSIS), 337–342, 344

SQL Server destination adapter, 90

SQL Server Integration Services. See SSIS (SQL Server

Integration Services)

SQL Server Mobile destination adapter, 90

SQL Server Native Client, 4–5

SQL Server Profiler, 473

SQL Server Reporting Services. See SSRS (SQL Server

Reporting Services)

SQLServerStorage protection level, 431, 435

SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services). See also data mining

architecture changes, 50–51

BIDS support, 4, 75

cell security, 459–460, 463–464

clustering, 14, 16–18

collation settings, 9

control flow tasks, 84

Cube Wizard, 139–144

datasets, 291–293

designing partition aggregations, 221–232

dimension data security, 456–459

drillthrough security, 460, 464–465

editing server-level properties, 42–44

FILTER clause, 309

instances and, 7–8

measure group partitions, 205–209

migrating databases, 468

Migration Wizard, 52–56, 58–60, 468

proactive caching, 212–215

program files location, 17

query strings, 290

renaming instances, 8

scheduling backups, 466–472

selecting partition storage modes, 209–211

service account settings, 1

setting database roles, 39–41

setting server roles, 39–40

setting up query logging, 44–46

SQL Server 2005 component, 1–2

SSMS support, 3, 470–471

SSRS support, 417

testing database role security, 461

tracing instances, 473–480, 482–483

user security architecture, 452–454

Windows Performance Monitor, 480–482, 484

XMLA scripting, 470–471

SSAS cubes

creating, 139–144, 147–148

creating data source views, 133–136

creating data sources, 131–133

creating KPIs, 179–183

creating measure groups, 169–172, 174–177

creating measures, 173–174, 176–177

creating report models, 326–327

defined, 50

defining actions, 184–185, 187–189

dimension data security, 456–459

implementing perspectives, 186–187, 190–191

implementing security, 452–465

localizing with translations, 186, 189–190

manipulating dimensions, 150–154, 156–157

MDX support, 192–197

migrating, 51–52, 56

modifying, 144–146, 148–149

proactive caching, 58

scheduling backups, 466–472

scripting definitions, 470

SSAS changes, 51

tracking performance, 473–482

user hierarchies and dimension relationships,


SSAS objects

BIDS support, 359–362, 374–378

Deployment Wizard, 359, 362–366, 369–370

proactive caching, 380–386, 388–390

processing data mining objects, 391–393

processing dimensions incrementally, 386–387

processing options, 372–373

SSMS support, 378–380

Synchronize Database Wizard, 359, 367–371

understanding dependencies, 373–374

XMLA script support, 359, 365–366, 379, 387–388

SSAS Report Models, 324

SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services)

automatic processing, 374

BIDS support, 4

constraint support, 111

creating projects in BIDS, 75–77

data mining support, 245

data preparation, 239

enabling restartability, 105–107

event handler support, 120–122

migrating to, 60–68

partition support, 206

purpose, 23

SQL Server 2005 component, 1–2

SSMS support, 3, 433

SSRS support, 417

text mining support, 246

transaction support, 103

SSIS Package Store, 351–352, 444

SSIS packages

adding to projects, 76

configuring checkpoints, 103–107

configuring transactions, 103–107

control flow containers, 85–88

control flow tasks, 83–85, 87–88

creating, 72–76, 334–342

creating configurations, 335–342

data flow adapters, 89–90

data viewer support, 119

debugging, 122–124

defined, 71

defining connections, 78–82

deploying, 346–354

dtsx extension, 64, 334, 346, 349

DTUtil utility, 346, 349, 351–353

dynamic properties, 343–344

enabling configurations, 335

encrypting, 436–437

executing, 438–448

handling data flow errors, 116–122, 124–126

identifying status, 109–115

implementing transactions, 107–108

leveraging two-pass configurations, 342

Package Deployment Utility, 346–349

Package Installation Wizard, 349–351

restartability, 103

securing, 429–436

SSISDeploymentManifest extension, 349

SSMS support, 444–448

testing execution, 87–88

transformations, 91–95

understanding configurations, 334

understanding deployment, 346–347

SSISDeploymentManifest extension, 349

SSL (Secure Socket Layer), 35

SSMS (SQL Server 2005 Management Studio)

Aggregation Design Wizard, 222–225, 228–230

AMO support, 357

creating packages, 71

creating report models, 326

creating shared schedules, 408

database roles, 454

description, 3

DTS support, 61–62

partition support, 206, 211

prediction queries, 498–499

running deployment scripts, 366

scheduling backups, 466–472

SQL Server 2005 support, 3

SSAS Report Models, 324

SSAS support, 39, 373, 378–380

SSIS packages, 433, 444–448

SSRS support, 397, 400, 403–404, 418–421

Usage-Based Optimization Wizard, 222, 225–227,


viewing KPIs, 181

SSMS Object Explorer, 56, 433, 470

SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services)

adding report objects, 278–280

applying dataset filters and groups, 297–302

applying subscriptions to reports, 412

assigning parameters, 309–317

BIDS support, 4, 397–400, 402–403

command-line tools, 29–34

creating datasets, 290–296

creating report schedules, 407–414

creating report subscriptions, 397, 412, 414–415

defining data-driven subscriptions, 417–423

defining report actions, 285–286

deploying reports, 397–406

extending reports, 318–322

IIS support, 4

implementing actions for, 184

installation options, 10

installing multiple instances, 18–19

instance name and, 7

Internet deployment, 36

item-level roles, 521–527

linked reports, 530–531, 535–538

managing data sources, 539–542

managing encryption keys, 36–38

managing report execution, 533–535

manipulating reports, 272–274, 281–283

modifying properties, 270–272, 274, 281, 286–289

My Reports space, 530–531

objects in BIDS, 75

prediction queries, 502

Report Builder, 184, 324–331, 397, 401

report cache, 533–534

Report Designer, 274, 276–280, 405–406

Report Manager, 397, 400, 408, 418

Report Project Wizard, 269–270

report snapshots, 397, 411, 535

server setup and management, 25–29

SQL Server 2005 component, 1–2

SSL communication support, 35

SSMS support, 3, 397, 400, 403–404, 408, 418–421

system-level roles, 528–532

toggling object visibility, 284–285

viewing KPIs, 181

Web farm environment, 14

StartItem property (SSRS), 271, 398

Statement action, 185

Status Indicator property, 180

Status property (KPI), 179

storage modes for partitions, 205, 209–211, 215–220

StorageMode property, 152, 171, 211

subscriptions, report

creating, 397, 412, 414–415

defining data-driven, 417–423

SSRS item-level roles, 521–522

SUM aggregate function, 302

Surface Area Configuration (SAC) tool, 407

switch function, 319

Synchronize command (XMLA), 367–369

Synchronize Database Wizard, 359, 367–371

System Administrator role (SSRS), 529

System User role (SSRS), 529

system variables, 122


table binding, 206

Table data region (SSRS), 297–299

table relationships, 133–135

Table/Matrix Properties windows, 284–285


hiding items, 285

nested, 239, 244, 254–255

tabular reports, 269–270

TargetDataSourceFolder property (SSRS), 271, 398

TargetReportFolder property (SSRS), 271, 398

TargetServerURL property (SSRS), 271, 399


defined, 83

defining transaction settings, 103–104

DisableEventHandlers property, 122

error handling, 109–115

implementing transactions, 107–108

overview, 83–85

rolling back, 107

SSRS item-level roles, 521–522

SSRS system-level roles, 528–529

Term Extraction transformation, 94, 246

Term Lookup transformation, 94, 246

test set (data mining), 239, 241–243


data mining model accuracy, 488–497

database role security, 461

SSAS post-migration, 57–58

staging reports, 397, 401

text boxes in reports, 278–279

text mining, 246

Time Series algorithm (DM), 246, 263, 495, 510

time, functions navigating, 195

Timeout property, 290

time-outs, report, 535

Tkachuk, Richard, 457

toggling object visibility, 284–285

TopCount function, 197

tracing SSAS instances, 473–480, 482–483

training set (data mining), 239, 241–243

TransactionOption property, 103–104, 107


configuring settings, 103–107

defined, 103

implementing, 107–108

rolling back, 107–108

Transact-SQL, 239, 290, 500


creating, 90

data flow tasks and, 89

data mining support, 245

overview, 91

selecting, 91–94

text mining support, 246

using, 94–96


dimension, 186, 189–190

localizing cubes, 186

Translations tab (Cube Designer), 145, 186

Trend Indicator property, 180

Trend property (KPI), 180


circular references, 342

data flow issues, 118–120

flight recorder and, 478

tuples, 192–193, 196

Type property, 171


UCase function (VBA), 501

UDL (Universal Data Link), 65

UDM (Unified Dimensional Model), 51, 244

UDM cubes, 261

UNC (Universal Naming Convention), 412, 418

undirected approach (data mining), 237

Unified Dimensional Model (UDM), 51, 244

Union All transformation, 93

Universal Data Link (UDL), 65

Universal Naming Convention (UNC), 412, 418

Unpivot transformation, 93

UPDATE statement (DMX), 500

Upgrade Advisor tool, 50

upgrading SSAS, 50–59

URL action, 185

URLs in report parameters, 313–314

Usage property, 153

Usage-Based Optimization Wizard, 222, 225–227,



ValidateExternalMetadata property, 90

Value property

built-in function expressions, 320

control flow expressions, 319–320

KPIs, 179

text boxes, 279


defined, 237

measuring values, 238–239

parent package, 336

query parameters, 309

report parameters, 309

system, 122

VB.NET, 85

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), 501

virtual cubes, 51

virtual directories, 26, 35

Virtual SQL Server name, 17

Visible property, 145–146, 174

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), 501

Visual Studio, 4

Visual Total property, 459


Web farms, 14

Web Service Description Language (WSDL), 33

Web Service Task (SSIS), 85

Web services, 85

Weight property, 180

WHERE clause

data duplication and, 385

partition slice queries, 208

query parameters, 309

SELECT statement support, 136, 309

Windows Admin role (SSIS), 434

Windows Authentication

purpose, 9

SQL Server Agent, 448

SSAS support, 39, 508

SSIS support, 342, 431, 441, 444

SSRS support, 35

Windows DTC. See DTC (Distributed Transaction


Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), 473

Windows Performance Monitor (PerfMon), 480–482,


Windows Scheduler, 352

WITH clause, 194

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), 473

WMI Data Reader Task (SSIS), 85

WMI Event Watcher Task (SSIS), 85

WMI queries, 85

write actions, 432, 434

Write property (SSAS), 453

Writer role (SSIS), 434

WSDL (Web Service Description Language), 33


XML file configuration type (SSIS), 336–338, 340,


XML rendering extension (SSRS), 271, 284

XML source adapter, 89

XML Task (SSIS), 85

XMLA scripts

ClearCache command, 482

deploying SSAS objects, 359, 365–366

NotifyTableChange command, 384

processing SSAS objects, 379, 387–388

scripting SSAS objects, 470–471

Synchronize command, 367–369



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