
The Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Failover Clustering Management Pack for Operations Manager 2005 monitors failover clusters that are running on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise or Windows Server 2008 Datacenter. By detecting critical events and sending alerts, this Management Pack module helps you maintain or increase the availability of services that you provide through failover clusters.

With the embedded expertise in the Failover Clustering Management Pack module, you can proactively manage failover clusters and identify issues before they become critical.

This management pack module highlights events that may indicate possible service outages or configuration problems, so you can quickly take corrective or preventative actions. Some of the conditions monitored by this group of rules are:

  • Configuration or hardware issues that interfere with the starting of the Cluster service on a cluster node
  • Connectivity issues that affect communication between nodes (clustered servers) or between a node and a domain controller
  • Active Directory® settings that affect the cluster (for example, permissions needed by the computer account that is used by the cluster)
  • Configuration issues with network infrastructure needed by the cluster (for example, issues with Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Issues with the availability of a clustered resource such as a clustered file share or a clustered application
  • Issues with the cluster storage or, for some clusters, with the witness disk or witness file share