Data Stores Overview

This section of Disaster Recovery describes the key data stores provisioned or manipulated during a platform deployment. The following figure shows the platform components and the data stores with which each is associated.


Also shown are data stores associated with hosted services, such as Hosted Exchange.


  • NT Data Store (NTDS), Active Directory Store

    This store contains a number of object types created by the provisioning system. Each object has a corresponding globally unique identifier (GUID) that may be referenced by related data stores.

  • Plans Database (PlanManager)

    The Plans database (labeled as PlanManager) contains service plans information for provisioned organizations.

  • Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) Database

    Also referred to as the OnePoint database, the MOM database is the central storage facility for events, alerts, performance data, rules, and scripts.

  • Performance Warehouse Database (PWDB40)

    Operates as the archive for PlanManager. With PWDB40, customers can archive performance data for long-term analysis.

  • Microsoft Provisioning System (MPS) Configuration Database (MPFConfig)

    MPS uses this Microsoft SQL Server database to maintain records of all provisioning servers, credentials, and namespaces (and their procedures) installed with MPS.

  • Transaction Log Database (MPFTranLogData)

    MPS uses this SQL Server database to maintain short-term information about each MPS transaction. If a transaction fails to complete, information from the database can be used to successfully roll back the transaction. You can specify whether to delete data for a completed and failed transaction or to log the data in the audit log database. The Auditing and Recovery Service is installed with the transaction log component.

  • Audit Log Database (MPFAudit)

    MPS uses this SQL Server database to maintain records of the transactions that are marked for audit in each procedure. This is the only database that can be accessed directly from SQL Server.

  • Resource Manager Database (ResourceManager)

    MPS uses this SQL Server database to maintain the records of resources available for allocation to MPS in addition to records of how resources are currently allocated.