
Symbols | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X


@@ERROR function, 218

@@TRANCOUNT function, 224

@batch parameter, plan guides, 74

@hints parameter, plan guides, 74

@module parameter, plan guides, 74

@name parameter, plan guides, 73

@params parameter, plan guides, 74

@stmt parameter, plan guides, 73

@type parameter, plan guides, 74


ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) properties, 443

Action class, AMO OLAP, 155

Active Server Pages (ASP), 10

Administer permission, AMO, 156

Administrative classes, AMO, 156

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)

data access object model, 32

data access with, 10–11

ADOMD, 157–158

AdomdDataReader object, 158


as connected object model, 35–36

as disconnected object model, 32–34

asynchronous processing, 184

connecting with, 6–7

data providers, 438

exercise connecting with, 14–15

exercise retrieving data with DataReaders, 40

exercise retrieving data with DataSets, 36

recommended uses as data provider, 5

selecting as data provider, 4

SqlParameter objects, 211

AdventureWorks database

installing, xxii

software requirements for Exam 70-442, xx

AFTER triggers

cascading actions and, 199

data validation and, 210

aggregate functions

built-in functions, 61

T-SQL, 435

aggregating data

built-in functions, 61

exercise de-normalizing aggregated data, 335–338

PIVOT operator, 55

UNPIVOT operator, 55

user-defined functions, 61

algorithms, for data mining, 156

alias data types, 335


ALTER TABLE statement, 347

AMO (Analysis Management Objects), 154–157

administrative classes, 156

assemblies and namespaces, 154

compared with XMLA, 154

data mining classes, 155

fundamental objects, 154

OLAP classes, 155

overview of, 154

security classes, 156

APIs (application programming interface) ADO.NET as, 4

application domains, 430

application performance, SQLOS and, 416–425

application-side distributed transactions, in .NET Framework, 268

APPLY statements

combining subqueries with, 293

exercise using, 67

SELECT statements and, 55–57

ASP (Active Server Pages), 10


asynchronous processing, 184

caching methods, 97, 99


AMO (Analysis Management Objects), 154

CLR Host assembly permissions, 428

.NET Framework, 425

RMO (Replication Management Objects), 150

SMO (Server Management Objects), 145

asymmetric keys, 472

asynchronous processing, 184–189

Command object for accessing methods, 185

enabling with ADO.NET, 184

exercise applying callback feature, 186–189

overview of, 184

Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) properties, 444

Attributes, OutputCache directive, 100


CLR Host and, 427

creating endpoints and, 20

user IDs and passwords and, 9

authorization, CLR Host and, 427

Auto Stats trace event, 461


balanced tree indexes, 305, 464. See also clustered indexes, non-clustered indexes


creating performance baselines, 380

exercise comparing clustered indexes, nonclustered indexes, and indexed views against baseline, 330

exercise creating performance baseline for queries, 324–325

Basic authenticationz, 20


BEGIN TRANSACTION statement, 244

Body, of XQuery expressions, 82

bookmark lookup, indexes, 467

bottlenecks, I/O and CPU bottlenecks, 384

B-Tree (Balanced Tree) indexes, 305, 464. See also clustered indexes, non-clustered indexes

buffer cache

defined, 410

determining object data stored in, 424

buffer pool (BPool), 447

built-in functions

aggregate functions, 61

SQL Server 2005, 61



command line compiler, 363

options for writing code for SQL Server, 360

C++, used with ODBC or OLE DB, 10

Cache class

expiration methods, 108

System.Web.Caching namespace, 102

caching, 99–114

adding items to cache, 102

custom, 102–105

exercise evaluating effects of, 112–114

exercise using OutputCache directive, 109–112

hardware read cache, 448

hardware write cache, 448

output caching, 99

overview of, 99

page-level output caching, 99

Procedure Cache Manager, 455

query notifications and, 105–108

references, 141

refresh strategy and, 108

removing items from cache, 103

storing DataSets in cache, 103

user control-level output caching, 100–101

call back feature, asynchronous processing, 186–189

CAS (Code Access Security)

CLR (Common Language Runtime) and, 429

benefits of procedures vs. XPs, 433

CLR Host and, 428

CASCADE action, foreign key constraints, 198

CASE functions, as alternatives to cursors, 118

case scenarios

in Exam 70-442, xxiii

structure of, xxiv

case sensitivity, XML and XQuery, 83

catalog views

function catalog views in partitions, 348

object catalog views in partitions, 348

sys.partitions, 346

catch blocks. See try/catch blocks

CD, using CD accompanying this book, xxiv

Cellset object, 158

central processing units. See CPUs (central processing units)

certificates, 471–472

encryption key types, 472

information contained in, 471

trust and, 472

certification, Microsoft Certified Professional, xxvi

Certification Mode, of practice tests, xxv

check constraints, 199–208

advantages of, 199

disadvantages of, 200

execution of, 201

extending with user-defined functions, 200–202

for improving query performance, 206–208

overview of, 199

performance impact of, 202


flushing data pages to disk, 451

storage engine, 449

class identifiers (CLSIDs), OLE DB 10


AMO class library, 154–157

RMO class library, 150

SQL Server Profiler event classes, 372

CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), 426. See also CLR (Common Language Runtime)


client-side precautions for preventing SQL injection attacks, 212

connections for heterogeneous client computers, 19–22

protocol configuration, 4

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 426–444

application domains supported, 430

assembly permissions, 429

CAS (Code Access Security), 430

data sources as factor in when to use, 437

database object types, 430

design goals for, 426

enabling, 361

examples of code, 434

HPAs (Host Protection Attributes), 429

memory usage statistics, 441–443

new hardware trends, 406

operation with side effects, 438

overview of, 425

reliability of, 426

scalability of, 426

security of, 427

services, 429

table-valued functions, 297

transaction management, 438–441

T-SQL compared with, 430–434

type-safe code, 429

typing and, 438

usability of code, 437

when to use code, 437

XPs compared with procedures, 433

CLSIDs (class identifiers), OLE DB 10

clustered indexes

appropriate uses of, 312

compared with non-clustered, 305

covered indexes and, 305

created by primary keys, 196

exercise comparing with non-clustered indexes, indexed views, and non-indexed baseline, 330

exercise optimizing query, 325–327

index performance and, 312–313

organization of, 463

scan option, 467

structures of, 464

COALESCE function, SELECT statements, 59


determining which tier to use for efficient operation, 360

exercise creating user-defined function, 367–370

moving code to different tiers and, 360–363

reuse in multi-tier architectures, 360

Code Access Security. See CAS (Code Access Security)

COLLATE operator, in filtered queries and, 291

collation, computed columns and, 318


clustered indexes and, 313

computed columns in index performance, 316–320

data type size when indexing, 335

in covered indexes, 305

index levels of included columns, 310

index levels of non-included columns, 309

index performance and, 307–312

index size matrix comparing included and non-included columns, 309

maximum columns in an index, 307

used for filtering, grouping, or sorting in index key, 308

command line compilers, 363

Command object, asynchronous processing, 185

Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), 426. See also CLR (Common Language Runtime)

Common Language Runtime. See CLR (Common Language Runtime)

common table expressions. See CTEs (common table expressions)

Common Type System (CTS), 426

compatibility level, database settings, 57


command line, 363

recompilation, 460

computed columns

applied to indexing, 316

collations and, 318

foreign key constraints on, 197

index performance, 316–320

primary and unique constraints on, 196

concurrency, 234–236

cursors, 134

dirty reads, 235

locks for solving concurrency problems, 235

lost updates, 234

non-repeatable reads, 235

overview of, 234

phantom reads, 235

READ_ONLY concurrency option, 120

update conflicts and, 246–250

connected models, ADO.NET, 35-36


exercise consuming HTTP endpoint, 28–30

exercise creating HTTP endpoint, 27–28

for heterogeneous client computers, 19–22

for HTTP Web services, 22–24

for SQL Server named instances, 25–26


check constraints, 199–208

for implementing data integrity, 195

foreign key constraints, 196–199

primary key and unique key constraints, 195

types of, 195

CONTAINS predicate, in full-text queries, 63

CONTAINS TABLE predicate, in full-text queries, 64

correlated subqueries, 292–295


index usage, 322

query costs, 285, 322

counters, System Monitor

adding, 378

defaults, 378

diagnosis with, 382

performance baselines with, 381

covered indexes

compared with non-covered, 307

exercise using non-clustered index for optimizing query, 327

index performance and, 305–307

performance benefits of, 306

CPUs (central processing units)

bottlenecks, 384

configuring processor affinity, 413

expanding limits for 32-bit CPUs, 407

multiple threads, 407

NUMA and, 408

query costs and, 285

CREATE VIEW statement, 354


CROSS APPLY operators, in SELECT statements, 56

csc.exe, C# compiler, 363

CTEs (common table expressions)

queries placed in, 294

recursive queries and, 118

CTS (Common Type System), 426


AMO objects, 154

AMO OLAP class, 155

CursorRecompile trace event, 461

cursors, 115–140

alternatives to, 116

building with dynamic SQL, 131

CASE function as alternative to, 118

case scenario evaluating cursor performance, 140


comparing execution time of cursor with alternative methods, 122

concurrency, 134

CursorRecompile trace event, 461

dynamic management functions, 123

efficient use of, 129

evaluating efficiency of, 133

evaluating use of, 122

exercise comparing with alternatives, 125–127

exercise creating, 124–125

exercise creating scrollable cursor, 136

exercise examining, 138


function of, 97

MARS compared with, 170

minimizing blocking, 133

minimizing or eliminating, 135

overview of, 115

performance maximization, 120

processing on row-by-row basis with, 130

query performance and, 297

READ_ONLY concurrency option, 120

recursive queries as alternative to, 118–119

reducing amount of data in, 120

references, 141

scrollable, 129

SELECT statements as alternative to, 116–117

server memory and, 133

Transact-SQL code for declaring, 115

types of, 132

when to use, 129

WHILE loops as alternative to, 117

Custom Mode, of practice tests, xxv

CXPacket waits, 423


DAO (Data Access Objects), 32

data access

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 10–11

ADO.NET, 6–7

data providers, 4–5

exercise connecting using SNAC (SQL Native Client), 16–17

exercise connecting with, 14–15

MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components), 7–11

network protocols, 2–4

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), 8–9

OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding Database), 10

password policies, 12–13

procedures compared with XPs, 433

SNAC (SQL Native Client), 12

stored procedures for, 209

data access object models, 32–42

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 32

ADO.NET as connected model, 35–36

ADO.NET as disconnected model, 32–34

exercise retrieving data with DataReader, 40–42

exercise retrieving data with DataSet, 36–39

data archiving, 349

data integrity

case scenario validating, 231

declarative. See declarative data integrity

exercise applying data validation rules to tables, 214

procedural. See procedural data integrity

data mining

AMO classes for, 155

AMO for controlling/managing, 154

exercise creating data mining structure, 166–168

references, 154, 190

SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio, 155

data partitioning. See partitioning

data providers

ADO.NET, 6, 438

available for linked servers, 51

selecting, 4–5

Data Source Configuration Wizard, 33

Data Source Name (DSN), 8

data sources

accessing multiple, 51–54

connection objects, 6

creating, 158

DataSets from, 34

exercise creating data mining structure, 166–168

heterogeneous, 51

when to use CLR and, 437

data stewardship, 360

data storage optimization, 332–338

data types, 334–335

de-normalizing, 333–334

exercise de-normalizing an aggregation, 335–338

overview of, 332

row width, 332–333

data types, 334–335

alias, 335

columns using large data types, 308

consistent use of, 335

overview of, 334

page reads and, 286

procedures compared with XPs, 433

restrictive data types for preventing SQL injection attacks, 211

selecting appropriate, 335

smallint, 62

variable-length, 332

xml data type, 80

data validation. See data integrity

data warehousing databases, 358

database engine, 451–454

flushing data pages to disk, 451

flushing log pages to disk, 452

overview of, 451

read-ahead, 453–454

database optimization

data storage. See data storage optimization

indexes. See index performance

queries. See query performance


compatibility level settings, 57

exercise creating database with SMO, 160–166

datagrid controls, 99


compared with DataSets, 35

exercise retrieving data with, 40–42

in ADO.NET connected object model, 35

using, 35

DataSet Designer, 33


ADOMD object, 158

benefits of, 33

compared with DataReaders, 35

creating, 33

data sources for, 34

exercise retrieving data, 36–39

making changes to, 34

stored in cache, 103

supporting ADO.NET disconnected model, 33

DataSource. See data sources


creating, 158

exercise creating data mining structure, 166–168

datetime values, cache expiration and, 108

DDL (Data Definition Language), 145


causes of, 240

exercise protecting against, 276

minimizing, 266

DEALLOCATE keyword, cursors and, 121

declarative data integrity, 195–208

check and foreign keys for improving query performance, 206–208

check constraints, 199

defined, 195

exercise comparing with procedural data

integrity, 213

extending check constraints with userdefined functions, 200–202

foreign key constraints, 196–199

foreign keys used with subqueries, 205

overview of, 195

primary and unique key constraints, 195

user-defined functions used with subqueries, 202–204

DELETE statements

OUTPUT keyword, 261

query hints and, 71

steps in processing, 457

subqueries, 50

within snapshot transaction, 248

de-normalization. See also normalization

data storage optimization and, 333–334

exercise de-normalizing an aggregation, 335–338


derived tables

as alternative to cursors, 116

queries placed in, 294

developers, cursor use by, 129

Digest authentication, 20


AMO objects, 154

AMO OLAP class, 155

dirty reads

concurrency problems, 235

read committed isolation level for protecting against, 236

read uncommitted isolation level and, 238

disconnected object models, ADO.NET, 32–34

disk space

optimizing data storage and, 332

removing seldom-used indexes and, 332

distributed partition views (DPVs), 353–355

distributed queries, linked servers and, 51–54

Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC), 267

distributed transactions, 267–269

Distributor object, RMO, 149, 151

DLLs (dynamic-link libraries), 2


modify method, 84

procedural data integrity and, 195

DML triggers

AFTER triggers and cascading actions, 199

implementing procedural data integrity and, 209

DMVs (Dynamic Management Views)

analyzing database application performance, 380

diagnosing problems with, 383

measuring memory consumption, 441

querying SQLOS wait types, 417

viewing SQLOS memory nodes, 410

DPVs (distributed partition views), 353–355

creating, 353

goal of, 353

DROP INDEX statement, 346

DSN (Data Source Name), 8

DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator), 267

Duration attribute, OutputCache directive, 99

dynamic cursors, 132

dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), 2

dynamic management functions, cursors, 123

Dynamic Management Views. See DMVs (Dynamic Management Views)

dynamic SQL

building cursors, 131

preventing SQL injection attacks and, 212


eager writes

flushing data pages to disk, 451

storage engine, 450

eBook, electronic version of this book, xxiv

ELEMENTS keyword, XML RAW and, 86

encryption, 471–475

certificates, 471–472

hardware trends, 406

keys types, 472

overview of, 471

SSL configuration, 473–475

endpoints, TCP/IP, 414

Enterprise Manager, 347

error handling, 218–231

@@ERROR function, 218

@@TRANCOUNT function, 224

exercise using a stored procedure for

implementing try/catch blocks, 228–231

localized user-defined messages, 226

overview of, 218

techniques, 218

try/catch blocks, 221–224

user-defined messages, 225

writing error messages to Event Log, 227

XACT_ABORT, 219–221

XACT_STATE ( ), 224

error messages

creating localized user-defined, 226

creating user-defined, 225

creating, modifying, deleting, 225

storing, 225

writing to event logs, 227

error probability, data validation and, 209

estimated query cost, 285

evaluation editions, of software, xxvii

Event Logs, 227

Event Viewer, 227


selected events for capture, 376

SQL Server Profiler, 372

Exam 70-442

case scenarios in, xxiii

hardware requirements, xix

labs, xxiv

practice test, xxv

Preparation Guide, xix

software requirements, xx

EXCEPT operators, in SELECT statements, 57

exclusive locks (X-locks), 236, 260, 265

ExecuteAndSend method, 362

execution context, as component of query engine, 458

execution order, query performance, 286–289

execution plan

correlated subqueries, 295

for SARG filtered query, 290

graphical execution plan for query optimization, 289

query performance and, 70

execution time

cursors, 122

query performance, 286

query performance metrics, 294

exist method, XQuery, 83

EXISTS operator, correlated subqueries and, 292

EXPLICIT mode, FOR XML clause, 86

extents, storage engine, 447

EXTERNAL_ACCESS assemblies, 428



cursor types, 121

selecting, 132

when to use, 133

federations of servers, 349–352

DDR (Data-Dependent Routing), 355–356

DPV (Distributed Partition View), 353–355

linked servers, 349–352

SODA (Service-Oriented Database Architecture), 357–358

targeting multiple servers, 349

fetch options, scrollable cursors, 129

FETCH statements, cursors and query performance and, 297

file DSN, 8

file groups

partition schemes for assigning to partitions, 346

partitioning and, 345

filters, SARG, 290

FOR XML clauses

exercise generating RAW XML data, 92

mode, 87

modes, 86

FORCE ORDER, query optimizer, 78

Forced Unit Access (FUA), 447

foreign keys

improving query performance, 206–208

in implementing declarative integrity, 196–199

join operations and, 49

used with subqueries, 205


cursor types, 121

selecting, 132

when to use, 133

fragment caching. See user control-level output caching

FREETEXT predicate, in full-text queries, 64

FROM clauses

APPLY operators used in, 55

FORCE ORDER option, 78

full-text query predicates and, 63

in SELECT statements, 455

PIVOT operators used with, 54

FUA (Forced Unit Access), 447

full-text indexes, 468

full-text queries, 63–64

function catalog views, 348

functions, 61–63

built-in functions in SQL Server 2005, 61

creating partition functions, 345

exercise creating partition function, 364

user-defined, 61


GRANT command, 415

graphical execution plan, 289

GROUP BY clauses, 465



read cache and write cache, 449

requirements for Exam 70-442, xix

scatter-gather capabilities, 449

hardware trends

CPUs, 407

new trends in hardware manufacture, 406

NUMA, 407

software design and, 408

HAVING clauses

function in SELECT statements, 456

subqueries and, 50

heaps, in non-clustered indexes, 305

heterogeneous data sources, linked servers, 51


horizontal partitioning

DDR and, 355

DPV and, 353

overview of, 344

HPAs (Host Protection Attributes), 429

HTTP Web services, connections for, 22–24

HTTP endpoints

authentication options, 20

creating for client connections, 19

exercise consuming HTTP endpoint, 28–30

exercise creating HTTP endpoint, 27–28

SMO for accessing, 145


I/O (input/output)

bottlenecks, 384

multichannel support in SQL Server 2005 Storage Engine, 445

NUMA affecting I/O performance, 411

query costs and, 285

Torn I/O, 445

IAM (Index Allocation Map), 464

IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics), 447

IIS (Internet Information Services), software requirements for Exam 70-442, xxi

included column feature, indexes, 466

Index Allocation Map (IAM), 464

index depth, 307–312

index keys

columns in, 308

defined, 196

updating, 313

index performance, 305–331

analyzing index usage, 322–323

clustered indexes, 312–313

columns and index depth and, 307–312

computed columns, 316–320

covered indexes, 305–307

exercise comparing clustered indexes, nonclustered indexes, and indexed views against baseline, 330

exercise creating performance baseline for queries, 324–325

exercise using clustered index for optimizing query, 325–327

exercise using indexed view for optimizing query, 328–330

indexed views and, 320–322

maximum columns in indexes, 307

non-clustered index for optimizing query, 327–328

overview of, 305

read performance vs. write performance, 313–316

size matrix for included and non-included columns, 309

indexed views

creating, 320

exercise optimizing query, 328–330

index performance and, 320–322

query cost and, 322

verifying use of, 330

indexes, 462–470

associating indexes with partition schemes, 346

clustered indexes created by primary keys, 196

clustered-index structures, 464

foreign keys and, 197

full-text indexes, 468

full-text queries using, 63

hardware trends, 406

heap structures, 464

included columns indexes, 466

index scan, 75

non-clustered index structures, 465

non-clustered indexes created with unique keys, 195

optimizing index structures, 467

optimizing structures of, 467

organization of, 463

overview of, 462

primary XML indexes, 469

secondary XML indexes, 470

SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition supporting parallel operations, 422

types of, 462

XML indexes, 469

inner joins

overview of, 50

query optimization and, 291

ranking functions and, 64

input/output. See I/O (input/output)

INSERT statements

OUTPUT keyword, 261

query hints and, 71

steps in processing, 457

subqueries, 50

usability of code and, 437

INSTEAD OF triggers, DML, 210

Integrated authentication method, endpoints and, 20

Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE), 448

INTERCEPT operators, in SELECT statements, 57

Internet Explorer, software requirements for Exam 70-442, xxi

Internet Information Services (IIS), software requirements for Exam 70-442, xxi

Interoperability, multi-tier architectures and, 360

IS_MEMBER function, verifying security settings in stored procedures, 210

ISNULL function, in SELECT statements, 60

isolation levels, transactions

excessive blocking and, 384

exercise acquiring locks using read committed snapshot, 256–258

exercise applying default isolation level, 269–273

exercise applying locking hints, 273–276

exercise using read committed, 253–256

extensive locking problems, 252

list of, 234

locking hints, 260

locks and, 236

minimizing deadlocks, 266

OUTPUT keyword for optimizing locking, 261, 266

read committed, 236–238, 250–252

read uncommitted, 238–239

repeatable read, 240–241

serializable, 242–243

snapshots, 244–250


J#, options for writing code for SQL Server, 360

JIT (Just In Time) compiler

.NET Framework, 425

type safety, verifying, 429

JOIN operators

exercise using, 65

in SELECT statements, 49

types of, 50


optimizing query performance, 291

overview of, 50

Jscript, ADO(ActiveX Data Objects) used with, 10


Kerberos authentication, endpoints, 20

keyset-driven cursors

cursor types, 132

when to use, 133

KPI (Key Performance Indicator), 155


large object data types. See LOBs (large objects)

latches, storage engine, 449

lazy writer

flushing data pages to disk, 451

procedure cache and, 459

storage engine, 449

LEFT joins, 50

lightweight pooling, 407

LIKE operators, full-text searches compared with, 63

LIKE predicate, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), 468

linked servers

creating, 53

data providers available for, 51

distributed queries and, 51–54

loopback linked servers, 354

scalability, 349–352

SQL Server 2005, 25

Linked Servers node, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, 53

Linux clients, 19

load balancing, storage engine, 445

LOBs (large objects)

allocation units in heaps, 464

page reads and, 286

locking hints

applying, 265

exercise applying, 273–276

list of commonly used, 260


case scenario for optimizing locking, 280

exercise acquiring locks using read committed snapshot isolation level, 256–258

exercise applying locking hints, 273–276

exercise using stored procedure to protect against deadlocks and phantom reads, 276–280

extensive locking problems, 252

locking hints, 260

minimizing deadlocks, 266

OUTPUT keyword for optimizing locking, 261, 266

schema stability locks (Sch-S), 239

SET _TIMEOUT statement, 236

solving concurrency problems, 235

logical reads, page reads, 286

logon passwords, 12

logon credentials, for connecting to server, 148

Log Sequence Number (LSN), 449


flushing log pages to disk, 452

log parity in SQL Server 2005 Storage Engine, 446

writing error messages to event logs, 227

loopback connections, data access and, 433

loopback linked servers, not allowing, 354

lost updates

concurrency problems, 234

read uncommitted isolation level and, 238

LSN (Log Sequence Number), 448

LTRIM function, 468


managed code

implementing procedural data integrity, 208

reliability and, 433

MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets), 170–183

compared with cursors, 170

enabled for use with SNAC ODBC provider, 171

enabled for use with SqlClient .NET provider, 172

enabling for use with SNAC OLEDB provider, 171

exercise comparing query execution, 175–183

overview of, 5, 170

transactions and, 173

MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional), xxvi

MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components), xx

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 10–11

as data provider, 4

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), 8–9

OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding Database), 10

recommended use as data provider, 5

software requirements for Exam 70-442, xxi

MDX (Multidimensional Expression), 155

MeasureGroup class, AMO OLAP, 155


application performance issues, 385

expanding limits for 32-bit CPUs, 407

memory use statistics, 441–443

optimizing data storage and, 332

memory nodes, SQLOS, 410

merge replication, 359


for analyzing query performance, 285

page reads, 285

query cost, 285

query execution time, 286, 294

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), xxvii

Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP). See Exam 70-442

Microsoft Data Access Components. See MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components)

Microsoft Developer Network. See MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network)

Microsoft Full-Test Engine for SQL Server (MSFTESQL), 63

Microsoft Press, technical support options, xxvii

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. See SQL Server Management Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. See Visual Studio 2005

Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool

installing, xxiii

software requirements for Exam 70-442, xx

Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo assembly, 146

Microsoft.SqlServer.RegSvrEnum assembly, 146

Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.dll assembly, 150

Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll assembly, 150

Microsoft.SqlServer.ServiceBrokerEnum assembly, 146

Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo assembly, 146

Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum assembly, 146

Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum assembly, 146

Microsoft.SqlServer.WmiEnum assembly, 146

MiningStructures, AMO, 154

mirroring, storage engine and, 446

mode, FOR XML clause, 86–88

modify method, XML DML statements, 84

monitoring memory use, 441

msdb database, 225

MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network)

query hints, 73

references for RMO, 153

MSFTESQL (Microsoft Full-Test Engine for SQL Server), 63

Multidimensional Expression (MDX), 155

Multiple Active Result Sets. See MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets)


named instances, SQL Server, 25–26

named pipes, 3


AMO (Analysis Management Objects), 154

data source connection objects and, 6

.NET Framework, 425

RMO (Replication Management Objects), 150

SMO (Server Management Objects), 147

Native XML Web Services, 357

network libraries, installed as DLL files, 2

network protocols, 2–4

New Query window, SQL Management Studio, 54

NO ACTION, foreign key constraints, 197

nodes method, XQuery methods, 84

non-clustered indexes

columns and index depth and, 307–312

compared with clustered, 305

covered indexes, 305–307

created with unique keys, 196

exercise comparing with clustered indexes, indexed views, and non-indexed baseline, 330

exercise optimizing query, 327–328

non-key columns in, 466

organization of, 463

structures of, 465

non-repeatable reads, concurrency problems, 235

Non-Uniform Memory Architecture. See NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture)


de-normalizing an aggregation, 335

de-normalizing databases, 333

DML triggers for controlling denormalized data, 210

of data, 49

Notification Services, 357

NOWAIT, locking hints, 261

NTILE, ranking function, 58

NTLM authentication, endpoints, 20

NULL values

check constraints and, 200

empty strings contrasted with, 60

replacing with specific values, 60

NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture)

architecture of, 408

configuring for more than 32 processors, 412

configuring soft-NUMA support, 411–413

hardware trends, 407

memory nodes, 410

NUMBER, ranking function, 58

nvarchar data type, 335


object catalog views, 348

object IDs, in storage engine, 447

Object Linking and Embedding Database. See OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding


object-oriented programming, 133. See also Transact-SQL objects

AMO fundamental objects, 154

Auto Stats trace event, 461

core objects in AMO, 154

data sources connection objects and, 6

in SQL Sever object model, 145

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

data access methods, 8–9

MARS enabled for use with SNAC ODBC provider, 171

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

AMO classes for OLAP processing, 155

cubes and dimensions and, 154

OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding Database)

accessing multiple data sources, 51

data access with, 10

MARS enabled for use with SNAC ODBC provider, 171

Online Analytical Processing. See OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

Open Database Connectivity. See ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

OPENDATASOURCE function, 352

OPTIMISTIC, concurrency options, 134

optimizing data storage. See data storage optimization

optimizing indexes. See index performance

optimizing queries. See query performance

OPTION clause, query hints and, 71

ORDER BY clauses

query execution order and, 288

result sets of SELECT statements and, 455

orphaned connections, application performance and, 385

OUTER APPLY operator, in SELECT statements, 56

outer joins, 291

output caching

exercise using OutputCache directive, 109–112

overview of, 99

page-level, 99

user control-level, 100–101

OutputCache directive

attributes, 100

exercise using, 109–112

page-level caching and, 99


page reads, query performance, 285

page-level output caching, 99

pages, flushing data pages to disk, 451

parameters, XQuery, 84–85

partition functions

creating, 345

defining range of records included in a partition, 346

partitioning, 344–348

exercise creating partition function, 364

function catalog views, 348

functions of, 345

object catalog views, 348

overview of, 344

schemes, 346

vertical and horizontal types, 344


authentication and, 9

policies for data access, 12–13

peer-to-peer replication, 359–360

effective use of, 360

overview of, 359

performance baselines

creating, 380

exercise creating for queries, 324–325

Performance Monitor (Perf Mon). See System Monitor

performance, 372–391

case scenario diagnosing performance, 391

case scenario evaluating cursor performance, 140

check constraints and, 202

common issues, 384

DMV (dynamic management views) for analyzing, 380

excessive blocking, 384

exercise using SQL Server Profiler, 386–390

I/O and CPU bottlenecks, 384

inefficient or slow-running queries, 384

maximizing cursor performance, 120

limited space for tempdb, 385

memory issues, 385

orphaned connections, 385

overview of, 372

performance baselines, 380

read uncommitted isolation level and, 238

SQL Server Profiler for analyzing, 372–377

System Monitor for analyzing, 377–379

trace events, 461


SSAS security, 156

T-SQL for verifying, 210

Perspective class, AMO OLAP, 155

phantom reads

concurrency problems, 235

exercise protecting against, 273, 276

repeatable read isolation and, 240

serializable isolation level and, 242

PIVOT operators, in SELECT statements, 54

plan guides

case scenario creating plan guide, 93

exercise creating, 78

query hints, 73

Point in Time, storage engine, 444

policies, password, 12–13

port affinity, TCP/IP, 414


configuring TCP/IP port affinity, 414

SQL Server 2005 configured for ports, 416

practice tests

Exam 70-442, xxiv

how to use, xxv

installing, xxv

optional modes, xxv

uninstalling, xxvi

Preparation Guide, for Exam 70-442, xix

primary keys

declarative data integrity and, 195

DROP INDEX statement and, 347

join operations and, 49

primary XML indexes, 469

ProactiveCaching class, AMO OLAP, 155

procedural data integrity, 208–216

data validation in stored procedures, 209

defined, 195

DML triggers and, 209

exercise comparing with declarative data integrity, 213

overview of, 208

SQL injection attacks and, 211–213

T-SQL for verifying permissions, 210

procedure cache

as a memory pool, 458

query engine and, 459

Procedure Cache Manager, 455

Process, AMO permissions, 156

processor affinity, 413

Prolog, XQuery namespace declaration, 81

providers. See data providers

proxy code, WSDL document for generating, 23

Publisher object, RMO 149, 151


queries, 47–96

check and foreign keys for improving query performance, 206–208

distributed queries, 51–54

enabling ad hoc queries, 352

exercise comparing query execution with/without MARS, 175–183

foreign keys used with subqueries, 205

full-text queries, 63–64

inefficient or slow-running, 384

MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets). See MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets)

querying data with ADOMD.NET, 157–158

ranking functions, 58

reference materials, 95

results with _NUMBER function, 59

SELECT statements. See SELECT statements

Transact-SQL and, 364

user-defined functions used with subqueries, 202–204

queries, XML data, 80–93

exercise generating XML, 92

exercise writing XQuery expression, 91

overview, 80

parameters, 84–85

returning data as XML, 86–89

updating data using XML, 89

XQuery, 81–84

query cost

indexed views and, 322

metrics for analyzing query performance, 285

query engine, 454–462

components, 454, 455

execution context, 458

hardware trends, 406

overview of, 454

procedure cache, 459–462

processing, 455–458

query plan, 458

steps in operation of, 457

query hints

for optimizing performance, 71–73

plan guides, 73

query notifications

benefits of, 357

caching and, 105–108

query optimizer

benefits of, 457

check and foreign key constraints for improving query performance, 206

cost-basis of, 456

DML triggers and, 210

execution order and, 286


in SQL Server 2005 query engine, 455

query plan as output, 455

reliance on distribution statistics, 457

searchable arguments and, 74

query performance, 70–79, 285–304. See also index performance

case scenario creating plan guide, 93

correlated and uncorrelated subqueries, 292–294

costs, 285

covered indexes and, 306

cursors and, 297

execution order, 286–289

execution plan and, 70

execution time, 286

exercise creating performance baseline, 324–325

exercise creating plan guide, 78

exercise optimizing example query, 302–304

exercise rewriting query, 76

exercise testing large result set, 300–302

exercise testing small result set, 298–300

exercise using clustered index for optimizing query, 325–327

exercise using indexed view for optimizing query, 328–330

exercise using non-clustered index for optimizing query, 327–328

graphical execution plan for optimizing, 289

joins for optimizing, 291

overview of, 70, 285

page reads, 285

plan guides for injecting query hints, 73

query hints for optimizing, 71–73

SARGs (search arguments) for optimizing, 290

scalar user-defined functions (UDFs), 294–296

scenario optimizing, 338

searchable arguments, 74–76

table-valued UDFs, 296

query plan

as component of query engine, 458

as output of query optimizer, 455

caching, 462

condition requiring new plan, 459

optimizing index structures, 467

read-ahead contrasted with parallel query plans, 454


RAISERROR statement, 222

ranking functions, queries, 58

RAW mode

exercise generating XML, 92

FOR XML clause, 86

RDOs (Remote Data Objects), 32

Read, AMO permissions, 156

read committed isolation level

exercise acquiring locks using, 256–258

exercise using, 253–256

locking hints, 260

transactions, 236–238

read committed snapshot isolation level, 250–252

read locks, concurrency problems, 235

read performance, vs. write performance in indexes, 313–316

read uncommitted isolation level, 238–239

READ_ONLY, cursor concurrency options, 120, 134


parallel query plans contrasted to, 454

SQL Server 2005 database engine, 453–454

ReadDefinition permissions, AMO, 156

READPAST, locking hints, 260

recordset objects, 11

recursive queries, 118–119

refresh strategy, caching and, 108

relational databases, querying. See queries Remote Data Objects (RDOs), 32

repeatable read isolation level, 240–241

replication. See also RMO (Replication Management Objects)

defined, 149

peer-to-peer, 359

results sets, from queries, 57

RIGHT joins, 50

RMO (Replication Management Objects), 149–153

assemblies, 150

class library, 150

namespace, 150

overview of, 149

publisher and distributor, specifying, 151

roles, SSAS security, 156

ROW_NUMBER function, 293


covered indexes compared with noncovered, 307

optimizing row width in data storage, 332–333

performance benefits of covered indexes, 306

SARG filter for reducing rows returned by query, 290

RTRIM function, 468


applying data validation rules to tables, 214

for implementing data integrity, 195

for implementing foreign key constraints, 196


SANs (storage area networks)

I/O related problems, 411

scalable shared databases accessed over, 359

SARGs (searchable arguments)

query performance, 74–76

optimizing query performance, 290

scalability, 343–371

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 426

DDR (Data-Dependent Routing), 355–356

DPV (distributed partition view), 353–355

exercise creating partition function, 364

exercise creating user-defined function, 367–370

linked servers and, 349–352

moving code to different tiers and, 360–363

NUMA and, 408

overview of, 343

peer-to-peer replication, 359–360

procedures compared with XPs, 433

scalable shared databases, 358

server federations and, 349–352

SODA (Service-Oriented Database Architecture), 357–358

techniques for, 343

Transact-SQL compared with SQLCLR, 364

scalable shared databases, 358

scalar functions

check constraints and, 200

defined, 62

query performance and, 294–296

ScalarMiningStructureColumn, AMO data mining class, 155

scan option, clustered indexes, 467

scans, SARG, 290

scatter-gather, hardware capabilities for, 449

schedulers, SQLOS, 414–416

schema stability locks (Sch-S), 239

schemes, partition, 346

scripting languages

ODBC not used with, 9

used with, 11

SCROLL_LOCKS, concurrency options, 134

scrollable cursors

exercise creating, 136

fetch options, 129

overview of, 115, 129

searchable arguments. See SARGs (searchable arguments)

secondary XML indexes, 470

Secure Sockets Layer. See SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)


CLR (Common Language Runtime), 427

AMO classes, 156

procedures compared with XPs, 433

protocols for securing replication topology, 153

seek, SARGs, 290

SELECT statements, 49–69

APPLY operators, 55–57

as alternative to cursors, 116–117, 133

COALESCE function, 59

correlated subqueries and, 292

cursors representing rows returned from, 115

EXCEPT and INTERSECT operators, 57

execution order of, 286

exercise using APPLY operator, 67

exercise using JOIN operator, 65

full-text queries and, 64

functions and, 61–63

ISNULL functions, 60

JOIN operators, 49

linked servers for accessing multiple data sources, 51–54

ORDER BY clause in, 288

PIVOT/UNPIVOT operators, 54

query engine and, 455

query hints and, 71

ranking functions and, 58

steps in processing, 457

subqueries, 50

syntax, 49

usability of code and, 437

what defined by, 455

Send method, CLR, 362

SendResultsEnd method, CLR, 363

SendResultsRow method, CLR, 363

SendResultsStart method, CLR, 362

serializable isolation level, 242–243

serializable locking hint, protecting against phantom reads, 273

Server Management Objects. See SMO (Server Management Objects)

Server object, SMO, 145

server processor identifier (SPID), 413


cursors as server-side objects, 115

cursor demands on server memory, 133

distributed transactions in T-SQL, 267

targeting multiple servers to accommodate high demand, 349

Service Broker

asynchronous processing and, 184

services provided by, 357

SMO assembly supporting, 146

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), 357

Service-Oriented Database Architecture. See SODA (Service-Oriented Database Architecture)

services, ADO.NET, 6

services, SQL Server. See SQL Server services

SET _TIMEOUT statement, locks, 236

SET DEFAULT, foreign key constraints, 197

SET NULL, foreign key constraints, 197


page reads metric, 285

performance metric, 307

query cost and, 294


metric for query execution time, 286

query cost and, 294


shared locks (S-locks)

acquiring/releasing for read operations, 236

solving concurrency problems, 235

shared memory, network protocols, 3

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 21

smallint data types, 62

SMO (Server Management Objects), 145–149

assemblies, 145

connecting to a server instance, 147

exercise creating database using SMO application, 160–166

namespaces, 147

overview of, 145

tasks performed with, 149

SMP (Symmetric Multi Processing)

hardware trends, 407

NUMA as improvement to, 408

SNAC (SQL Native Client)

as data provider, 5

data access with, 12

exercise connecting using, 16–17

MARS enabled for use with OLEDB provider, 171

MARS enabled for use with SNAC ODBC provider, 171

recommended uses as data provider, 5

snapshot isolation level, 244–250

applying in a database, 244

overview of, 244

update conflicts and, 246–250

SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture), 357

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 21

SODA (Service-Oriented Database Architecture), 357–358

benefits of, 357

drawbacks of, 357

how it works, 358

overview of, 357


evaluation editions, xxvii

impact of hardware tends on software design, 408

sp_addmessage stored procedure, 225

sp_altermessage stored procedure, 225

sp_configure system stored procedure, 352

sp_create_plan_guide stored procedure, 73

sp_dropmessage stored procedure, 225

SPID (server processor identifier), 413

SQL injection attacks

implementing procedural data integrity and, 211–213

preventing, 211

vulnerability to, 132

SQL Native Client. See SNAC (SQL Native Client)

SQL Server 2005

care in use of cursors, 133

concurrency control, 120

connections for named instances, 25–26

database encryption. See encryption, SQL Server 2005 databases

database engine. See database engine

dynamic management functions, 123

evaluating effective use of cursors, 122

index internals. See indexes

linked servers, 25

query engine. See query engine

query notification feature, 105–108

storage engine. See storage engine

XML Web services, 22

SQL Server 2005 Installation Wizard

AMO installed with, 154

replication services installed with, 150

SQL Server Agent jobs, 149

SQL Server Analysis Services. See SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services)

SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio

data mining, 155

exercise creating data mining structure, 166

SQL Server Configuration Manager

client protocol configuration, 4

network protocol configuration, 3

SQL Server Enterprise Edition

installing, xxi

software requirements for Exam 70-442, xxi

SQL Server instance, 147

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), 352

SQL Server Management Studio

AMO as alternative to

creating linked servers, 51

displaying query execution plan, 70

identifying NULL values in query results, 60

creating linked servers, 25

SMO for administering tasks normally done with, 145

SQL Server Profiler, 372–377

creating performance baselines, 380

exercise analyzing performance with, 386–390

overview of, 372

resource use in traces, 377

starting new trace, 374

templates, 373

trace property selection, 376

tracing cursor performance problems, 135

ways to execute, 373

SQL Server services

AMO (Analysis Management Objects). See AMO (Analysis Management Objects)

asynchronous processing. See asynchronous processing

RMO (Replication Management Objects). See RMO (Replication Management Objects)

SMO (Server Management Objects). See SMO (Server Management Objects)

SQL-92 syntax, 134

SqlClient .NET Provider, 172

SQLCLR (SQL Common Language Runtime). See also CLR (Common Language Runtime)

benefits of, 357

exercise creating user-defined function, 367–370

Transact-SQL compared with, 364

SQLOS (SQL Operating System), 408–425

application configuration strategy, 419

application performance and, 416–425

architecture, 409–411

configuring soft-NUMA support, 411–413

determining degree of parallelism in currently executing queries, 423

hierarchical relationship between nodes, schedulers, and tasks, 409

new hardware trends, 406

overview of, 408

querying wait types, 417

schedulers, 414–416

SQL Server task scheduling, 413

synchronization objects, 427

UMS compared with, 417

workload distribution, 420

SqlParameter objects, ADO.NET, 211

SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services)

DataSource and DataSourceView objects, 158

programmatically controlling SSAS objects. See AMO (Analysis Management Objects)

references, 154

SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services), 352

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

certificates, 20

configuring SQL Server 2005 for, 473–475

stable media, storage engine, 444

static cursors

cursor types, 132

when to use, 133

Statistics Manager, query engine, 455

storage area networks. See SANs (storage area networks)

storage engine, 443–450

ACID properties, 443

buffer pool (BPool), 447

checkpoints, 449

data page sizes and numbers, 447

eager writes, 450

extents, 447

FUA (Forced Unit Access), 446

hardware read cache, 448

hardware trends, 406

hardware write cache, 448

latches, 449

lazy writer, 449

log parity, 446

LSN (Log Sequence Number), 448

mirroring and remote mirroring, 446

multichannel and load balancing systems, 445

object ID, 447

overview of, 443

Point in Time, 444

stable media, 444

tasks of, 443

Torn I/O, 445

WAL (Write-Ahead Logging), 448

write ordering (write dependency), 444

stored procedures

data validation in, 209

exercise creating, 228–229

for creating, modifying, deleting error messages, 225

object types, 430

processing on row-by-row basis, 130

SP:Recompile trace event, 461

using XACT_ABORT ON with, 220

verifying security settings in, 210

XPs executing out of band, 426


disallowing unneeded characters in preventing SQL injection attacks, 211

empty strings compared with NULL values, 60

XML strings as query hints, 71

Study Mode, of practice tests, xxv


correlated with outer query, 292–294

SELECT statements, 50

syntax for, 50

without correlation to outer query, 292

Surface Area Configuration tool, 361

symmetric key encryption, 472

Symmetric Multi Processing. See SMP (Symmetric Multi Processing)

synchronization objects, SQLOS, 427

sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, 333

sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats, 323

sys.dm_exec_cursors function, 123

sys.partitions, catalog view, 346

sysadmin role, 19

system DSN, 8

System Monitor, 377–379

adding counter, 378

counters for creating performance

baselines, 381

counters for diagnosing problems, 382

creating performance baselines, 380

default counters, 378

overview of, 377

system requirements, Exam 70-442, xix

System.Transactions namespace, 268, 438

System.Web.Caching namespace, 102


table locks. See locks

table scan, indexes, 467

TableMiningStructureColumn, AMO data mining, 155


applying data integrity rules to, 195, 214

heaps and clustered, 305

maximum columns in, 307

row width and, 332

table-valued functions. See TVFs (Table-Valued Functions)

Tabular Data Stream (TDS), 414

task scheduling, SQL Server, 413

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), endpoints, 19


communication protocol, 3

port affinity, 414

TDS (Tabular Data Stream), 414

technical support, Microsoft Press, xxvii


limited space for, 385

snapshot transaction level and, 244

templates, SQL Server Profiler, 373

theoretical execution order, queries, 286


multiple threading CPUs, 407

SQLOS synchronization and, 427

tiers, improving performance by moving code to different tiers, 360–363

timeouts, locks, 236


cursor performance, 135

resource use and, 377

selecting trace properties, 376

SQL Server Profiler, 372

SQL:StmtRecompile, 460

starting new trace, 374

transactions, 233–282

applying locking hints, 265

case scenario for optimizing locking, 280

CLR for managing, 438–441

concurrency problems, 234

distributed, 267–269

excessive blocking, 384

exercise acquiring locks using read committed snapshot isolation level, 256–258

exercise applying default isolation level, 269–273

exercise applying locking hints, 273–276

exercise using read committed isolation level, 253–256

exercise using stored procedure to protect against deadlocks and phantom reads, 276–280

extensive locking problems, 252

isolation levels, 234, 444

locking hints, 260

MARS for avoiding transaction locks, 170

minimizing deadlocks, 266

.NET Framework transactions used with MARS, 173

OUTPUT keyword for optimizing locking, 261, 266

overview of, 233

read committed isolation level, 236–238

read committed snapshot isolation level, 250–252

read uncommitted isolation level, 238–239

repeatable read isolation level, 240–241

serializable isolation level, 242–243

snapshot isolation level, 244–250

Transact-SQL. See T-SQL (Transact-SQL)

triggers, 430. See also DML triggers

try/catch blocks

error handling, 221–224

exercise creating, 229–231

implementing in SQL Server 2005, 221

limitations in SQL Server 2005, 224

UPDATE or DELETE statement within snapshot transaction, 248

T-SQL (Transact-SQL)

aggregate functions, common problems with, 435

APPLY operator, 55


declaring cursors, 115

derived tables as alternative to cursors, 116

enabling ad hoc queries, 352

establishing query notification, 105

extended syntax for cursor declaration and, 134

implementing procedural data integrity, 208

inline table valued function for query optimization, 297

LIKE predicate, 468

Multi-statement-statement table-valued function, 297

not designed for object-oriented programming, 133

PIVOT operator, 54

query execution plans and, 71

queries, 364

SELECT statements. See SELECT statements

server-side distributed transactions, 267

as set-based language, 364

SCROLL_LOCKS option, 134

SQLCLR compared with, 364, 430–434

verifying permissions, 210

tuning queries. See also query performance

exercise rewriting query, 76

self-tuning capability of SQL Server, 70

TVFs (Table-Valued Functions)

APPLY operators and, 56

defined, 62

example application, 434

object types, 430

typed datasets, 33

type-safe code, CLR, 429


UDAs (User-Defined Aggregates), 430

UDFs (user-defined functions)

extending check constraints with, 200–202

scalar UDFs in query performance, 294–296

SQL Server 2005, 61

table-valued UDFs in query performance, 296

used with subqueries, 202–204

UDTs (User-Defined Types), 430

UMS (User Mode Scheduler), 406

SQLOS compared with, 417

SQLOS replaces, 408

Unicode data, 335


combining results of two or more SELECT statements, 57

query execution order and, 286

using with linked servers, 352

unique key constraints, 195

UNIX clients, 19

UNPIVOT operator, SELECT statements, 54

UNSAFE assemblies, 428

update locks (U-locks), 236

UPDATE statements

OUTPUT keyword, 261, 266

query hints and, 71

steps in processing, 457

subqueries, 50

within snapshot transaction, 248

updates, concurrency problems and, 246

UPDLOCK, locking hints, 261, 265

USE, query hints, 71

user control-level output caching, 100–101

compared with page-level, 100

when to use, 101

User DSN, 8

user IDs, 9

User-Defined Aggregates (UDAs), 430

user-defined data types (UDTs), 335, 430

user-defined functions. See UDFs (userdefined functions)

user-defined messages

error handling, 225

localizing for error handling, 226

User Mode Scheduler (UMS), 406

SQLOS compared with, 417

SQLOS replaces, 408


validation. See data integrity

value method, XQuery, 83

varchar data type, 335

VaryByControl attribute, OutputCache directive, 100

VaryByParam attribute, OutputCache directive, 99

vbc.exe, 363

vertical partitioning, 344

VIA (Virtual Interface Adapter), 3

Visual Basic

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) used with, 10

command line compiler, 363

options for writing code for SQL Server, 360

Visual Basic.NET, 10

Visual C#, 10

Visual Studio 2005

installing Professional Edition, xxii

Web reference to HTTP endpoint, 23


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 81

WAL (Write-Ahead Logging), 448

WANs (wide area networks), 3

Web services

HTTP Web services, 22–24

XML Web services, 22

Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

creating endpoints and, 21

proxy code generation with, 23

WHERE clauses

compared with check constraints, 200

computed columns and, 317

function in SELECT statements, 456

non-repeatable reads and, 235

phantom reads and, 235

repeatable read isolation and, 240

searchable arguments, 74

SELECT statements, 455

serializable isolation level and, 242

subqueries and, 50

WHILE loops, as alternative to cursors, 117, 133

wide area networks (WANs), 3

Windows OSs

software requirements for Exam 70-442, xx

Visual Studio service packs for Windows Vista, xxi

Windows Event Viewer. See Event Viewer

WITH (HOLDLOCK), locking hints, 260

WITH (NOLOCK), locking hints, 260

WITH (NOWAIT), locking hints, 261


WITH (READPAST), locking hints, 260

WITH (UPDLOCK), locking hints, 261, 265

WITH (XLOCK), locking hints, 260, 265

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 81

Write permissions, AMO, 156

Write-Ahead Logging (WAL), 448

write ordering (write dependency), storage engine, 444

write performance, vs. read performance in indexes, 313–316

WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

creating endpoints and, 21

proxy code generation with, 23


XACT_ABORT, error handling, 219–221, 224

XACT_STATE ( ), error handling, 224

XLOCK, locking hints, 260, 265

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

case sensitivity of, 83

exercise generating XML, 92

modify method, 84

overview of, 5

returning data from queries as XML, 86–89

updating data using XML, 89

xml data type

methods, 83

query methods for, 81

SQL support for, 80

updating data in XML queries, 89

XML indexes

overview of, 469

primary XML indexes, 469

secondary XML indexes, 470

XML schema

storing XML schema information, 80

SMO for accessing XML schema collections, 145

XML Web Services

benefits of, 357

SQL Server 2005 and, 22

XMLA (XML for Analysis), 154

XmlReader object, ADOMD.NET, 158

XPs (extended stored procedures)

executing out of band, 426

procedures compared with, 433


case sensitivity, 83

components of, 81

exercise writing XQuery expression, 91

parameters, 84–85

querying XML data in SQL Server 2005, 469

querying XML data with, 81–84



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