Migrating Web Site Configuration

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 with SP1

After migrating the Web site content, you must migrate the Web site configuration. Before you continue in the migration process, check the Apache to IIS 6.0 Migration Tool status file, Aiismt_Status.html in the session directory, to ensure that the migration has completed successfully up to this point.

To start Web site configuration migration on the target server, at the command line, change the current folder to the folder where you installed the Apache to IIS 6.0 Migration Tool, and then type aiismt.

During the migration of the Web site configuration, the tool prompts you to supply the session name. The files with the configuration settings are located in a folder under the FTP root. The folder uses the name of the current migration session, which you specified when you migrated the Web site content in Migrating Web Site Content to IIS 6.0 earlier in this section.

During the Web site configuration process on the target server, the Apache to IIS 6.0 Migration Tool does the following:

  • Migrates Apache Web site directives and maps them to corresponding IIS configuration settings, including security settings.

  • Migrates the FrontPage Server Extensions settings, users, and roles if any of the Apache Web sites are FrontPage extended.

  • Sets the security settings on the sites by assigning user rights to the directories that contain site-related content.

  • Verifies that settings have been correctly applied to the Web sites on the target server when the Web site configuration migration is complete.