Machine required resources are not available

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

This error indicates that memory allocation failed, or that some other necessary machine resource could not be obtained. Group Policy processing for the computer or user has failed and will continue to fail until this error is resolved.


This error is usually caused by low memory or low disk space on the machine at the time that Group Policy was processing.

The following Event Numbers trigger this error:

  • 1002

  • 1035

  • 1063

  • 1075

  • 1078

  • 1081

  • 1082

  • 1094

  • 1107


To troubleshoot this problem, try one or all of the following:

  • Review the event description to obtain additional details.

  • Ensure that an adequate amount of memory is available on the machine. If the machine is very low on memory, take steps to free up the necessary resources.

  • Ensure that adequate disk space is available on the machine. If the machine is very low on disk space, take steps to free up the necessary resources.