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MS DTC Transaction Statistics Windows Contents

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) Transaction Statistics window contains the following types of transaction information:

  • Current group

    This group shows statistics that are related to the current activity on this DTC instance.

  • Aggregate group

    This group shows aggregate statistics for the running lifetime of the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service (MSDTC). Stopping and restarting the DTC instance would reset these values.

  • Response Times group

    This group displays the average response times of the MSDTC service in its running lifetime. Stopping and restarting the DTC instance would reset these values.

Current group

Statistic Description


The current number of active transactions

Max. Active

The highest number of concurrently active transactions since MS DTC last started

In Doubt

The current number of transactions about which the transaction manager is in doubt

Aggregate group

Statistic Description


The cumulative total of committed transactions: This number does not include forced (manually resolved) commit transactions.


The cumulative total of aborted transactions: This number does not include forced (manually resolved) abort transactions.

Forced Commit

The cumulative total of committed transactions that were manually committed

Forced Abort

The cumulative total of aborted transactions that were manually aborted


The number of attempted transfers of commit transactions whose replies were lost and therefore cannot be counted as either committed or aborted


The cumulative total of all transactions


Each time that you stop and restart the MS DTC, the aggregate statistics are reset to zero.

Response Times group

Response time is the duration of a transaction from the time that it began to the time that it committed. Aborted transactions, and transactions whose outcomes you forced to commit or abort, are not included in this statistic. The Response Times group displays the minimum, average, and maximum transaction response times in milliseconds.

Each time that you stop and restart the MS DTC, the average and maximum transactions response time statistics are reset to zero.