Creating Additional FTP Sites

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 with SP1

When you install the FTP service, the default FTP site is created with a default directory that is located at SystemDrive:\Inetpub\Ftproot. If you want to add additional FTP sites, then you can use the FTP Site Creation Wizard or the Iisftp.vbs command-line script, which is stored in the SystemDrive:\Windows\System32 directory. Iisftp.vbs sets up the home directory and configuration in the metabase for the new FTP site. For step-by-step instructions for creating new FTP sites with the wizard or the command-line script, see Adding FTP Sites to Your Server.

Each FTP site must have a unique IP and port number combination, so each site must have a unique IP address or a unique TCP port number (other than 21, which is the default port number for FTP connections). It is recommended that you create multiple sites with unique IP addresses instead of multiple sites with unique port numbers because when you use a port other than the default port 21, users must type the port number, in addition to the computer name, to locate the site.

If you use a name resolution system, such as Windows Server 2003 DNS, and you use port 21 for FTP, then visitors can type ftp:// followed by your computer name in their browsers to reach your site. If you use a port other than port 21, then users have to type **ftp://**followed by the port number and the name of your computer. If you have multiple sites with multiple IP addresses, then each address needs to have a corresponding registered domain name, which users must type instead of your computer name. For more information about registering a domain name, see DNS Overview_IIS_SP1_TechRef.