Configuring Internet Sites and Services
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 with SP1
Internet Information Services (IIS) provides four Internet services: the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) for hosting Internet and intranet content, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service for hosting sites from which users can upload and download files, the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) service for hosting discussion groups, and the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service for sending and receiving e-mail messages. The WWW service is installed by default. Otherwise, install only the services that you need. After you install IIS–based Internet services, you can create sites or virtual servers, configure properties and security settings, and set up components to further customize your server.
Configuring Web Sites in IIS 6.0
Additional Resources for Configuring Sites and Services in IIS 6.0
For information about the WWW service and IIS core components, see IIS 6.0 Architecture.
For information about creating a Web site, see Common IIS 6.0 Administrative Tasks.
For information about IIS security, see Managing a Secure IIS 6.0 Solution.
For information about creating Web sites programmatically, see IIS 6.0 Administration Scripts, Tips, and Tricks.