MOM SP1 Deployment Checklists

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Updated : May 26, 2004

Learn how to deploy Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) Service Pack 1 (SP1) effecienty with these deployment checklists.

Note: The checklists in this document are intended for a new installation of MOM SP1. If you are upgrading from MOM to MOM SP1, see Chapter 11, Upgrading MOM to MOM SP1 of the Microsoft Operations Manager 2000 SP1 Deployment Guide.

On This Page

Single Configuration Group
Multiple Configuration Groups with Multihomed Agents
Multiple Zone Configuration Groups with Alert Forwarding to a Master Configuration Group
Management Packs
MOM Administration Console
MOM Reporting
MOM Data Warehouse
Web Console


Welcome to the Microsoft® Operations Manager 2000 (MOM) Service Pack 1 Deployment Checklists. This document provides deployment checklists that you can use to deploy MOM Service Pack 1 (SP1). These are the same checklists that appear in the MOM SP1 Deployment Guide.

These checklists are intended for those who are already familiar with the installation of MOM and who want to have an overview of the deployment steps. If you are new to MOM, you should follow the step-by-step instructions that are located in the MOM SP1 Deployment Guide.

To view the MOM SP1 Deployment Guide on TechNet, see

Single Configuration Group

The following checklist describes the tasks that are required for deploying MOM in a single configuration group with provision for DCAM failover. If you use a single DCAM, skip the steps for installing, verifying, and adding agents to the second DCAM.

Checklist 1 Deploying MOM in a Single Configuration Group with Provision for DCAM Failover 

Before You Begin Deploying MOM


Review key concepts.


Verify hardware requirements.


Verify software requirements.


Verify network configuration and connectivity.


Calculate the size of the MOM database.


Configure database memory.


Prepare disks.


Configure Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC).


Create the MOM service accounts.


box Verify service account security settings.


Install and Configure the Database Server (SQL01): Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000
(SQL Server 2000 Enterprise for a database cluster)


Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000.


box Confirm Microsoft SQL Server licensing.


box Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000.


Verify Windows Services.


Restart the computer.


Install and Configure the Database Server (SQL01):
Install the MOM Database


Log on with administrator rights.


Validate SQL Server installation.


Verify prerequisites.


Install MOM components.


Review the MOM installation log.


Restart the computer.


Install and Configure the Database Server (SQL01):
After You Install the MOM Database


Verify OnePoint local group creation.


Validate OnePoint database installation.


Install and Configure the First DCAM (DCAM01)


Log on with administrator rights.


Verify prerequisites.


Install MOM components.


Review the MOM installation log.


Restart the computer.


After You Install the First DCAM (DCAM01)


Verify installation.


box Verify Windows Services.


box Confirm Windows Component Services.


box Configure MOM security groups.


box Log on as a MOM administrator and run the MOM Administrator console.


box Review MOM component status in the MOM Administrator console.


box Review events and alerts in the MOM Administrator console.


Test alert notification and communications.


box Create a new computer group.


box Create a new processing rule group.


box Create a processing rule.


box Enable an alert trigger.


box Test the processing rule.


Install and Configure the Second DCAM (DCAM02)


Repeat the steps described in the "Install and Configure the First DCAM (DCAM01)" section.


After You Install the Second DCAM (DCAM02)


Verify installation.


Test alert notification and communications.


Configure global settings.


Identify Managed Computers and Install Agents


Configure managed computers.


Add managed computers to the first DCAM (DCAM01).


box Define Managed Computer rules for the first DCAM (DCAM01).


box Run an Agent Manager scan on DCAM01.


box Validate and accept pending installations for DCAM01.


box Process pending installations for DCAM01.


box Review agent status for DCAM01.


Add managed computers to the second DCAM (DCAM02)


Verify agent functionality.


box Verify computer group membership.


box Add agents to the test computer group and verify events.


Finish the MOM Deployment


Customize Management Pack modules.


Install additional Management Pack modules.

Multiple Configuration Groups with Multihomed Agents

The following checklist describes the tasks that are required for deploying MOM to multiple configuration groups with multihomed agents.

Checklist 2 Deploying MOM to Multiple Configuration Groups with Multihomed Agents


Installing Multiple Configuration Groups with Multihomed Agents


Install the configuration groups. Use the checklist provided in Chapter 3, "Create a Single Configuration Group," to install each configuration group.


Identify servers to be multihomed.


Verify network connectivity to managed servers.


Install and test agents for Configuration Group 1.


box Review and validate installation requirements.


box Define Managed Computer rules for DCAM01.


box Run a managed computer scan on DCAM01.


box Refresh the Pending Installation list on DCAM01.


box Review, accept, and process pending installations for DCAM01.


box Verify agent installation and status for DCAM01.


box Verify that agents are added to computer groups on DCAM01.


box Configure agent logs.


Install and test agents for Configuration Group 2.


box Review and validate installation requirements.


box Define Managed Computer rules for DCAM02.


box Run a managed computer scan on DCAM02.


boxRefresh the Pending Installation list.


box Review, accept, and process pending installations for DCAM02.


box Process pending installations for DCAM01.


box Restart the agent OnePoint service.


box Verify agent installation and status for DCAM02.


box Verify that agents are added to computer groups.


box Configure agent logs.

Multiple Zone Configuration Groups with Alert Forwarding to a Master Configuration Group

The following checklist describes the tasks that are required for deploying MOM in multiple zone configuration groups with alert forwarding to a centralized master configuration group.

Checklist 3 Deploying MOM in Multiple Zone Configuration Groups with Alert Forwarding to a Master Configuration Group


Before You Begin Deploying MOM


Review the "Before You Begin" section of Chapter 3, Create a Single Configuration Group.


Create Zone A Configuration Group


Create and test CfgGrp01.


Create Zone B Configuration Group


Create and test CfgGrp02.


Create Master Configuration Group


Create and test CfgGrp03


Configure Alert Forwarding for the Zone Configuration Groups


Review key concepts.


Review alert forwarding overview.


Review points to note.


Review monitoring agent computers across firewalls.


Configure Alert Forwarding for the Zone A Configuration Group


Log on with MOM administrative rights.


Enable alert forwarding.


Export custom processing rule groups.


Configure Alert Forwarding for the Zone B Configuration Group


Repeat the steps in "Configure Alert Forwarding for the Zone A Configuration Group."


Configure Alert Forwarding for the Master Configuration Group


Log on with MOM administrative rights.


Import custom processing rule groups.


Create a computer group for the DCAM in the master configuration group.


Identify the managed DCAMs for the master configuration group.


box Add Managed Computer rules.


box Run an Agent Manager scan.


box Approve and accept pending installations.


box Review agent status.


box Verify computer group membership.


Add the redundant DCAM to the master configuration group.


Test alert forwarding.


Test alert processing.


box Create a processing rule group.


box Create an alert processing rule.


box Test the alert processing rule.


Test DCAM failover.


Use one of the following deployment checklists to install agents.

Automatic Agent Installation

This checklist assumes that the agent is automatically installed by the DCAM.

Checklist 4 Deploying an Automatic Agent


Install and verify agents.


box Identify servers for agent installation.


box Review and validate the installation requirements.


box Define managed computer rules for agents on the DCAM.


box Run a Managed Computer scan on the DCAM.


box Refresh the Pending Installation list.


box Review, accept, and process pending installations.


box Verify agent installation and status.


box Verify agents are added to computer groups.


box Configure agent logs.


box Verify agent DCAM redundancy.

Manual Agent Installation

This checklist contains the tasks that are required for installing and configuring agents manually. Deploying advanced agent scenarios might require additional configuration steps.

Checklist 5 Deploying a Manual Agent


Manually install and verify agents.


box Identify servers for agent installation.


box Review the manual agent configuration options and determine which settings will be applied.


box Review the Complex Agent Scenarios to determine what additional configuration might be required for your agent scenario.


box Run the manual agent program.


box Add the agent to the DCAM.

box Add the manual agent to the Managed Computer rules.

box Associate the manual agent computers with the appropriate computer groups.

box Create a ManualMC.txt file on the DCAM.

box Initiate a managed computer scan.


box Review agent status.


box Configure agent logs.

Management Packs

Each Management Pack that you deploy should be introduced through three phases of deployment: test, pilot, and production. Checklist 6, "Building a Test Configuration Group with Multihomed Agents" includes the steps for building a test environment. Checklist 7, "Deploying Management Packs" includes use of this test environment and also rolls in the pilot and production phases of deployment. Checklist 8, "Installing the Application Management Pack" includes the steps for installing the Application Management Pack.

Building a Test Environment

The checklist for building a test environment lists the tasks that are necessary for building a test configuration group and multihoming agents to send data to this test configuration group.

Checklist 6 Building a Test Configuration Group with Multihomed Agents


Build a test configuration group for testing Management Packs.


box Build a test configuration group. Use the checklist that is provided in Chapter 3, "Create a Single Configuration Group" for building a single configuration group to build a test configuration group.


box Identify agents that will be used for testing.


box Add the agents to the test configuration group.

        box Review and validate installation requirements.

        box Verify network connectivity to managed servers.

        box Define Managed Computer rules for the test DCAM.

        box Run a Managed Computer scan on the test DCAM.

        box Refresh the Pending Installation list on the test DCAM.

        box Review, accept, and process pending installations on the test DCAM.

        box Verify agent installation and status for the test DCAM.

        box Verify agents are added to computer groups on the test DCAM.

        box Configure agent logs.

Deploying Management Packs

Introduce only one Management Pack at a time into your environment. This checklist can be repeated for each Management Pack that you introduce.

Checklist 7 Deploying Management Packs


Deploy Management Pack modules.


box Test Management Packs in the test environment.

        box Identify a Management Pack to deploy.

        box Create a Management Pack log.

        box Identify an application administrator for the Management Pack.

        box Install the Management Pack.

        box Identify computer groups that the Management Pack uses.

        box Verify that agents are installed to the appropriate computers groups.

        box Enable processing rules.

        box Verify that monitoring data is sent to the MOM Administrator console.

        box Test the processing rules and analyze the data.

        box Tune the Management Pack.

        box Verify that test objectives are met.

        box Export the Management Pack to preserve the resulting settings.


box Test the Management Pack using pilot servers.

        box Deploy the Management Pack to pilot servers.

        box Coordinate Management Pack tuning with the application administrator.

        box Verify that pilot test objectives are met.

        box Export the Management Pack.


box Deploy the Management Pack into production.

        box Import the Management Pack into the production environment.

        box Deploy the Management Pack to production servers.

        box Coordinate tuning with the application administrator.

        box Verify that production deployment objectives are met.

        box Back up the Management Pack.

        box Agree on a process for continued Management Pack tuning.

Installing the Application Management Pack

Checklist 8 Installing the Application Management Pack


Install the Application Management Pack.


box Verify disk space requirements.


box Review the import options.


box Back up the OnePoint database.


box Complete setup on the MOM database server.


box Complete setup on all MOM DCAM servers in the configuration group.


box Complete setup on the reporting server.


box Scan all managed computers.


box Verify that data is collected from agents.

MOM Administration Console

Checklist 9 describes the tasks that are required to deploy the MOM Administrator console to the network operations center.

Checklist 9 Deploying MOM Administrator Console to the NetworkOperationsCenter


Review the system requirements.


box Verify that the server meets the minimum system requirements.


Ensure that you have the proper Windows 2000 group memberships.


box Add all network operations center users to the OnePointOp Users group.


box Add network operations center users to other MOM user groups to provide additional access.


Install the MOM Administrator console.


box Ensure that the computer has access to the MOM database computer.


box Read all release notes before installing.

MOM Reporting

The following checklist describes the tasks that are required to deploy MOM Reporting.

Checklist 10 Installing MOM Reporting


Configure security and user accounts for MOM Reporting.


Install MOM Reporting.


box Verify that the server meets the minimum system requirements.

        box Install Microsoft Access 2000 or later, or Access run-time version.

        box Verify that Microsoft Access Snapshot Viewer is installed.

        box Install the Microsoft Office Graph component.

        box Install MDAC version 2.6.

        box Install a printer.


box Install MOM Reporting.

        box Install MOM Reporting by using the MOM Setup program.

        box Install the Application Management Pack by using the MOM Setup program.

        box Run MOM Reporting and generate a test report.


Configure MOM to publish reports to the Web.


box Install the MOM Web console, if you want to publish reports to the Web.

MOM Data Warehouse

The following checklist describes the tasks that are required for deploying a MOM data warehouse.

Checklist 11 Deploying a MOM Data Warehouse


Before You Begin the MOM Data Warehouse Deployment


Review the release notes.


Review the required knowledge and skills.


Review the architecture.


Review the system requirements.


Verify software and hardware requirements.


Review the disk configuration and database sizing information.


Consider the frequency of importing MOM data into the MOM data warehouse.


Consider the impact of your MOM database grooming settings.


Create the Databases


Create the holding database.


Create the MOM data warehouse database.


Initially populate the MOM data warehouse.


box Back up the production MOM database to populate the MOM data warehouse.


boxRestore the backup of the production MOM database.


Establish Security on the MOM Data Warehouse


Create a local reporting group.


Create a new SQL Server database role and login.


Install and Configure the MOM DTS Package


Download the MOM DTS package.


Configure the MOM DTS package and save it as a local package.


Add Data to the MOM Data Warehouse


Back up the production MOM database.


Restore the MOM database backup to the holding database.


Import data from the holding database to the MOM data warehouse.


Check the MOM DTS package log and the Windows event log.


Schedule automatic updates to the MOM data warehouse.


Configure MOM Reporting to Use the MOM Data Warehouse


Configure an ODBC data source.


Configure MOM Reporting to access the MOM data warehouse.

Web Console

The following checklist describes the tasks that are required for deploying the MOM Web console.

Checklist 12 Deploying MOM Web Console


Install the MOM Web console


box Verify Web console requirements


box Install IIS, if it is not already installed


box Install the MOM Web console


box Open the MOM Web console and verify functionality


box Configure security for the MOM Web console access


box Test MOM Web console access from a different computer

For More Information

For a downloadable version of these checklists in Microsoft Word format, see the MOM SP1 Deployment Checklists in the Microsoft Download Center. See also the MOM SP1 Deployment Guide on this Web site.

Additional Resources


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