Upgrading when you have the SP2 version of Windows Server 2003 R2
Applies To: Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
This topic applies to you only if you have the second release of Windows Server 2003 R2 which contains Service Pack 2 (SP2).To verify that you have this version, ensure that "includes Service Pack 2" is labeled on your product discs. If the discs that you have do not specify which service pack is included, then the discs contain Service Pack 1 (SP1).
You can upgrade to Windows Server 2003 R2 from computers running the following operating systems:
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003 with SP1
Windows 2000 Server
Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or later
Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition with Service Pack 5 or later
If you are running Windows Server 2003 and you do not have the latest service pack installed, you can download and install it from the Microsoft Web site (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=77236). Use this method if you do not want to install the integrated version that is included on Disc 1. The service pack is included within the operating system, and therefore, you cannot uninstall it alone.
When you install Windows Server 2003 R2, you are not installing the Windows Server 2003 R2 optional components. After Setup is complete, you can install the optional components by using Add/Remove Windows Components in Control Panel. You also have the option to add or upgrade server roles using Manage Your Server. For more information about these options, see Installing Optional Components and Server Roles.
If you install Disc 1, you can only install the Disc 2 that came with your version of Windows Server 2003 R2—you cannot install the Disc 2 that came with a previous version of Windows Server 2003 R2.
Upgrading by using the product discs
Upgrading from a shared network resource
Upgrade Diagram
To upgrade to Windows Server 2003 R2, you need to install both product discs.
To upgrade to Windows Server 2003 R2
Log on to the computer as an administrator.
To first upgrade to the latest version of Windows Server 2003, insert Disc 1 into your CD-ROM drive. If the disc does not automatically open, open the disc, and then click Setup.exe.
On the first screen, select the option to install the operating system.
In Installation Type, select Upgrade (Recommended).
Click Next, and continue to follow the instructions on your screen, and enter the product key that comes with the two product CDs.
After Setup for Disc 1 is complete, log on to the computer as an administrator.
When you are prompted, insert Disc 2 and then click OK.
Follow the instructions on your screen.
To upgrade to Windows Server 2003 R2 using a shared network resource, you need to copy the source files from both discs to a network share.
To upgrade to Windows Server 2003 R2
Log on to the computer as an administrator.
On a network server, create a shared resource called \\ServerName\FolderName, where ServerName is the name of your server, and FolderName is the name of the shared resource that you created.
Ensure that only system administrators have full access to this folder. Other users should have only Read and Execute permissions.
Copy all of the files and folders from Disc 1 to the shared resource.
Copy all of the files and folders from Disc 2 to the shared resource.
Click Yes to overwrite the Autorun.inf file.
On the computer that you want to upgrade to Windows Server 2003 R2, connect to the shared folder that contains the source files.
To first install Windows Server 2003, in the i386 folder, click Winnt32.exe. For 64-bit versions, this file is located in the Amd64 folder.
Follow the instructions on your screen, and enter the product key that comes with the two product discs.
After Setup for Windows Server 2003 is complete, log on to the computer as an administrator. Setup for Disc 2 should start automatically. If it does not start automatically, connect to the shared folder that contains the source files and run D:r2auto.exe. D is the drive letter associated with your CD-ROM drive.
Follow the instructions on your screen.
The following diagram shows the upgrade paths that are supported with this version of Windows Server 2003 R2.